[3.24] Rider of the Spiritstorm - Chargestacker Scion of Tornadoes

Hello and Welcome!

First, this is a heavily modified Version of this Build. Heavily Enough that it warrants its own build in my opinion ;)

Also thank you random person for mentioning that tornado exists in hideout. Divine Ire works too, but is a bit rippy with lifetap and has weak clear.

This build utilizes Tornado of elemental Turbulence for Damage. This is a spell that can summon 3 tornadoes in Total and convert its damage from physical to a random element. It also chases down enemies.

T16 8mod gameplay

TLDR give me those Pobs:

Cheapo Beginner: https://pobb.in/GMoT8QNE2et4 (only amulet is maybe expensive, everything else under 100c)
Standard, with good items:
Last entry in league (could still be better, but not much):


All standard content, simu wave 30 deathless, 70% feared etc done
This build is also a strong sanctum runner
t17 with the right mods are done.
Uberbosses done - All content clear.


First the core items:

Of course the 3 abyss socket version is not needed, but its nice.

For belt we use one of these, depending on your budget:

as for weapons we use a rare sceptre and the squire (or a staff for budget):


We use Lightpoacher to stack Spiritcharges(and archmage support + The Agnostic + petrified blood to stop these charges from getting used)
We also use Unleashed Potential, Raider and Assassin Ascendancy to stack all other charges. In the end I reach 19 Spirit Charges (95% extra elemental damage of each element) 8 Power charges, 4 frenzy charges and 6 Endurance charges.
thanks to our chest we also ignore 19*4 elemental resistances (76% elemental pen)

For defensive purposes we also stack determination and purity of elements with a decent life pool. We also use vitality to counteract the life cost of our spells and have slayer like leech. We also have ~ 85% spell Suppression with a lucky Modifier(1-(0.15*0.15)*100 = 97,75%)
We also immune to all elemental ailments, immune to curses, curse on hit with enfeeble, stagger damage and have 55% of life as lowlife mastery.
Finally we utilize molten shell selfcast.(unfortunately)

Map Mods

This build cannot do Elemental reflect
All other mods are doable, but take care of reduced regen/lifegain and reduced aura effect and max resistances. The same holds true for t17 mods



Base item:
Get either lucky with heist orbs for +1 modifier or buy a base that already have that. Void or Opal Scepter is best, but secrets of suffering would work too.
Slam it with the cheapest Conqueror Exalt. Harvest craft the influence toShaper or Elder. Awakened Orb the second influence.

Alteration spam 40% more Spelldmg(oh noes!)
free suffix? yay - else Annul it and pray.
Craft prefix cannot be changed (2 div)
Money? - imprint!
Regal it and hope for suffix - if not annul and pray.
Craft +mana prefix (now only one open Prefix left.)
Harvest Craft caster mod and hope for a good mod <- (This step may be improved)
hope for free suffix or annul one :X
craft prefixes cannot be changed and Scour -> 2 Prefix Scepter

7. remove crafted mods (if there are still some left - but don't remove enchantment!)
8. add prefixes cannot be changed
9. add suffixes cannot be changed
10. Harvestcraft reforge crit -> got crit dmg or strikes?
11. try to get the second one :D
12. failed? -> remove crafted modifiers and enchant only prefixes cannot be changed and scour
13. It worked? -> yay! enchant first max roll spell crit and then! +2 support gemlevel.

Tricks and Tactics

for uber bosses and charge generation were there is no trash beforehand, always have a worm flask ready (or more!) Thanks to our impossible escape we always have charges for lifeflasks.

Enhance increases the Speed of our Tornadoes, quite nice for farming maps and sanctum.

Be aware that i currently use a very defensive version of the build. The damage cap is a lot higher with different curse and flasks. As soon as i reach 100 i will switch to a little more damage oriented build.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5
tsunamikun 님이 2024. 5. 16. 오전 6:57:10에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2024. 5. 18. 오후 1:15:07

The build seems interesting !

Do you think it would be possible to leaguestart or just play another character to farm currency and get core items before ?
Daeshar 님이 작성:

The build seems interesting !

Do you think it would be possible to leaguestart or just play another character to farm currency and get core items before ?

I played league start with it, or at least with divine ire, tornado should be alot easier. So i say it depends. You only real core item is Lightpoacher. So after the first day you can leaguestart this, as the helmet is dirtcheap. I will add a starter Pob. Main problem is that you will need the gem too, so either with luck or with buying, dunno how expensive they will be next season

edit: cheapo PoB added
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5
tsunamikun 님이 2024. 5. 16. 오전 6:57:49에 마지막으로 편집
What did u level this with?
Leveling tree, Ascendancy?
handark12 님이 작성:
What did u level this with?
Leveling tree, Ascendancy?

I just used the standard spell scion with mana nodes as there are several near the final version of the tree. then plug in archmage + arcane cloak + mind over matter + agnostic(without petrified blood ofc) and try get near the level 85 tree. I would take raider ascendancy first with bloodrage.

as for spells, you could arc or if you already specced into pyhsical nodes, purifing flame or wave of conviction. DI is a little dangerous, i mainly used it because it casually oneshots most rares in the story. but i think standard level strats will be more effective
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5
tsunamikun 님이 2024. 5. 18. 오후 1:26:32에 마지막으로 편집

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