Minion Unset Ring

~price 1mirror

Mirror fee: 100 divine

@Forbidden_Ryuya Hi, I would like to mirror your Foe Coil Unset Ring

Item Class: Rings
Rarity: Rare
Foe Coil
Unset Ring
Quality (Life and Mana Modifiers): +20% (augmented)
Level: 72
Dex: 70
Int: 100
Sockets: W
Item Level: 91
Has 1 Socket (implicit)
Item sells for much more to vendors (implicit)
Minions have 38% increased maximum Life (fractured)
Minions deal 42% increased Damage (fractured)
Minions have 16% increased Attack and Cast Speed (fractured)
+94 to maximum Life
Regenerate 40 Life per second
+72 to maximum Mana
18% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
Fractured Item

Dyudan#7048 님이 2024. 5. 30. 오후 12:15:17에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2024. 5. 28. 오전 9:39:09

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