[3.25] Eva the Fairy's CDD CI Necro, League-Start to End-Game (6-60+ mil dps)
" nice video, looks like ur lagging quite a bit tho. have u remembered to set the game to "predictive mode" in the game settings? that might help things play and feel much smoother for the build also the wand is still pretty bad x3 u want to use essence of fear for a guaranteed minimum "minions deal 83% increased damage" mod and hope for good prefix and suffix rolls then craft the "trigger" mod. |
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What do you think it will be the best wand to put damage to the maximum. T1 spell damage or t1 cast speed together with 94% minion damage? Also instead of frenzy which I never use or being able to proc. I added vaal lightning trap and I am also thinking of smite, which gives lightning damage to spells. What's your thoughts about that? (we are dealing fire damage right? because I bought a helmet with -9% fire resistances to nearby enemies) You thing I khare, but I realy dond. Spacecom#5362 님이 2024. 10. 17. 오전 9:02:39에 마지막으로 편집
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" hi, thats a much better wand for sure :) i dont recommend getting spell damage scaling at all since the corpse explosion part of CDD doesnt scale off spell damage modifiers at all. cast speed is always desired so id say that with the minion dmg, extra good if u can get % fire dmg as well :) its understandable to not want to use frenzy attack. i dont think using vaal lightning trap will help much with ur dmg. we already do 15% shock naturally through our ascendancy. so the trap seems to be a waste. and u have to use a sceptre to attack with smite. it does seem like then u might as well use a wand with frenzy for the frenzy charges since u will gain much more dps from frenzy charges relative to the smite buff. there is also the option to use the ralakesh's impatience boots for perma uptime on all 3 charges. that way u dont have to worry about maintaining frenzy charges. but u will have to find another way to become chill immune then, or if it doesnt bother u then thats okay too. |
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WHich flask is best for Boss encounters? Bottled Faith or Atziri flask or what?
Here is a video of the Feared, facetanking evertyhing, Slams, yellow balls, yellow beams, double flameblasts, ground degenerations. Only 1 death. A double flameblast got me eventually. Should have used some other flask and not the mapping one. https://youtu.be/fgaUbVgVVW8 You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
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" very nice video id say the unique flask u pick doesnt matter much in boss rooms since their uptime will be so low regardless since we cant generate flask charges. a rare flask suffix swap u can do is if ur fighting a boss that doesnt curse, u can use a 3% life regen suffix flask instead. since thats almost 6% ES regen which helps a lot vs degens :) im also working on a triple health pool with triple recoup, MoM and corrupted soul version of the CDD build. it has a bit less dps but is much tankier and it uses progenesis with 100% uptime vs bosses etc. id say that build version would be able to survive the double flameblast that killed u here ^^ Roflewofle#4083 님이 2024. 10. 20. 오후 4:08:34에 마지막으로 편집
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That is what I am using for mapping and bossing regarding the potions. I ll link my current and permenant setup, I dont have alternative:
You were saying switching which potion with which? So maybe replace the unique flask with that flask that has 40%increase damage and concecrated ground effect, I think Sulphur flask, with "Gain 3 charges when hit by an enemy mod" + something usefull like cast speed or spell damage leech, or even with 70% enchant and 25% increase mod but not inside mageblood, that would be 78% increased damage total + concecrated ground. Yeah I saw your new build, but didnt realized what it was about, I though you were testing some Life version or leveling a new character. Seems interesting but the "lower dps" doesnt sell it to me, unless you can tank literally everything untill it dies. Then yes, please. This build is my side project. It is tankier than my main character, who is already a lot tanky without any leech, regeneration or energy on hit, but has legacy watcher's eyes and mid-legacy taste of hate so has 50%phys as something else. But the damage on that character is unreal. I like how these two builds complement each other. With my main character the Feared would be 30 seconds tops, if the huge dots wouldnt kill me in miliseconds. But now I have this build, comes in, stays , loots, comes out. In the back of my head I always try to brainstorm ways to squeeze in more damage, because even a few more millions can make a huge difference. Like synthesize rings and jewels and hope for minion damage, fire damage or cast speed.Also thought of putting in ring Animate guardian with items that boost damage and helmet that gives to enemies increased elemental damage taken etc. but it would instant die. You thing I khare, but I realy dond. Spacecom#5362 님이 2024. 10. 20. 오후 8:46:44에 마지막으로 편집
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its a good flask setup, sadly u cant use a 5th magic flask with mageblood, it will be diabled by default. and u already have the life regen suffix on a potion so there isnt a need to switch any flasks. its as optimal as it can get more or less.
and yeah my build cant compare to many of the really tanky builds out there, i suggest checking out molten strike of zenith by connor converse if u want a god tier build. if u really want more dps but playing the same build then u can go for either one of the defensive layer versions (CI or MoM) and then convert it into the high endgame original sin version. it can get up to 60 mil dps or more. that is a huge dps upgrade. but if u dont wanna invest into that its understandable since the original sin ring is very expensive. also u probably want to lower the level of arcane surge support to level 17 since u probably wont have 100% arcane surge uptime with its current level relative to the desecrate mana cost. i dont know ur exact numbers so i might be wrong, but its something thats worth checking. u can simply walk up to an enemy, put out 2 arcanist brands on the target and see if ur arcane surge buff has 100% uptime on said single target with 2 brands active. if not u should lower the level of the arcane surge support gem until it has 100% uptime. and ye i lvled up a new witch to test out the MoM version to see if it would work as a league starter, it idd can. so im thinking of league starting it for the next poe 1 season :) i am also currently leveling up a ruthless mode occultist with forbidden rite with 74% life and energy shield recoup just for fun and its quite enjoyable. the poe 2 early access waiting room is real ^^ Roflewofle#4083 님이 2024. 10. 20. 오후 10:03:11에 마지막으로 편집
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there is a guide in the forum or somewhere to check the original sin version ?
By the way I checked that build you said about molten strike, I dont like it. Everything is rare crafted which is too muhc hastle and expensive for me. But in a video of the same build I checked, the guy spoke about a mechanic I was NOT aware of. WHen I though of it I said it cannot be true, because it breaks the game... it can be abused. But it was true. When you shift a damage to another, you get rid of the penetration. So in Shaper + Elder fight, or just Shaper fight, you have 30% cold penetration. So I have a great wolf amulet which gives "100% cold damge turns into lightning". (we get rid of penetration). I have a corrupted Incadescent Heart that has 6% less Lightning Damage taken. Also since I am an old player in standard, I have a potion that says 10% less elemental damage at the element your uncapped resistance is lower. I can make my lightning uncapped resistance lower easily. So in total, I converst all cold damage into Lightning with no penetration, and I have 16% less lightning damage taken, also 25% of elemental damage taken as chaos damage from chest armour, +4 endurance charges. I have to test it immediately!!! (bonus: same potion has 20% penetration to the element your uncapped resistance is higher, which can be achieved with a ruby flask in mageblood instead of the bismuth, we get extra 20% fire penetration) I will lower arcane surge You thing I khare, but I realy dond. Spacecom#5362 님이 2024. 10. 21. 오후 10:48:01에 마지막으로 편집
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so i rly dont recommend trying the ele conversion strat u just mentioned because the amulet only converts hit damage. meaning if u have low resistances and take any form of dmg that isnt a hit u will get oneshot.
and yes i have multiple stages of investment to the CI CDD build in the pob loadouts menu. i wrote about it in the pob notes section. do u have path of building (community fork)? open the link in there and have a look, it should help inform u on a bunch of stuff including the original sin version. |
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Why have low resistances? I have 90% in everything I just switched the amulet for the fight.. I tested it in Normal Shaper with Maven and the build performed marvously, I tanked the yellow balls and the purple balls phase without a scratch. I will test Elder+Shaper and maybe Uber Shaper. You really get rid the elemental penetration of Shaper's spells. You can do the same to tank Uber Atziri double flameblast with a fire conversion amulet.
So does the Original Sin build do a lot more damage? I am very very interested. Edit: Nevermind, I checked price of the ring in standard it is like 1.000 div. Wait I chagnged my mind. I play in standard so I have access to legacy melding of flesh that gives just -70% to resistances (without to -4% max res). So I can have slightly different passive tree and amulet-annoint than yours in the Original sin version PoB.If that build I can make has the same tankiness but like 90 or 100M DPS. I can do it. We can alocate those passives you need to cap your maximum resistances into some other DPS passives. What do you think? We can fabricate it? You thing I khare, but I realy dond. Spacecom#5362 님이 2024. 10. 22. 오후 1:15:07에 마지막으로 편집
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