ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
Build looks very nice, I might give it a try just to be able to test myself the difference between EV and AR as defence tehniques (currently got a Lvl84 marauder 1H axe/shield max block so I already pretty much have all the gear);
One question though, you said the DPS is smooth (no spikes in damage), but you only have one accuracy node (the gear is rather specific, no room to compensate there),so what is your chance to hit ? |
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" Thanks for the comment. My chance to hit is 87% right now. With this build you will reach ~8 attacks per second (up to ~10/sec with frenzy charges). Because of this extreme attack speed - I can barely notice any missed attacks. I think accuracy ~90% should be enough (you can get more accuracy from gear if you like, there is also a cluster of accuracy nodes right along the path of this tree below Acrobatics) This is also why starting as Ranger is a good idea - she gains a lot of accuracy from her huge Dexterity gains by leveling. Ceryneian#3541 님이 2013. 8. 25. 오후 9:46:35에 마지막으로 편집
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The only problem one face while leveling would be the mana cost, currently running with 6% leech yet having problems on single targets.
As for AoE however, one can not get oom. Also, only running with a 3L sure helps, double strike is strong as it is witout the ,extra hits from the 4th support! Running with that low level unique belt with leech, rusched for the shadow talent and a ring with 2% aswell to top it off. As for leveling i strongly suggest that one runs with the Blooddancer boots, both for the free frenzy charges it randomly brings but mostly due to it´s regen. Having ALOT of fun with this build at lvl 50 and feeling verry strong! Cant wait til Merciless! Free bump aswell! zzZzzzZzzZz Tzaina#1504 님이 2013. 8. 25. 오후 2:31:22에 마지막으로 편집
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" Thanks! Nice idea on using the Blood Dancer boots for leveling. It reduces our attack speed, but the life regen would be helpful to some as they level - I will add to the guide. Ceryneian#3541 님이 2013. 8. 25. 오후 3:25:35에 마지막으로 편집
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Updated guide with more videos! Includes:
Level 71 Temple Piety Map (mods included 87% extra damage as lightning, and frenzied monsters): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CARVdP5G3to Level 72 Mine Map - 2x Unique Boss - Fidelitas, the Mourning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kEq8YRRzKY. Level 73 Cells Map - 2x Unique Boss - Void Bearers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S750VL6yS1o Level 74 Maze Map - 2x Unique Boss - Vaal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMToIXlyzRI Ceryneian#3541 님이 2013. 8. 27. 오전 2:46:47에 마지막으로 편집
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What about the crystal skin nodes for HC? What order would they be checked with spell block/spell dodge? Its only the ailments though so unsure..maybe the shock ones would help most?
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How much mana leech is recommended before getting Soul Taker? I'm level 67 right now and go OOM quite a bit, single targets are quite a problem.
Have 4% right now and that's not cuttin it. |
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So the other day when I read this build, I told myself I had to try it. 2 days later and I'm lv 62, facerolling through Act 3 Merciless right now. This build is awesome, and amazingly fun too. My gear sucks, but I still manage. Thanks for writing up this guide! I've never had this much fun in PoE. I plan to be doing some low-level maps by tomorrow, so I'll keep you posted.
imoshu#6800 님이 2013. 8. 27. 오후 5:40:21에 마지막으로 편집
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I am SO glad to see this build posted in such a good way :)
I made a character EXACTLY like this in the beginning of POE. Telling people that if you have 50% evade, 75% block, 30% dodge, 20% spell dodge and items that give spell block from block - you would have a near-unkillable character. The counter arguments back then were: 1) Your damage will suck 2) Your AOE will suck 3) Your mana wont be able to keep up 4) With no armor IF they hit you - you will be one shot. You masterfully explained here how these counter arguments can and will be shut down and overcomed *Clap* Thanks for taking your time to write this up! |
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" Hey, I don't think those points would be necessary. You would be investing a good number of points to get decent avoidance chance vs. status ailments. The good thing about evade, dodge, and block is that it prevents all damage, including harmful effects such as status ailments. I feel it would be more important to focus on capping your resistances. You can also carry some flasks to remove status ailments, if it would help. I have on my granite flask a mod to remove Shock, and on my Amethyst flask a mod to dispel Frozen. You can get others for Burning, Bleeding, etc. if you need. I find shock and freeze to be the most dangerous, but I have not had any problems with these given high resistances and high evade/dodge/block. For HC, I would be more worried about stuns (unless you have an Eye of Chayula) - and it would be a good idea to get the Heart of Oak node right at the start of the Ranger area. This is an incredible node giving a 30% chance to avoid stun, 1% life regen, and +4% maximum life. However I must say that I have not had any problems with stuns/block recovery in this build given its highly evasive nature, and I removed those nodes from the tree. The only time I worry about stuns and block recovery are in Vulnerability maps, and then I usually swap out Lazhwar for Chayula. Hope this helps, there seems to be a lot of HC interest and I may post a separate note in the guide outlining possible tweaks to the build for HC. |
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