[1.0.1]theWombo's Crit Lightning Arrow with Pierce; FROST WALL ABUSE(semi noob-friendly)

namad 님이 작성:
Also in the video having the map open makes it quite hard to see... also there seems to be quite some low framerate making it hard to tell what's actually happening as well.

Sorry about this deficiency; I do not have a good enough computer(or laptop) to run PoE well enough. Believe it or not the recording captures the same way I play the game. That is why having a build that is able to run in and be careless was something I attempted to strive for. With careful play I believe this build has lots of potential, even in hardcore/nemesis.

Psym0nkey 님이 작성:
How would this build perform on nemesis/hardcore? It looks really fun!

I had a few people PM me telling me that they were going to try out the build in nemesis. I wished them luck and I believe in the build's hardcore viability; although I have yet to try it out.
Im new to PoE in general, would this build be recommended for a newbie like me? I came from a long line of gaming such as D2 and D3 and Titan Quest. Im also a veteran player of WoW if that help at all. So It will be quick for me to learn things, but how will I get all the gear necessary for it? Or atleast just enough to hit the requirement?

And what are your bandit rewards?
Critorious 님이 2013. 11. 10. 오전 2:24:05에 마지막으로 편집
Critorious 님이 작성:
Im new to PoE in general, would this build be recommended for a newbie like me? I came from a long line of gaming such as D2 and D3 and Titan Quest. Im also a veteran player of WoW if that help at all. So It will be quick for me to learn things, but how will I get all the gear necessary for it? Or atleast just enough to hit the requirement?

And what are your bandit rewards?

I think this is a fine build for your first try; this is ranged so its easier than going melee and is also very powerful. You also won't run into the infamous desync problems as often. Once you go ranged you can be more observant of other builds and try them out on a consequent character. The gear I have had for most of the build's life was subpar. I think the biggest things you need are

-alpha howl for the reduce mana reservation to run two auras.
-5L CHEST(inexpensive)
-Gear to cap your resists @ 75% for fire/light/cold

Its a pretty low requirement build. As you reach higher levels and are able to trade and find/make money use it to buy better gear and eventually you will reach where I am if you choose to go this far. Otherwise you can stop at anytime and try out a new build. :)

My bandit quest rewards are help oak(+40hp), help oak(+18%IPD), help Kraityn(+1Max frenzy)
thewombo 님이 2013. 11. 10. 오후 6:32:29에 마지막으로 편집
Also, I am trying this out in nemesis to test its HC viability! Wish me luck :3 If anybody else has tried this out in hardcore tell me how it went :)
See you in HC on the weekend, yeah? Don't hit corrupted blood too much =)
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
thewombo 님이 작성:
Thank you for the responses and feedback! I appreciate it and will attempt to incorporate and clarify these matters in my build tomorrow when I have time.

Almornik 님이 작성:
When Lightning Arrow / Frost Arrow hit ANY Target they proc their AoE/Cone-effect.
In case of Lighnting Arrow it hits 3 nearby targets.
Now it pierces and procs of another Frostwall for 3 more AoE hits.
I think that is what he meant.

This is what I mean. Thank you for helping answer namad's questions. :)

You are very welcome :)
Now my sugesstion:

Cast on Damage taken -> Spell Totem -> Frost Wall -> Faster casting
Cast on Damage taken -> Frost Wall -> Frost Wall -> Frost Wall

other idea:
Lightning Arrow -> Cast on Crit -> Frostwall +1-3 other Supports or Frostwalls ;)

Since I have 10 Characters and no Bow user but two Quill Rain, a Chin Sol and both unique Quivers...
I will give it a try :)
Lets see if Chin Sol and Frostwall pushback is counterproductive...

Spelltotem + Frostwall got used on many of my Characters. The Arc-Witch, The Firestorm-Witch, The Freezing-Pulse-Shadow. Even on my Reave-Claw-Shadow. I used it on anything that penetrates or AoEs the Wall :)
But never thought about using it for penetrate-procs!
You, Sir, are a genious in theorycrafting!
Kirielis 님이 작성:
See you in HC on the weekend, yeah? Don't hit corrupted blood too much =)

Yeah next weekend maybe! Couldn't find time during the US Veterans day weekend to get on :(

Almornik 님이 작성:
thewombo 님이 작성:
Thank you for the responses and feedback! I appreciate it and will attempt to incorporate and clarify these matters in my build tomorrow when I have time.

Almornik 님이 작성:
When Lightning Arrow / Frost Arrow hit ANY Target they proc their AoE/Cone-effect.
In case of Lighnting Arrow it hits 3 nearby targets.
Now it pierces and procs of another Frostwall for 3 more AoE hits.
I think that is what he meant.

This is what I mean. Thank you for helping answer namad's questions. :)

You are very welcome :)
Now my sugesstion:

Cast on Damage taken -> Spell Totem -> Frost Wall -> Faster casting
Cast on Damage taken -> Frost Wall -> Frost Wall -> Frost Wall

other idea:
Lightning Arrow -> Cast on Crit -> Frostwall +1-3 other Supports or Frostwalls ;)

Since I have 10 Characters and no Bow user but two Quill Rain, a Chin Sol and both unique Quivers...
I will give it a try :)
Lets see if Chin Sol and Frostwall pushback is counterproductive...

Spelltotem + Frostwall got used on many of my Characters. The Arc-Witch, The Firestorm-Witch, The Freezing-Pulse-Shadow. Even on my Reave-Claw-Shadow. I used it on anything that penetrates or AoEs the Wall :)
But never thought about using it for penetrate-procs!
You, Sir, are a genious in theorycrafting!

With updates/changes to CwDT, I will observe the effects of these changes and see how I may make changes myself. I think I may replace increased duration with enduring cry and enfeeble with another frost wall for double frost walls;

On my second 4L I can no longer build Power charges with PCoC; I will potentially replace this with enfeeble frostwall and blind

This means for potentially 3 frostwalls with lower duration. This may achieve the same effect as 1 frost wall with increased duration. Also less of a bother for parties.

On your suggestions: Keep in mind that this build is EV based and thus consequently EV gear based. RBBB is hard to get on dex based gear! :)

On the LA cast on crit suggestion; I don't think unsocketing the supports for LA to cast frost wall will make up for the loss in DPS. It may look cool, but may not necessarily make up for DPS. ;)

lol your build got fucked by GGG, gg.
kaytoph 님이 2013. 11. 13. 오전 3:58:44에 마지막으로 편집
why do you have so much increased stun duration on your items?
does it increase dmg or some shit?
vententjsp 님이 작성:
why do you have so much increased stun duration on your items?
does it increase dmg or some shit?

It just came on the gear I was using at the time. Spent some time to buy new gear and phased the stun duration out. :P

New gear has been updated in the guide.
thewombo 님이 2013. 11. 16. 오전 12:12:30에 마지막으로 편집

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