Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

just found this while leveling - is this a hint to start this build?!
demaiter 님이 작성:
Thanks Mathil for the guide, really enjoying the build.

Looking for some advice.

Rolled this sword today and was wondering if I should try to eternal/exalt this for more ele damage, or should I spend currency to 6L my chest? Not sure which will increase DPS moreso, I'm leaning towards the 6L though. Any help is appreciated.

I also need to exalt %EV on my chest, but that can wait I figure, unless I should be dumping that chest for Lightning Coil and trying to 6L that?

6L would add far more DPS however, et/exing the sword is a far more realistic goal. I would lean towards the 6L. Coil is very nice to have and if you want to 6L anything, I would 6L a Coil.

My advice is buy a coil, work on 6Ling that whilst using your current chest in the meantime.

theSuRcher 님이 작성:

just found this while leveling - is this a hint to start this build?!

Obviously, Chris Wilson commands it.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon#1131 님이 2014. 3. 23. 오후 3:37:52에 마지막으로 편집
i know this is weird but why not physical buzzsaw?

hatred instead of 2 auras = big phys dmg + cold boost = more defensive auras

or is it just so much better with elemental dmg?
ruzga#5270 님이 2014. 3. 23. 오후 8:24:20에 마지막으로 편집
I'm enjoying the heck out of this so far, but I'm hitting 60, and in Merciless A2, and definitely having mitigation problems. I've only got 751 armor and 1051 evasion. Is this just a gear issue, or is there something else I should be doing that I'm not thinking about?

Self-Finding gear right now is a huge issue, since of course I want Life/Resist/Defense

Decided to Vaal my sword today. Better then a reroll I guess. I did it because I got a sword that was better then it, but I Vaal'd it and it rerolled, was only a 20dps difference anyway :(
Level 66 atm and I'm still at only 2.6k DPS with alpha howl. Not seeing these massive numbers that others are reporting. Have a pretty decent weapon too. Does it pick up later?
Rymos 님이 작성:
Level 66 atm and I'm still at only 2.6k DPS with alpha howl. Not seeing these massive numbers that others are reporting. Have a pretty decent weapon too. Does it pick up later?

post your gear plz
Hi guys. Im playing on ambush. Im going RT having 50% dmg reduction with grace on. Without grace i got 28% dmg reduction.. I lose around 800dps by skipping haste tho.. im lvl 77

this is my gear.. i got some question about it..

Should I try to go for Lighning coil 5L or should i just keep 6L tabula?.. i got in total 4800 dps with grace on (grace,anger,wraith). I do miss alot of HP on my gear.. i know.. i just got 2750HP :(.. thats my biggest problem.. I got 1exalt left at this point.
i encountered another problem. I ran few 50% less regen maps lately and tried to use bloodmagic instead of weapon ele dmg for those maps. My dpd dropped to about 4.7k and i was basicaly killing myself, my lifeleech wasnt enough, especialy on single targets. my gems are 18-19 lvl, no quality. Is this low dps fault or should i aim for more LL on rings/gloves/amu?
shiremux 님이 작성:
i encountered another problem. I ran few 50% less regen maps lately and tried to use bloodmagic instead of weapon ele dmg for those maps. My dpd dropped to about 4.7k and i was basicaly killing myself, my lifeleech wasnt enough, especialy on single targets. my gems are 18-19 lvl, no quality. Is this low dps fault or should i aim for more LL on rings/gloves/amu?

Mathil! Life leech vs Life on hit, why? Where? When? How do I life?

Right, so at the moment I use life leech in my 6L almost all of the time. I do however have a high quality and level Life on Hit gem with me at all times which I will swap in over life leech usually only for maps that have 50% regen and some sort of damage resistance. With 50% regen and enfeeble for example, life leech will have a tough time keeping you up so you'll find life on hit to be the superior gem in that situation. You're still better off swapping your life leech gem back in for bosses/single target because that is where life on hit truly does near nothing.
Sinivra#3413 님이 2014. 3. 24. 오전 5:18:27에 마지막으로 편집

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