Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

BenN1ce 님이 작성:
Does anyone know if you have 2 level 20 / Q20 reduced mana gems if you can run 5 auras? I can run haste, anger, wrath and purity of elements but want to squeeze in grace too.

quality on reduced mana doesn't count towards auras.
You'll on;y get that last aura on if it's a 40% aura. IF you don't have or want purity then maybe you could try vitality for now? But another 60% aura isn't going to happen without a slight buff to reservation.

You can try doing the math on it. It all depends on you mana.
49% less reserved including alphas.

so, 60% auras reserve 30.6% then factor Reduced Mana gem. 21.726 or 22%
and 40% are 20.4 then RM so 14.484 or 15%

That means, 3 60% auras and 2 40% auras reserve 96% of mana.
4 60% auras and 1 40% aura reserves 103%. So, no you can not.

Even if you used an Empower to try to boost RM you'd still have issues where I don't believe you could fit them into the mana.
You would need 7 more passives to get the other 5% Mana reservation node and that's a lot of points you could instead allocate 3 of those towards evasion % increase and life which would pay off more if you so desired.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Madcow1120#4324 님이 2014. 2. 25. 오후 4:18:33에 마지막으로 편집
Madcow1120 님이 작성:
BenN1ce 님이 작성:
Does anyone know if you have 2 level 20 / Q20 reduced mana gems if you can run 5 auras? I can run haste, anger, wrath and purity of elements but want to squeeze in grace too.

quality on reduced mana doesn't count towards auras.
You'll on;y get that last aura on if it's a 40% aura. IF you don't have or want purity then maybe you could try vitality for now? But another 60% aura isn't going to happen without a slight buff to reservation.

You can try doing the math on it. It all depends on you mana.
49% less reserved including alphas.

so, 60% auras reserve 30.6% then factor Reduced Mana gem. 21.726 or 22%
and 40% are 20.4 then RM so 14.484 or 15%

That means, 3 60% auras and 2 40% auras reserve 96% of mana.
4 60% auras and 1 40% aura reserves 103%. So, no you can not.

Even if you used an Empower to try to boost RM you'd still have issues where I don't believe you could fit them into the mana.
You would need 7 more passives to get the other 5% Mana reservation node and that's a lot of points you could instead allocate 3 of those towards evasion % increase and life which would pay off more if you so desired.

Empower also has a mana mod that increases reservation. The answer to the original question is no. You are doing 4 60%s and 1 40%, you need Alpha's.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon 님이 작성:

Empower also has a mana mod that increases reservation. The answer to the original question is no. You are doing 4 60%s and 1 40%, you need Alpha's.

ah yeah so even empower won't work.

Only way to do it is probably with a Prism Guardian but then you lose out on all the evasion from shield which negates the gain from grace.
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Yeah i have an alpha. Can't do 5 auras :( Oh well.
Chundadragon 님이 작성:
Asking the OP is every group he plays in has an aura bot is a bit silly when the title of the thread says "Solo the entire the game"

Don't think you're quite getting the point of this, you're a ranged character, you don't need as high life as a melee tank build. Even then, 300% + life is excessive. My friend in Nemesis could do Palace Dominus, one of the hardest hitting bosses with 5k life and he's a melee IB build. You haven't accounted for the fact that whilst you're build is entirely tunnelling life nodes, it is a full points build meaning you won't have that much life until you are level 95+ unless you decide to do shit for DPS.

Stun is not problem at all with this build, seeing as you have a shield (~30% avoidance), evasion (~50% avoidance with good gear) and Acrobatics (~30% avoidance flat). Way it works out is you take damage roughly 24.5% of the time. Coupled with 30% avoidance, even if a hit can stun you, 80% of the time - it won't. With Iron Reflexes and armour's typical bad scaling, in the best case scenario, your still gunna be taking a huge amount of damage and getting stunned by bad dmg mod bosses/rares. CI is a completely different story, and irrelevant.

I see you have a level 78 Marauder, course you would have no problem with stun, with your style of building and Marauder's access to life nodes I imagined you've tunnelled the shit out of the life nodes in the tree. That's the way stun works (it's calculated off a percentage of your life, so CI builds having ~1 life suffer badly.) Even still, I don't believe you will have experienced the full range of challenges in this game having only a level 78 to appreciate that your build is going to suffer tragically in end-game maps, dealing shit for damage and playing only to survive and get carried, being very ineffective solo. (And you will get stunned without US, you just haven't taken any huge hits like you do in high maps) If that is your way of playing HC, that's fine but it'll probably be better playing Standard and actually experiencing the game for real.

First, I only asked about OP playing as an aura bot only after he first questioned and mentioned that I'd be a bad one bc I mentioned the possibility of playing with 3 auras instead of 5, and was told there would typically be a dedicated "aura bitch" running 7 auras in a group, to which I replied that a 7 aura bitch would trump both 3 and 5 aura builds.

Second, I look at this build and question if it's nem/hc viable bc while the OP has 6100 hp at level 95, i see a 81 pt build with 138% increased life. 81 pts would mean you're level 63 (accounting for helping bandits twice) and in a few more levels, reaching maps. I dunno about you, but I think that's a tad too risky. I did only post my endgame version builds bc this isn't my build and thus, I'm not gonna break down how I would level up. But I can tell you that I typically want at least 200% life for sure when starting to map.

You see my lvl 78 marauder and you assume that's the highest I've gotten my char in this game...? I started with standard to learn the game and leveled many many chars to high 80s and early 90s. I've done a lot of "flavor of the month" builds, from Kripp's infamous freeze pulser marauder, Kerkrom/Etup's EK marauder, your friend's IB melee to lightning striker, Rain of arrows, etc. Basically any high life/tank build with good dps/cc. After i met some friends and joined a guild who only did hc/nem/onslaught, I switched over. I've lost some really decked out high lvl chars in nem (three times), 2 times to desync and once to a very bad, stars aligned, vulnerability map with double CB. After losing my third char in nem, I was in a very angry/depressed mood and vowed to quit for good. A friend said "don't worry he'll be back tomorrow lulz" I got really pissed off and deleted every single char I had in this game and thus, you see no chars at all in standard. So to answer your question, I've done many end game maps and played enough standard chars and hc chars in this game to know the difference.

In standard/dom, you can afford to play alittle more wreckless bc there's very little consequence for death, only losing a % of your exp from current level. So you quickly find yourself seeking higher dps to clear maps faster and make that a priority. In nem/hc, after you've experienced losing your precious chars that you've invested so much into, you just simply can't afford to play anything other than uber safe ones. I personally felt that the beauty of this build was its ability to gain its dps thru auras and the fact that it did not require speccing into so many dps nodes, as other builds typically do. Also, the fact that it doesn't require an uber expensive weapon(s) as most builds do was another attractive feature. With all the would be dps nodes, I simply replaced with life/armor/evasion nodes as fitting.

And I still stand by my statement, after personal experience, that not even end game maps had me ever worrying about stun, even with no unwavering stance. With all the other ridiculous mods to worry about, stun was honestly the last thing on my mind.
ign: BeastModeNeedSkittles
This build looks like a lot of fun. I haven't gotten a chance to use it yet because I don't have the gear. If anyone is selling stuff PM me I might be interested.

Really anxious to see what the mini-expansion brings, hopefully it doesn't mess up elemental builds because those are my favorite.
IGN : Futons
Skip511 님이 작성:
This is my weapon:

Now I searchd for a better one, but the only foils with three elemental rolls and faster attacks cost 3 Ex and more. So I want to try to craft a better weapon.

What do I have to do? What lvl should the foil be? What stats should I aim for before regaling it?

There are lots of better swords for much cheaper than 3ex. I bought this one today for 2chaos and there was a different seller selling a slightly better one for 5 chaos.

My DPS went up a lot from my old sword which was similar to yours that I also bought for 2 chaos for leveling.

Most of the people charging 3ex for elemental foils are overpricing cause they don't really know how much the sword they have is worth.
"Come along fool, a direct hit to the senses will leave you disconnected."
Actually i dont take Acrobatics and get some life instead of. My build running like something hyrbid eva/armour and i can still fine doing lv 76 maps. Still hoping to get a good eva chest to test the pure eva build

Chundadragon 님이 작성:
Skip511 님이 작성:
This is my weapon:

Now I searchd for a better one, but the only foils with three elemental rolls and faster attacks cost 3 Ex and more. So I want to try to craft a better weapon.

What do I have to do? What lvl should the foil be? What stats should I aim for before regaling it?

That weapon is bad, very low attack speed. You shouldn't look for three elemental rolls - that will do very little. All that matter is that it has 2.05+ APS and maybe one or two ele rolls.

To craft a weapon -

You should try and buy an ilevel 77 Foil, one with a base of 1.7 APS (So you can roll the max AS roll on it), Most likely, Serrated/Fancy Foil. Just ask in trade chat.

Then you should try and alt 20-27% AS. (Make sure the its >2 attacks per second)
Augment an elemental dmg roll (Look on poemods.com for the brackets)

If you get a good ele roll together with a good AS roll, regal it. If no good ele roll on that, scour and begin again. If you eventually have the currency, yolo exalt or et/ex your 3 mod foil for more ele dmg. But that is very unnecessary, high AS with 2 good ele rolls is good for endgame.

If you alt a nice ele roll, augment it and hope for AS roll but never regal until you have the AS sorted.

It should be not too expensive to get good AS and maybe 2 good ele rolls.

hoangbeo 님이 작성:
Thanks alot for this amazing build, i can do lv 76 till now, not able to get higher level map.

This is my gear, please suggest for improvement.

Trying to get 6l on the self-found chest but it is pain in the ass. Spent around 10 12ex to link but no result yet.

Sorry for my bad English

Very good, you have maxed out auras. The ele dmg on the belt is low and you're missing life on a ring. Attack speed on the gloves is also very low, get 12%+

Weapon is fine, amulet could do with 25%+ weapon ele, those % ele rolls are inferior. Augment your armor flask lmao :P

GL on the 6L, it helps out a lot. In my experience, it's just better to buy one - although I can see why you like your own chest :)

Thanks dude, for the suggestion

You know that, i really love my self-found chest(that why i lost much currency on it :D). Now will paying attention to get more att speed from gloves

One more question, is that worth to yolo exalt on the 32% ele ring to get some life?
hoangbeo 님이 작성:

Thanks dude, for the suggestion

You know that, i really love my self-found chest(that why i lost much currency on it :D). Now will paying attention to get more att speed from gloves

One more question, is that worth to yolo exalt on the 32% ele ring to get some life?

The ring has top tier WED, second tier flat lightning and a largely wasted stat. I would say no since with only 3 prefixes it could roll anything and you could most likely get a better ring with WED and life for not too much more than an exalt.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon#1131 님이 2014. 2. 26. 오전 10:19:40에 마지막으로 편집

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