[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

what do hardcore players think about infernal mantle? Does it pay off or is it better to go tankier?
"Embrace the darkness"
jerkan7#6100 님이 2014. 1. 16. 오전 8:04:58에 마지막으로 편집
swarmofseals 님이 작성:
Infernal Mantle is really driving me nuts! I know some of you have said just craft it but that looks like it could easily take multiple exalts to do.

5L mantles are going for like 3-5 ex now.

The cheapest 4L that I can find is 2 chaos. The only ones at around that price are 4 socket 4 linked, so getting the right colors could easily be 200-300 chroms.

Getting a 5 or 6s one and then both linking it and coloring it is also possible, but then we are talking fusings AND chroms -- you still need to get the right colors in the sockets that happened to be linked. The best estimate that I can find suggests that it'd probably take an average of maybe 50 fusings to 5L a 6s item. So that's over an exalt right there. I'm also not sure if you'd have to use 20 armor scraps between each attempt to get that probability, in which case the price would be way higher.

(above is based on "standard" exchange rates)

I calculated this morning that I have maybe 50 chaos or so in currency. The idea that I could easily burn through that and still not end up with a 4 or 5L mantle with the right colors is... disheartening.

True, Infernals prices are going up like crazy it seems nowadays some ask 5 - 6 exa for a 5L ....still some are williing to sell cheaper. I bought a 5S one last week for 10 chaos wich took me around 20 fusing to 4L it and ( lucky me ) just about the some amount of chroms to get the right colors on those.
Yesterday i was luckily enough to find a nice person who sold me a 6S 5L one for only 2.5 exa
:P. Spend around 200 chroms but still no luck with those :( .. but i can use the 4L one when i hit lvl 62 and try my luck chroming the other one. Just my point that if your willing to spend some time trading, there are some relatively cheap ones out there.
Good luck.
jerkan7 님이 작성:
what do hardcore players think about infernal mantle? Does it pay off or is it better to go tankier?

I am not sure what HC players would think, but Cloak of Defiance is a nice alternative for a cheap armor. It has MOM, regen, mana, and another 10% damage going to mana. You shouldn't need to change build, but It is eva/ES. It does however mean you save points going to pick up MOM itself.

Actually, I am not sure what people think of Cloak in HC, could be expensive.

Edit: Oh yeah, it is also level 52 and a nice hold over till you get Mantle. Will also make EB that much better, if you pick it up before 62.
TheGrimOne#6674 님이 2014. 1. 16. 오전 10:23:01에 마지막으로 편집
Ah, sorry for not commenting for a while, my new build is taking up all my attention(and by the looks of it, this might be a build that actually passes the pewtest!) :P

@SilkTopHat: Wtether I thought about swapping faster Proj for a Q incinerate? Yes, yes I have! And it works just fine. I personally prefer with faster proj, simply because I like the range, but it definately not needed, I often switch out Faster Proj for mana leech for half/no regen maps :)

@Yxalitis: It is possible, though you will lose some survivability(mostly due to the IIQ items). I haven't tried this myself, but I am pretty sure you will still be able to run the lower maps rather easy :)

@Primordial_Burst: Best. Post. Evah.
10/10 would read again!
Happy to hear you are having a blast with the build. Thanks for the pointers, I'll look into those, and most likely improve the build a bit more :)

@Holocaustus: I am curious, could link me your current tree/items? You should have more hp at that point :<

@Yxalitis II: No. I would not go CI, simply because you will lose MoM/Arctic Armor, and that will hurt the build a lot. Leveling should be easy enough, just like piety/domi runs, but maps can be especially dangerous with those hard physical hitters.

@sirsadi: it has been said, but for the record: Low mana = 35% of total
And yes, you can. If you have good regen on your rings/amul/weapon, you can easily get over 200 mana/second. Feel free to pick up another aura. Just make sure you have at least 2K mana available for MoM :)

@olliocox: I have little experience with nemesis, but I feel it can work. The build works without CwDT & LW, but clearing will be much slower, since you will be channeling everytime from the beginning.

If you play with LW/CWDT, start using it only when you have the other CWDTs ready! That way you are sure to be save :)

Even though it shouldn't always be a bother, skip vulnerability maps, or remove LW before running those, they can potentially be dangerous(small, small, small chance).

Going with a Cloak of Defiance might also be an option. If you manage to get it to 5L, you can even skip on Unweavering Stance by using Blind linked to your Incinerate, skipping everything below the circle of life, and allowing you to get all those yummy lifenodes near the marauder side/templar side :)

That is all I can give you.

Ah right, remove bleeding flasks will be a must after level 40. Just one should be enough :>

Thanks everyone for responding, sharing your thoughts about the build, and helping others with the questions. I spend most of my time ingame, so feel free to poke me ingame if I take long to respond on the forums xD

I'm surprised how many people are doing my build as well - I encounter people on daily base that are doing my build. A pleasant surprise :P

Ah, Also got my hands on a Palace map :)

So if the lag is bearable, might be a new vid up soon! If luck is by my side, and I get a courtyard map, I'll most likely share that one as well - I am really curious whether this build can handle that one or not. As far as I gathered info, those bosses are more than just a pain in the behind. So should be fun!
I am a nice guy.
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I am a few points away from completing the leveling tree as it is posted at first page. This means the points to get EB and MoM.

This also means that by the time someone gets that points mapping starts??

I see at final tree, that after Eb and MoM, there are a lot of health points, elemental res, Stance and other.

These nodes should come after EB and MoM, so according to what i read after mapping?

I am sorry if i ask something obvious or stupid, and i thank everyone who spends time reading/answering.

@Appels 2k Mana available for MoM ?? U mean before or after running auras ??
sirsadi#1853 님이 2014. 1. 16. 오후 1:18:01에 마지막으로 편집
Well during mapping. Yes, once you got the leveling guide set, just pick up those points one by one as you feel fit :)

Also, maybe at least is said wrong, but try to near that number.
Yes, after you cast your aura's. Don't worry, it's easier then you'd expect :)
I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789
Thank you very much for the info once again.

PS. the feedback on this 21 pages is just awsome :D
Appels_Zijn_Gezond 님이 작성:

@Yxalitis: It is possible, though you will lose some survivability(mostly due to the IIQ items). I haven't tried this myself, but I am pretty sure you will still be able to run the lower maps rather easy :)

@Yxalitis II: No. I would not go CI, simply because you will lose MoM/Arctic Armor, and that will hurt the build a lot. Leveling should be easy enough, just like piety/domi runs, but maps can be especially dangerous with those hard physical hitters.

Excellent, thanks for the replies!
IGN: Kulde
Hello guys, level 86 checking in again and just wanted to give you guys a little update of what you can be expecting when you start doing end-game maps for those whom have never done them before.

Today i did 3 level 77 Maps, along with 1 level 76 maps, 2 75s and 2 74s which bumped me from 85 to 86.

This is with a full public group
My Stats were:
-3640 HP
-4082 Mana(with Clarity) (~1000 Mana was from my teammates Discipline)
-8% Phy Reduction,
-DPS(tool tip) with Faster Projectiles: 1907
-DPS(tool tip) with Mana Leech: 1823

Unfortunately this group did not have any mass aura runners so the only aura that was of any benefit to me was Discipline. No one had Haste which would of brought my DPS to 2.2k and no one was running Determination which would of increased my overall Phy Reduction.

The 75s and 74s were super easy, nothing really to mention other than that i chose to used Mana Leech instead of Faster projectiles for:

-74 Gorge map where there was 2 unique bosses i.e Kraityn. I thought that getting Flicker Strike by 2 Kraityn would be detrimental to my mana but having mana leech on i really cant tell how much dmg Kraityn does. The mana just stays at max at all times and i barely took any dmg. I now think that mana leech is NOT needed for this map.

-75 Bazaar map with the bosses: Dialla's Wrath & Dialla's Anger (based on Banner of Passion and Banner of Action). I thought that getting mana leech for this was a good idea since they are both good elemental hitters but AGAIN i felt that they were too easy. Dont think you need mana leech for this map either, unless there is a "maximum Player Resistances" modifier.

Time for the more fun maps:

-76 The Crematorium: its your time to shine!
The map overall was pretty easy, nothing to be concerned of. The modifiers were also kind on us with added magic and rare monsters (yay!). But when it got to boss time, the host and his buddy bails on us. So its me and 2 other guys that are willing to face Megaera - Based on Fire Fury. Yupp Fire Fury, that means our Arctic Amour is gonna do WORK. and WORK it did. Lets just say that the 2 other guys did not last 10 seconds and it took me less than 1 min of burning this bitch to ashes. Yay all the loot for me! (I did use mana leech for her)

-77 Shipyard Map: easiest level 77 map for us
I did 2 Shipyard maps, and once WITHOUT mana leech the whole way.
~First shipyard had 2 bosses again. Which means that we had to fight 2 Warmonger, based on General Gravicius. And just like FireFury, Gravicius does fire dmg which our AA will just completely nullify. I did use mana leech just in case, since there was 2 of them.
~Second shipyard i decided to not run mana leech and it decent. I did bring 2 mana pots this time however, and they did come in handy for Gravicius this time. During the fight, Gravicius actually burned through almost all of my mana and this is with the 4000 mana i had. Thankfully i never lost my AA and moreover i never dropped less than 90% of my health.

-and finally i leveled up in level 77 Shrine Map
Well I had been in Shrine once before without mana leech and with my lightning warp "ON", and that did not go well >_<. (I was warped into a cage, literately packed and i mean packed with BLUE trappers with BUBBLES and a RARE trapper AND they had a f*cking CRIT shrine inside. I almost shit my pants when that happen, i knew i wasn't going to be able to get out of there and then i realized that i had no f*cking mana leech. Anyway i watched my mana drop to 0, then my AA was gone and then my life became 0 too, good bye exp.) OMG I wish i would have read PewPew's advice on taking off lightning warp before i did the map!

This time i was prepared for Shrine. Mana Leech ON, lightning warp OFF.
It worked like a charm! and DING i hit level 86.
Now its time for Piety the Empyrian (this one can transform into Ice Archer/melee form.

And naturally, EVERYONE BAILS.




*at this point your expecting me to tell you how i roasted her ass*

i died.

Anyway i blame map modifiers. There was a -19 maximum Player Resistances which left me with only 61% max resistance which her ice arrows hurt like hell and I could not dodge them in time. http://imgur.com/5DvQWTF

Looking Forward:
I really really want a 6L infernal mantle. I have 10 exalts right now and i believe crafting one would be cheaper than buying one considering that they go for 15-20 Exalts.
Having a 6L would mean (mana leech + faster projectiles) which would just bring the best of both worlds. Having mana leech on, i feel less strong and sometimes i would have problems of even reaching the bosses due to the low range i get. And if i cant reach the bosses there would be no leeching.
Primordial_Burst#0804 님이 2014. 1. 17. 오전 2:32:16에 마지막으로 편집
Btw at what lvl should anyone start mapping with build ?

I have never done maps, i dont even know which "easy" or "hard".

i have followed this guide for gear, and i am pretty close to achieve a pretty decent gear setup with a 5L Mantle.

Since im completely unexperienced in "mapping", are there any suggestions about lvl / map setup ?

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