BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

andy50 님이 작성:
Hey, I got lucky crown of eyes chance and decided to make this build tell me what you think so far, only level 73 so far, and my gem are only around level 17, doing about 9k dps with spectral throw.


Skill tree

Also I'm working on acquiring a good belt with max weapon elemental damage

Get Doryani's, it's pretty decent for your level and gems.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Tried atziri again and failed..
Vaal was no problem, then i go tri boss and died 3 times i think but i killed.
next problem was atziri guards , 1 flameblast just kill me and its hard to evade it.
any tips?
My single target dps (when i switch lmp to faster attacks) feels weak when no charges - about 40k , 72k with full charges.

kanon1 님이 2014. 6. 25. 오후 4:01:41에 마지막으로 편집
kanon1 님이 작성:
Tried atziri again and failed..
Vaal was no problem, then i go tri boss and died 3 times i think but i killed.
next problem was atziri guards , 1 flameblast just kill me and its hard to evade it.
any tips?
My single target dps (when i switch lmp to faster attacks) feels weak when no charges - about 40k , 72k with full charges.

Use Immortal Call for trio, use Ruby for flameblasts. Alternatively cheezemode time and Empower Purities of Fire and Lightning to 23, spec EA and witch flask nodes = 99% fire and lightning = face tank her butt, but honestly that's an uber tactics and anything works for normal.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon 님이 2014. 6. 25. 오후 4:49:52에 마지막으로 편집
kanon1 님이 작성:
Tried atziri again and failed..
Vaal was no problem, then i go tri boss and died 3 times i think but i killed.
next problem was atziri guards , 1 flameblast just kill me and its hard to evade it.
any tips?
My single target dps (when i switch lmp to faster attacks) feels weak when no charges - about 40k , 72k with full charges.

Yeah you should be fine for normal honestly. I have only slightly better gear than you do and I completely faceroll every fight except the Trio, which takes a decent bit of kiting, but is still easy.

Smoketreez 님이 2014. 6. 25. 오후 6:21:16에 마지막으로 편집
kanon1 님이 작성:
Tried atziri again and failed..
Vaal was no problem, then i go tri boss and died 3 times i think but i killed.
next problem was atziri guards , 1 flameblast just kill me and its hard to evade it.
any tips?
My single target dps (when i switch lmp to faster attacks) feels weak when no charges - about 40k , 72k with full charges.

You should put Anger and PoF in your dagger for the +2 levels, at least until you get a +1 to all Lioneye's and level 3 Empower
i have downed uber with the following gearset:

for double Vaal and Aztiri fights:

snapshot with:

all boss fights use:


personal notes:
you can reduce your chances of death drastically by saying this to yourself every time before loading the instance:


The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit
The snakes are bullshit

the second boss fight is a Bad Time. all you can do is try to kill the chick who rains bullshit on you which spells instant death. as quickly as possible.


Edit: should this have gone in the other LL ST thread? all these builds kinda seem the same to me now, just different stages and directions of gear progression
Veruski 님이 2014. 6. 26. 오전 11:57:36에 마지막으로 편집
Veruski 님이 작성:

Edit: should this have gone in the other LL ST thread? all these builds kinda seem the same to me now, just different stages and directions of gear progression

Yup, your Shavs is 3G. You're phys/ele not ele-based.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon 님이 작성:
Veruski 님이 작성:

Edit: should this have gone in the other LL ST thread? all these builds kinda seem the same to me now, just different stages and directions of gear progression

Yup, your Shavs is 3G. You're phys/ele not ele-based.

meh it's all the same build.
Veruski 님이 2014. 6. 26. 오전 7:41:42에 마지막으로 편집
hi all want help with set prices for dagers and amy and rings
argonazz 님이 2014. 6. 26. 오후 4:31:55에 마지막으로 편집
Hey I'm back got a 6 link Solaris Lorica, I opted for a belt instead of doryani's cause it wouldn't have capped my cold res. I also crafted a better dagger. I got a new ammy, whats my next step. I want to kill atziri by the end of the league.


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