BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

crit multi is king, adders touch is the single not nerfed(legacy) and strongest source of crit multi available. Strongest dps node available.

Jake is right, 95% crit chance should be your goal. However the cap can be hard to reach with level below 95 and/or not so great gear. You need max crit on your dagger and jewelry to reach it without a huge stretch.
Crit cap is nothing without high accuracy tho, because of the double hit chance check on crits.

You should get your crit chance to 70+ for sure. It's part of the reason your dps is on the low side. Crit multi gets obviously stronger with the amount of crit chance. Spell damage is huge of course, if your crit chance is low it might even beat crit multi. It's a per case thing really.

Your amulet is part of the reason your dps is lower than it should be, given the gear you're using. Since you play standard you should get one of the old crit multi amulets with 60+ multi on them. The amulet is the biggest dps slot available.
You have a lot of res on it, that needs to be fixed via rings/shield. Also flat accuracy is missing on your jewelry, making those 3 accuracy nodes you took fairly weak.

For uber take the max res nodes for sure. It's fairly hard without great gear and Acuitys, the 2nd fight is a real one without them.
I can't tell how smooth uber goes without vaal pact or Acuitys, I've never done it without a form of instant leech. I can't say I'd advise to try it, not with a huge buffer and/or a long immortal call.

PA only works for spell dmg.
[e] apparently I was wrong
IGN: Iski
Balguez 님이 2014. 7. 23. 오전 3:01:57에 마지막으로 편집
Balguez 님이 작성:

PA only works for spell dmg.

with CoE, it becomes an attack modifier and thus works on all damage.

(with only 16%spell damage, i go from 7869 to 10138 simply by going low life)
blaes 님이 2014. 7. 22. 오전 7:14:10에 마지막으로 편집
Choginator 님이 작성:

So do you find the clear speed increased with Wrath Fang? I am also interested about what stzbttln said about mobs' elemental resistances.

a) i like eagle never felt like i needed more so no did not feel the need to dump a mirror on it.

b) im not a fan of hatred i prefer haste a lot (see all those eagle vs loath discussions) the attackspeed is way more noticeable to me then some more tooltip dps and getting emp anger wrath + haste + hatred is kinda out of the question for a no snapshot setup. so even with wrath fang which probably beats eagle thirst i would still skip hatred which kinda underlines a)

c) clearspeed is a very very player dependend feeling the only measure i really respect regarding that is 4-5+ h sessions of > lvl97 lvl mapping and then comparing ep gains . even then there is a huge variety depending on map rolls internal pack size rolls mob rolls , payers u play with and so on. In general its a pretty bad benchmark despite so many ppl in std wanting those final statements like " a clears faster then b".

d) if u refer to uber and do not run a cwdt ele weakness, loath bane probably gonna feel better (as u suggested), but thats more related to high res of mobs there which kinda demand decent cursing if u go for higher ele dmg values and want to notice them. Allthough its still a weird measure with mob skipping it usually took 6-8 min from start to kill atziri but that wasn't really dagger but movement/map layout dependend and i doubt that you'll see any sort of measurable difference between loath and wrath fang even when doing full clears.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Flubby 님이 2014. 7. 22. 오후 2:43:10에 마지막으로 편집
blaes 님이 작성:
Balguez 님이 작성:

PA only works for spell dmg.

with CoE, it becomes an attack modifier and thus works on all damage.

(with only 16%spell damage, i go from 7869 to 10138 simply by going low life)

i had some serious doubts regarding that statement (pa affecting all attack dmg by simply using crown). That would be kinda new to me. Allthough i never really bothered verifying it.

Since your "argument" is to say it kindly pretty weak i did a test myself on one of my old free respecc toons:

blank char only stat nodes up to pa and enough to use items:

core gear on low life mode (pof + bloodmagic used for that):
Ring with 26% wed and 17-23 fire dmg

thats it.

start fire dmg per default attack = 29 (23 ring + 26% wed = 23 + 5,96 = 29)

testchain 1:

Add crown:
29 fire dmg (no spell dmg specced /on gear = expected)

Add PA:
38 fire dmg (29 * 1,3)

add 16% spell dmg node:
42 fire dmg ( (23 + 23 * (0,26+0,16))* 1.3 )

okay that makes crown even more broken then i thought (basically expected it to be like wed + spell *1.3 * base attack dmg for elemental so 35ish in the given example) .. guess one never stops learning thanks for that.

for reference the same setup with the used phys dmg:

brightbeak has 19-44 phys
125 str = 25% more phys dmg from str

hit shown at "start" = 24-55

add crown:
24-55 (expected)

add pa:

add 16% spell:

if u dont like "math" that basically means that e.g. wed will beat spell dmg on amulets by its sheer higher number on an elemental layout since it gets also scaled by pa due to crown (the variant described in this thread). Spell probably still wins on an all phys layout but i don't care for that to much :!.

it also means that phys % nodes would be a bit stronger then anticipated in the build but thiscan be looked over since the spell and elemental nodes also scale elemental dmg and that still maks em outperform any phys node.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Flubby 님이 2014. 7. 22. 오후 5:54:30에 마지막으로 편집
blaes 님이 작성:
Balguez 님이 작성:

PA only works for spell dmg.

with CoE, it becomes an attack modifier and thus works on all damage.

(with only 16%spell damage, i go from 7869 to 10138 simply by going low life)

I was sure I've seen a dev post regarding this, should have looked it up.

But hey, at least that's an idea to bring CoE somewhat in line.

IGN: Iski
PA with CoE is a 30% multiplier added after all other calculations (like all "more" damage modifiers)
For example if we take the lightning damage part of our ST it's:
coefficient from ST x sum of added lightning dmg x [sum (%increased spell dmg,%increased lightning damage, %increased elemental damage,%increased damage,%increased projectiles damage)] x coefficient from LMP/GMP x coefficient from WED gem x coefficient from PA (and eventually x coefficient from RF if you want to go full pew pew mode)

%increased spell damage, %increased lightning damage, %increased elemental damage, %increased damage (like on le heup of all) and %increased projectile damage all have the same effect.
However they don't have the same range (26spell damage on amu vs 36 wed)and are restricted to different items. Obvioulsy increased lightning damage applies to lightning damage only whereas the other apply to all elements.

It's the same with fire and cold (without hatred).
Hatred damages are more complicated to calculate but PA will apply the same way, that's also true for chaos and phys damage.

@stzbttln: I did not get to experience the power of Wrath Fang first hand, i just did the maths.
In theory it gives the highest dps achievable (on tooltip). As for whether or not it's better than Loath Fang in practice I don't know.
What I have:
1) 28k lmp dps with charges up
2) 40exalts budget for upgrades

Need advice from the pros on the most efficient way to spend currency upgrading gear.



ShadeJr 님이 작성:
What I have:
1) 28k lmp dps with charges up
2) 40exalts budget for upgrades

Need advice from the pros on the most efficient way to spend currency upgrading gear.




step one:

this should giv eu considerably more dps (adders touch is to strong)

step two:
u forgot linking your amulet i wouldassume u don't have 60+ multi + wed + accuracy on it can get decent ones around 10exin std. leaves 30 left for further upgrades ..

step three:
get a dagger with max crit and max aps and compared to your current one that dps should allways come after those two stats... i have one lying around can contact me ingame if you wanna test and verify since it kinda depends on your gear levels ... leaves around 25ex for further upgrades. ll i can say is that i had more then those 28k in my mf setup without crown so im pretty sure a max aps crit dager beats urs to the curb.

step four:

several possibilites here either get anger and wrathne mpowered with +1 paws thats hould be around 15ex ,, alternatively get rings with accuracy and wed ( i would get the paws and 1 accu wed ring since wlel your accu gotta be shit ashell with that setup) since you are using vp and dont seem to want to go for acuities yet i would defiently advise getting a doryani's invitation for the extra leech.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
An upgrade plan from the MAN himself! Thanks Flubby.
With steps 1 and 2 i was able to get my DPS to 40k+, have some further questions:
1) I took +1 frenzy charge on this char as a bandit reward way back when. How important is it to respec to +1 power?
2) If i get +1 lioneyes, I assume it would be logical to drop Prism Guardian and get a ES+SPD shield. What auras should i run? Currently im able to sustain anger, wrath, haste, grace, discipilne, clarity and puriry of elements.
3) Running into mana issues every now and then. Is a high phys dagger the only solution?


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