I know you have said multiple times you need to be 90+ for this build to work, that dps and Es will suck otherwise.
BUT I'm that type of weird guy who likes to see how his character "grows", starting from level 70. Currently I have shavs, coe, auxium/atiri's belt, acuity and I'll have a loath bane "soon".
I know it will be hard at the begining, but I don't want it to be harder than what's necessary. Could you write a priority between all different wheels used in your build?
Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230
Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757
글 작성자:dulahan200#19742014. 9. 9. 오후 8:01:45
dulahan200 님이 작성:
I know you have said multiple times you need to be 90+ for this build to work, that dps and Es will suck otherwise.
BUT I'm that type of weird guy who likes to see how his character "grows", starting from level 70. Currently I have shavs, coe, auxium/atiri's belt, acuity and I'll have a loath bane "soon".
I know it will be hard at the begining, but I don't want it to be harder than what's necessary. Could you write a priority between all different wheels used in your build?
this is the order of importance:
dagger, shield, amulet, rings, belt.
Always dagger first. If you have a decent shield and a shitty amulet, you could swap the priority of those. I'm talking about the order in which you need ot mirror items.
On shield, if you don't have high spell damage, you can use a prism guardian and swap the coe for a high Es circlet with accuracy.
For the amulet, aim for highest legacy crit multi possible, along with % ES. Accuracy is ncie too.
On rings, aim for diamond rings with WED and accuracy, along with 20% ES, adjust your resists accordingly.
For belt, don't use auxium, use a tri resist rustic sash or a physical doryani's invitation if you are on a budget
#1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service
IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime stzbttln#2928 님이 2014. 9. 9. 오후 8:08:33에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:stzbttln#29282014. 9. 9. 오후 8:05:27
dulahan200 님이 작성:
I know you have said multiple times you need to be 90+ for this build to work, that dps and Es will suck otherwise.
BUT I'm that type of weird guy who likes to see how his character "grows", starting from level 70. Currently I have shavs, coe, auxium/atiri's belt, acuity and I'll have a loath bane "soon".
I know it will be hard at the begining, but I don't want it to be harder than what's necessary. Could you write a priority between all different wheels used in your build?
do you have acuitys?
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
글 작성자:Fyndel#21062014. 9. 9. 오후 8:05:47
Alexlulz 님이 작성:
i dont want to start the war again so i keep this short , imo a mirror should only be used for the BIS setup meaning ALL perfect cause nobody would use it later again but pleas guys stopp saying ANYTHING about shields anymore i am fucking sick just stop and pleas dont quote this eather just forget it no need to answer everbody has his own opinions
Firstly, if I saw a shield with a lot of ES, spell damage and resists, I would buy it.
I didnt because theres no one selling one like this, just mirror service.
Now if difference between axn, dimme and flubby are so small, why bother soooooo much in which one are the best if all of them suit this build and any other ES+CoE build? Flubby deliver less ES but gives more damage, each one have his singularity.
Ok, you want the BiS, I get it. I just want a top notch equip that works in the build I'm using, we are talking about marginal gains here, while you need to invest HUGE ammount of currency to get this marginal gain.
For me its better to play with a lot of ES and spell damage and resist capped than playing with a bit more of ES and 6% more block attack (that I and many other dont give a fuck) with fucked up resists.
You cap yours resists just fine with AXN shields (because you have a pile of mirrored items combined), ofc the shield are better for you then - kipad just said the obvious.
Finally, I didnt began with any shit, you were the one attacking me because I have dimme shields (that work amazing for this build and many others).
글 작성자:swib#10782014. 9. 9. 오후 8:14:27
swib 님이 작성:
Alexlulz 님이 작성:
i dont want to start the war again so i keep this short , imo a mirror should only be used for the BIS setup meaning ALL perfect cause nobody would use it later again but pleas guys stopp saying ANYTHING about shields anymore i am fucking sick just stop and pleas dont quote this eather just forget it no need to answer everbody has his own opinions
Firstly, if I saw a shield with a lot of ES, spell damage and resists, I would buy it.
I didnt because theres no one selling one like this, just mirror service.
Now if difference between axn, dimme and flubby are so small, why bother soooooo much in which one are the best if all of them suit this build and any other ES+CoE build? Flubby deliver less ES but gives more damage, each one have his singularity.
Ok, you want the BiS, I get it. I just want a top notch equip that works in the build I'm using, we are talking about marginal gains here, while you need to invest HUGE ammount of currency to get this marginal gain.
For me its better to play with a lot of ES and spell damage and resist capped than playing with a bit more of ES and 6% more block attack (that I and many other dont give a fuck) with fucked up resists.
You cap yours resists just fine with AXN shields (because you have a pile of mirrored items combined), ofc the shield are better for you then - kipad just said the obvious.
Finally, I didnt began with any shit, you were the one attacking me because I have dimme shields (that work amazing for this build and many others).
is it offensiv to you when i say you got dimmes shield? if yes why you just said you like it :D
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
글 작성자:Fyndel#21062014. 9. 9. 오후 8:17:18
swib 님이 작성:
Alexlulz 님이 작성:
i dont want to start the war again so i keep this short , imo a mirror should only be used for the BIS setup meaning ALL perfect cause nobody would use it later again but pleas guys stopp saying ANYTHING about shields anymore i am fucking sick just stop and pleas dont quote this eather just forget it no need to answer everbody has his own opinions
Firstly, if I saw a shield with a lot of ES, spell damage and resists, I would buy it.
I didnt because theres no one selling one like this, just mirror service.
Now if difference between axn, dimme and flubby are so small, why bother soooooo much in which one are the best if all of them suit this build and any other ES+CoE build? Flubby deliver less ES but gives more damage, each one have his singularity.
Ok, you want the BiS, I get it. I just want a top notch equip that works in the build I'm using, we are talking about marginal gains here, while you need to invest HUGE ammount of currency to get this marginal gain.
For me its better to play with a lot of ES and spell damage and resist capped than playing with a bit more of ES and 6% more block attack (that I and many other dont give a fuck) with fucked up resists.
You cap yours resists just fine with AXN shields (because you have a pile of mirrored items combined), ofc the shield are better for you then - kipad just said the obvious.
Finally, I didnt began with any shit, you were the one attacking me because I have dimme shields (that work amazing for this build and many others).
nooo please don't lol we are over this, please don't bring up this discussion again. Let's stay on track and try to help people with their builds.
#1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service
IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime
글 작성자:stzbttln#29282014. 9. 9. 오후 8:18:21
stzbttln 님이 작성:
swib 님이 작성:
Alexlulz 님이 작성:
i dont want to start the war again so i keep this short , imo a mirror should only be used for the BIS setup meaning ALL perfect cause nobody would use it later again but pleas guys stopp saying ANYTHING about shields anymore i am fucking sick just stop and pleas dont quote this eather just forget it no need to answer everbody has his own opinions
Firstly, if I saw a shield with a lot of ES, spell damage and resists, I would buy it.
I didnt because theres no one selling one like this, just mirror service.
Now if difference between axn, dimme and flubby are so small, why bother soooooo much in which one are the best if all of them suit this build and any other ES+CoE build? Flubby deliver less ES but gives more damage, each one have his singularity.
Ok, you want the BiS, I get it. I just want a top notch equip that works in the build I'm using, we are talking about marginal gains here, while you need to invest HUGE ammount of currency to get this marginal gain.
For me its better to play with a lot of ES and spell damage and resist capped than playing with a bit more of ES and 6% more block attack (that I and many other dont give a fuck) with fucked up resists.
You cap yours resists just fine with AXN shields (because you have a pile of mirrored items combined), ofc the shield are better for you then - kipad just said the obvious.
Finally, I didnt began with any shit, you were the one attacking me because I have dimme shields (that work amazing for this build and many others).
nooo please don't lol we are over this, please don't bring up this discussion again. Let's stay on track and try to help people with their builds.
+1 first time i agree with you since 1 week dont wanna hear anything above shields anymore or i am gonna make this a dual wield spectralthrow build
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe Fyndel#2106 님이 2014. 9. 9. 오후 8:29:30에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:Fyndel#21062014. 9. 9. 오후 8:23:55
Alexlulz 님이 작성:
ye es flat and es % is a must now in my opinion but everybody has diffrent opinion and that guy has dimes shield aswell so we shouldnt start talking about it anyways or a world war forum massacre 2 is gonna start
Alexlulz 님이 작성:
is it offensiv to you when i say you got dimmes shield? if yes why you just said you like it :D
Any problem you say that I own dimme shield? Not.
But as you can see above... When we are talking about a ring that dont have any kind of relationship with shields... and you just bring it up from nowhere. hmmm,,, then yeah. You were trying to implying something bad in there, and no one needs to be a genius to get it.
swib#1078 님이 2014. 9. 9. 오후 8:28:00에 마지막으로 편집
글 작성자:swib#10782014. 9. 9. 오후 8:24:55
Hey guys, please be mindful not to post anything antagonistic towards each other. It might even be best to move on and discuss something else as this seems to be a bit of a sensitive topic.
Feel free to contact myself or another support staff member if you have any questions.
글 작성자:Jared_GGG2014. 9. 9. 오후 8:32:30Grinding Gear Games
checkingforums 님이 작성:
How do you sustain ST off life without Vitality? I must be missing something obvious here.
shaper node 1% life reg + carnage nodes that are lgoh logk and extra leech for more defensiv
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
글 작성자:Fyndel#21062014. 9. 9. 오후 8:41:04