[3.4] Say_Ten's Double Strike/Spectral Throw Melee Scion - Cheap and Easy to Play

Isn't the slayer ascendency node slightly better than raider?

The only good thing about raider: 2% dodge and 20% attack speed on full charges. You get charges anyway from blood rage.

Slayer gives 30% increased damage vs rare & uniques (blue's and whites should die very fast anyway) and a perma 15% attackspeed (since you are likely to always leech I suppose with bloodrage active to drain your hp, not sure if the liferegen takes precedence though)

Also in the center-bottom of the tree is a strength node assigned that is no longer required. It can be refunded because of the 'bloodless circle' that now connects the nodes.

Also is resolute technique for 4 SP worth it if you don't have any +accuracy on gear?
silverdash#0964 님이 2016. 3. 10. 오후 3:45:23에 마지막으로 편집
The ~80 skill point skill tree isn't showing up, please fix. Thanks!
I'm trying this out for my 9th attempt at the new league, but I have a question: I'm abnormally attached to using a shield, if I sub the two-hand nodes for one-hand nodes, will it still be viable?

EDIT: Something like this?
ExcretusMaximus#5548 님이 2016. 3. 12. 오전 5:27:59에 마지막으로 편집
soloist 님이 작성:
I really like this build play style, since i did scion ST back in the day.

Thanks for doing this and proving it's still doable. I dislike the crit version, so this is great for me!

Are you actively playing this league with it? Just curious, because I may have questions as I get into maps soon.

Actually, since I havent played since early 2014, I'm not sure which trainers I should go for initially, other than 100% Zana.


Yeah, currently 81, leveling a couple other characters too. Hit me up or add me if you want.
silverdash 님이 작성:
Isn't the slayer ascendency node slightly better than raider?

The only good thing about raider: 2% dodge and 20% attack speed on full charges. You get charges anyway from blood rage.

Slayer gives 30% increased damage vs rare & uniques (blue's and whites should die very fast anyway) and a perma 15% attackspeed (since you are likely to always leech I suppose with bloodrage active to drain your hp, not sure if the liferegen takes precedence though)

Also in the center-bottom of the tree is a strength node assigned that is no longer required. It can be refunded because of the 'bloodless circle' that now connects the nodes.

Also is resolute technique for 4 SP worth it if you don't have any +accuracy on gear?

In my opinion it's a toss up. Pick whichever works best. I like the constant 20% attack speed because of blood rage always being up.

In this league I took Berserker first and then Assassin because I'm trying some other stuff out.

I will update the trees when I return home to a real PC. Thanks!

PS- I don't think RT is worth the stretch unless you literally can't find a better weapon or find a really good mace. Your chance to hit should have no problem staying above 80%. I usually shoot for at least 85%.
Say_Ten#0105 님이 2016. 3. 12. 오후 12:05:35에 마지막으로 편집
ExcretusMaximus 님이 작성:
I'm trying this out for my 9th attempt at the new league, but I have a question: I'm abnormally attached to using a shield, if I sub the two-hand nodes for one-hand nodes, will it still be viable?

EDIT: Something like this?

Can't see the tree right now on my phone. I have been asked this before and there is no reason it wouldn't work. You will likely have lower damage and may have to consider alternate weapon types or movement skills depending on what you use.
hey dude, whats your dps on spectral throw, cause im really desperately looking for a spec throw build and was just wondering how high that is on your build. thx in advance
with a decent weapon you can get it over 20k no problem

I forget the highest I ever achieved. Would have to reallocate my 92 in standard to tell you
This build even works with blood magic, ele reflect (turn off Hatred) and physical reflect (immortal call + atziri's promise + daresso's + armour = win).
Also this build does ~45% ele damage and 55% physical. So you can handle reflect. But you gotta be slightly careful with double reflect.

Also works with a tabula. But then you might need grace aura instead of hatred. Also it's hard to sustain mana for a 6l. 5l is easier so you might need bloodmagic for the 6th gem then.

My 89 tree on my 2nd character (slightly different from OP):
Note that resolute technique keystone does significantly increase damage. I only had 81% chance to hit. We have no dex, we have no +accuracy. So unless you have ggg gear, you kinda need that keystone.
Use Blood Rage for even more attack speed, ll and for perma frenzy charges.

Note the enchant on boots, +12 increased attack speed is insanely op. You can roll even higher.
With Daresso's and a granite flask with +armor you get such insane amounts of damage reduction. Facetanking unique bosses including lab no problem.
By using a heavy resist belt you can drop some ele resist nodes in the tree for more life or damage.

You will generally insta kill white & blue mobs while solo and rare/uniques go down in 1-3 seconds. But you aren't that great in parties (not enough damage).
Regular Atziri viable but you need more fire resist (76% is not enough).

The highest DPS I was able to obtain (fully buffed with good gear) was 180k ST and 67k aoe. Which is quite insane. And between 4k and 5.5k hp.

As for jewels:
- increased % physical damage (with or w/o 2 handed swords)
- increased 5-7% max life
- increased attack speed
- increased projectile speed (you want at least 2-3 jewels with this one so you can clear the entire screen in one throw)

And lastly the decoy totem is op. You summon a decoy totem and while the mapboss goes all berserk on that totem you just kill the boss without taking damage. No linked support gems required as long as your DPS is high enough. Especially nice in lab if you're lower lever/undergeared. Just spam that totem. Also use culling strike on the 3rd form of Izaro for even more facerolling (effectively kills him at ~30% hp instead of 10%).
silverdash#0964 님이 2016. 3. 13. 오전 11:59:47에 마지막으로 편집
silverdash 님이 작성:
This build even works with blood magic, ele reflect (turn off Hatred) and physical reflect (immortal call + atziri's promise + daresso's + armour = win).
Also this build does ~45% ele damage and 55% physical. So you can handle reflect. But you gotta be slightly careful with double reflect.

Also works with a tabula. But then you might need grace aura instead of hatred. Also it's hard to sustain mana for a 6l. 5l is easier so you might need bloodmagic for the 6th gem then.

My 89 tree on my 2nd character (slightly different from OP):
Note that resolute technique keystone does significantly increase damage. I only had 81% chance to hit. We have no dex, we have no +accuracy. So unless you have ggg gear, you kinda need that keystone.
Use Blood Rage for even more attack speed, ll and for perma frenzy charges.

Note the enchant on boots, +12 increased attack speed is insanely op. You can roll even higher.
With Daresso's and a granite flask with +armor you get such insane amounts of damage reduction. Facetanking unique bosses including lab no problem.
By using a heavy resist belt like the one I linked here you can drop some ele resist nodes in the tree.

You will generally insta kill anything while solo. But you aren't that great in parties (not enough damage).
Regular Atziri viable but you need more fire resist (76% is not enough).

The highest DPS I was able to obtain (fully buffed with good gear) was 180k ST and 67k aoe. Which is quite insane.

As for jewels:
- increased % physical damage (with or w/o 2 handed swords)
- increased 5-7% max life
- increased attack speed
- increased projectile speed (you want at least 2-3 jewels with this one so you can clear the entire screen in one throw)

And lastly the decoy totem is op. You summon a decoy totem and while the mapboss goes all berserk on that totem you just kill the boss without taking damage. No linked support gems required as long as your DPS is high enough. Especially nice in lab if you're lower lever/undergeared. Just spam that totem. Also use culling strike on the 3rd form of Izaro for even more facerolling (effectively kills him at ~30% hp instead of 10%).

Nice work! This is why I love this build. So balanced.

What weapon are you using?

Also the ideal setup with two 6L would be to use blood magic gems so you can run hatred AND grace. You could even run an Alpha's to have some mana leftover for either a herald (if you have enlighten) or just recasting golem.

If you only get one 6L, you could spec into some more damage no problem. Just either take a mana leech node or get some on jewelry or gloves.

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