Crit Ele Split Ripper - Fastest map clearer? You decide! Up to 95 crit

Just to post here incase anyone is wondering how leveling feels with this spec, it's ok for the most part but you hit 2 bumps along the road

First bump if around like lvl 20 when mana cost keeps rising and you're running out of mana even without 2 flasks, although it might be easier to just level with spectral throw i decided i want to do split arro all the way, i dislike leveling with different stuf, doesn't feel like i'm playing the full build

i decided to use Split Arrow-Added lightning damage and Storm cloud bow for leveling, after you make it through the more rough levels from 20-35 you can start using your 5l or 6l Volls, i had a 6L in my case, i put all the gems in it and started killing myself due to bloodmagic cost, so i went without chain for a while, swapped it for LGOH and ran these 2 in combination

with so much LGOH and on kill it's easy to run blood magic even on 6l, later when my health pool became bigger and got some decent leveling gear i swapped chain back in, big increase in dps

for single target i didn't even bother with Ele hit, i just used my standard attack, i ran wrath and anger as soon as i can run them both, single target for bosses was painful but manageable

After these 2 initial bumps it's a cruise, at like lvl 40-50 i got some good flat ele dmg jewelry i had in my shop(flat ele beats %ele for leveling) and my dps skyrocketed

I'm still using Storm cloud bow at lvl 61 and the dps is amazing, no need for buying a transitioning thicket bow, you can run with it until Windripper

After some sarn farming i'll be getting the Windripper so i'll come back to tell you how the transition feels at lvl 66

Also there was some discussion whether heart of oak is worth it, it absolutely is, 30% chance to avoid stun is almost mandatory in this spec, your defenses are so low due to not having a real chest that if you get stunned in a bad situation you could instadie, your defense is basicly killing stuff fast

Chance to avoid stun coupled with stun recovery, would be good if you could get some more on the belt too, just don't sacrifice resists or life for it, you can get up to 50%+ stun recovery and 30% chance to avoid stun, that's basicly like a mini Unwawering stance

plus side, after heart of the Oak there's a good Accuracy and Attacks speed node, both desirable stats in this build

My tree in the end is gonna be slightly different thant what OP suggested i decided to sacrifice some crit multi and accuracy to get more life so here's my a bit less YOLO tree as it will be at lvl 90


total 212% life, 410% crit, 90%crit multi

i'll substitute the loss of some crit multi from the tree with 20% inc crit dmg and crit umlti rolls on ammy and quiver

if i decide leveling past 90, the rest of crit multi nodes would probably be the way to go, maybe an additional accuracy node if i can't get it on more than one piece of gear and it dips too low

as far as above poster goes, i feel like investing in evasion is a waste of nodes unless you're not runnign volls protector, because you have so little evasion to start with, doubling it wouldn't really mater much, it's not an absolutely horrible idea but the whole idea of this build is "offense is the best defense" since it is a softcore build
IGN JustifiedF
Loving this build...after not getting the result I wanted on a pure phys crit ranger, I respect to this build using everything I had to afford a damn windripper. I must say im totally loving it. I can basically run without life leech and rape 72 maps. What I like to do is use aurseize/rat nest for some IIR ...then ive gotten minor iir on rings/amulet. So in the end I got about 120 iir. Then I use SA-Pierce (yes...drillneck)-Crit Dmg-IIR-Life leech and Mleech. The killing speed on 72 aint that low with this gem setup. Sometime I even removed the lifeleech and put something like pcoc . ( 120 iir + bow iir (50) + gem iir (60+)

With this setup with my crap aura lvl17 and 14 wrath/anger..i still reach 23k +/- dps. While having close to 220iir . when I just want to pewpew stuff I roll without Manaleech. Something like Pcoc-inc crit-SA-Pierce-WED-Lifeleech . Im yet to roll higher map I will probably need to go bloodmagic but for now I don't feel the need to. Im fine rolling with only 2 aura and pierce works kinda well while not having to use chain(+insane mana use). Also with devouring totem you would be able to pull out lifeleech and get even more DPS.

Vouch for really well.
Deadbringer 님이 2014. 4. 28. 오전 10:32:07에 마지막으로 편집
xBilldozerx 님이 작성:

Seems like Rat's Nest would be a good alternative. 7.5% crit, 15% IAS and more rarity to top off that amazing rarity on the bow.

What's your point on using a rat's nest? I would say this fits perfectly for the build, crit, IAS and rarity (not to mention movement speed and OFC smaller character size!!! best affix eu)
Gunitiwa 님이 작성:
xBilldozerx 님이 작성:

Seems like Rat's Nest would be a good alternative. 7.5% crit, 15% IAS and more rarity to top off that amazing rarity on the bow.

What's your point on using a rat's nest? I would say this fits perfectly for the build, crit, IAS and rarity (not to mention movement speed and OFC smaller character size!!! best affix eu)

It's incredible for DPS but consider how life-starved the build is already and you want to remove even more life.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Deadbringer 님이 작성:
Also with devouring totem you would be able to pull out lifeleech and get even more DPS.

Not vs. reflect, no way.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon 님이 작성:
Gunitiwa 님이 작성:
xBilldozerx 님이 작성:

Seems like Rat's Nest would be a good alternative. 7.5% crit, 15% IAS and more rarity to top off that amazing rarity on the bow.

What's your point on using a rat's nest? I would say this fits perfectly for the build, crit, IAS and rarity (not to mention movement speed and OFC smaller character size!!! best affix eu)

It's incredible for DPS but consider how life-starved the build is already and you want to remove even more life.

Atm i am running with rat's nest (i couldnt pass up the rarity IAS and crit) and with only 150% life from the passive tree i am at 3k hp. Very low indeed but the next 10 levels or so will bring me 30% life which will help out alot. I definitely think its viable, atm i am lacking hp on only 3 pieces of gear (head, chest and ammy) The damage is sick though.
Hi Mathil,

I've reworked a bunch of the pathing and node selections in your tree. I tried to make this my own by instead of using Elemental Hit I use Frenzy. I'm currently at lvl 74 and w/o really any multi except increased crit dmg support gems I can get Frenzy up to 30k dmg with just a 4L (atm no life leech).

Below are the nitty gritty stuff, if you can respond to this let me know. I'd like to know what you think before I post this as it's own build. It's very fun and I melt things 3 screens up... bad ass!

Up to level 71 maps solo, and steadily climbing...

Scion - Windripper/Frenzy Build

Here are some basic stats (Lvl 86):

Life: 200% Increased Max Life
Bandit Reward: +40 Life

Crit Strike Chance (from tree): 315%
Power Charges (w/alira): 5 Charges (aka 250% crit chance)
Crit Strike Multi (from tree): 135%
Outcome: With just the 360/250 from tree/charges, you'll be approx doing 71% crit chance before gear and/or adding more nodes from the tree. Add gear and you're well on your way... ATM my crit multi dmg supports are both at 104% increased dmg.

Split Arrow: (5L) SA/Chain/LL/BM/IncCritDmg (+WED if 6L)
Frenzy: (4L) Fr/BM/WED/IncCritDmg (+LL if 5L, +LL/IIR or Culling Strike if 6L)

Wrath/Anger/Haste + Vaal Haste
- W/Reduced Mana gem and inside Alpha's Howl (for extra levels).
- Vaal Haste: See Attack Speed below...

CwDT/EC/IncAOE/Crit Weak or Ele Weak Curse
- This is more traditional, your choice of curse and Enduring Cry w/Increased Area of Effect support, to give you 3 endurance charges consistantly. CwDT Level: 4.
CwDT/IC/IncDur/Vaal Haste
- Since Vaal Haste doesn't proc with CwDT (it's an aura) it'll make use of the Increased Duration support alongside Immortal Call. CwDT Level: 7.

This build utilizes the most efficient ways to get insane attack speed by using Frenzy to build up charges and having Haste/Vaal Haste up.

Here's a breakdown of how this ends up working out:
Speed From:
- Frenzy Charges (just Frenzy skill gem): additional 20% per Charge x 5 charges = 100% Attack Speed Increase
- Frenzy Charges (natural): 5% per Charge x 5 Charges = 25% Attack Speed Increase
- Haste: 24% Increased Attack Speed (w/alpha's howl level increase + aura effect nodes from tree)
- Vaal Haste: 60% Increased Attack Speed (including aura effect nodes from tree)
- From Tree: 46% Increased Attack Speed
- Bandit Reward: 8% Increased Attack Speed
- (Quality) from Split Arrow: 10% Increased Attack Speed
Altogether with everything up and active (non-split arrow):
263% Increased Attack Speed
OR Approx. 5.5 Attacks Per Second.

Alot of this build is like mathil's in the way it's weak on ele resists and physical reduction. I opted for Acrobatics and will probably try out Phase Acro to see how it works out. The EC/IC combo helps alleiviate some physical dmg by proc a lot and I can/will get capped resists eventually.
- Acrobatics Keystone
- Ondar's Guile

* ATM this is what i'm using at lvl 74, will be upgrading a lot of this, esp the jewelry and belt. ALSO: The gem sets are a bit wonky because I'm still trying to chrome the bow for Frenzy, that is why frenzy is stuck in the gloves for the moment and a whole bunch of random stuff is leveling in the bow. So keep that in mind :D .

TREE!! Level 86 Version:

*Keep in mind the pathing was to save nodes that were otherwise wasted on straight dex nodes for travel and maintained 110 Strength and over 150 Intelligence (Most of your str gems will need at most 110 Strength of 150 Intelligence).

I will decide how much crit is too much crit, and fill out the tree accordingly or repath to certain nodes but overall this is already very substantial for a build. I traded Elemental Hit for Frenzy as it will give me so much more attack speed and by doing so, boosts the overall dps substantially across the board (between split arrow and frenzy of course).

I will post more later but this how i'm running it now and up to lvl 86 at which point i'll re-evaluate what else needs to go into it (via tree/gear).

Thanks for the inspiration Mathil, I hope I hear from you soon man and keep on rocking everybody!

-- A
Astrom 님이 2014. 5. 6. 오후 2:33:52에 마지막으로 편집
It's basically the same tree but with a frenzy charge and no Vaal Pact - you will seriously suffer on elemental reflect lategame unfortunately.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Chundadragon 님이 작성:
It's basically the same tree but with a frenzy charge and no Vaal Pact - you will seriously suffer on elemental reflect lategame unfortunately.

I totally understand that, it's not impossible that i can/will have to respec into vaal pact by sacrificing a few things here and there. Overall right now, ele reflect isn't bothering me any as I use my flasks and an atziri's promise to leech a bit more when i face reflect mobs.

But yes, later on, I'll readjust if need be. Thanks for the comment!
Chundadragon 님이 작성:
It's basically the same tree but with a frenzy charge and no Vaal Pact - you will seriously suffer on elemental reflect lategame unfortunately.

Also it's not exactly the same tree, obv you want to grab the best life/crit nodes you can but I used a diff route that saved me some nodes and got rid of some less-than efficient nodes that mathil used. I also grabbed more life from the southern part of the tree.

It's very close, but to say it's just the same with a frenzy charge (btw, it's two) and no pact is making me think you didn't check the whole thing out before commenting.

But I do appreciate the criticism.

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