Crit Ele Split Ripper - Fastest map clearer? You decide! Up to 95 crit

Wrath HoI HoT all 3 empowered (lvl 4 empower?) and I would guess in +1 (at least 2 of them)
I guess some GG crit chance, WED + (legacy) crti multi items .

And a tree that is only focused on dmg (150% life but no defs, no mana)

I posted my super defensive build Version on page 54 and with that I have 60k dps.
low_Unam 님이 2015. 4. 6. 오전 5:36:23에 마지막으로 편집
Kharantir 님이 작성:
Need help of people knowing chineese or super wripper professionals - here's the video of windripper build with 72k TS GMP dps.
and guide link -
Google translate can't give enough information to understand how to get that insane dps.

That man has avoided every single resist node..
Not criticism just observation, which means that you need Massive and i mean massive resist on gear, he used chest with +45 to fire,cold light resist +12% resist to all +96 life.That's not something everyone can get their hands on.All his gear are also super expensive crafted stuff for resist, life+dps.Man we are talking some serious currency here.
His boots are also 45,45,45 resist +life ...or is that ammulet... anyway waay expensive.

Almost no intelect on nodes.. so you have to come with +/- 100 intelect somewhere to use wrath..

His belt has 3x45 resist+wed+life..

With all due respect, your build does not have windripper, hence not in this race.
IceLancerSR 님이 2015. 4. 6. 오전 4:33:03에 마지막으로 편집
IceLancerSR 님이 작성:

With all due respect, your build does not have windripper, hence not in this race.

Sorry don't get it, my gear is also linked on the bottom of page 54 and it shows a WR there is the linking somehow broken? I can link it again, if something is wrong there.
Hi, I'm level 66 at the moment, and my DPS is 6k, while my HP is 2.4k. Am I doing something wrong?


Edit: I have life leech on my Herald of Thunder because I'm just levelling it, while I'm struggling to get at least 15k tooltip dps on my Tornado Shot, and I'll swap the LoH with LL.
chokatocheeew 님이 2015. 4. 6. 오전 10:25:59에 마지막으로 편집
low_Unam 님이 작성:

it is no problem linking my Gear again, that is the gear I use:
this gem and a 2nd movespeed flask was the only change for uber


Yeah , my bad, i looked at your topic not your posts, you use acuity hence you can drop all intelect nodes, and dont need to go to vaal pact side.

But sustaining mana that way is .. very situational and may bring some issues in harsh moments.
It also requires very specific gear..

Another proof that ggg needs to rethink about adding some love to elemental builds. regarding leech mana/life.

Yeah man , your gear does not have a single critical multiplier stat.Crit builds depends mainly on high multiplier.500% or more
IceLancerSR 님이 2015. 4. 8. 오전 7:18:10에 마지막으로 편집
It is astonishing, you are about the 5th person now that takes a look at my items and only sees the gloves.
I didn't know mathils build when I created mine (nor any of the other windripper builds) and went some very different ways. Many here complain about low dps and low survivabilty, but every time I try to explain that changing the chest and getting rid of Alphas and going for some +1 to gems item with empower can solve these problems the only reply is you use acuity. So once again, Acuity allow me to go super tanky, they also safe me 1 link (cause I can go mana based with them) that I use for pcoc because I am lazy, they do not boost the dmg with my build.

With like 15 clicks this is a quick and dirty, bloodmagic vaal pact tree (also fixed the int so you would need almost no stats from gear and I did no optimization, just got rid of the res nodes I need to wear a LC).

Has still shit loads of def. with charges (only 4 needed, or less if you have good critchance gear) herald of ice curse on hit you will have capped crit, linking BM and LL on TS, GMP, WED, inc crit dmg. Using Rats nest and Maligaros will be over 25kdps.

But since no one seems to care and as stated above they just look at one single piece of gear and say that is the sole reason why I can have twice the dps they have (with better defs), I guess, I will just stop these posts here.

This was not meant as an insult or an attack to you, just wanted to name the major differences in the builds for the last time.

To also answer to your other statements, mana is no problem, I have 3 clean shots, before I have to hit anything, if I miss these 3 I got one blank, then a forth shot through regen when ever I just hit 1 opponent I will not loose mana due to the insta leech from imba gloves. And the divine mana flask is up all the time cause of the surgeons roll and could be spammed if needed, but I rarly need it, no problem with no regen or half regen maps as well.

Your statement about more love for ele builds is very true.
Imho the problem is that ele builds are very strong if played correclty, esp. if you can get crit into these builds so I guess changes to ele dmg builds would be hard to balance. They are also super cheap, you don't need uber GG weapons to do a lot of dmg, just high lvl gems and a fast weapon with high crit chance.
One insanly good elemental build item is Bereks Grip (esp with the heralds added to the game), that kind of items are really what should be added more and not just in one legacy ring, some kind of mana leech through ele dmg. or some more interactions with the dmg type you deal to monsters not just dmg scaling.

Bye and GL
low_Unam 님이 2015. 4. 8. 오후 6:04:29에 마지막으로 편집
You seem stressed because i only "saw" acuity.
But you neglect to notice that "acuity" is build enabler.

Without acuity you need to "manufacture" 151 intelect out of thin air to use wrath and thunder.
Not to mention additional 10 or so intelect if you try to "empower" such gems.
At best that is 2x30 + 3+10 intelect nodes which forces your build in specific direction.
Also it also forces build into Vaal Pact side which is precisely if not more 15 nodes into wrong direction.That also forces you to either use Agate amulet or pure intelect, which will only bring you to 147 intelect.That means aditional 10 intelect or 20 if you plan "empower"

Making a math that is 20+ nodes which could be used in immediate vicinity of ranger for more HP, Crit, wed.

And yet once more you mention "mana is no problem".
You your self used very specific gear to circumvent leech by adding specific items with physical dmg and mana leech nodes/gear stats in order to get enough physical to leech mana beck..Have u tried searching for such ammulet on poe trade ? Have you find anything like that ? And at what cost?
I know i did.And its not pleasant discovery.Berek's grip ring is barelly at market.Those who have it either are off for a year or two.And others ask ridiculous amount of money for it.

And that ring is also situational,because it needs to shock the target if it plans to leech.
That being said we return to mana pool which needs to be high enough like 700 total (for left over of 150-200 mana after auras) in order to sustain 3 shoots at full cost, without screwing your self.

And that in return bring us back to "acuity" because without it, we have NO mana pool because we used our nodes to take intelect and Vaal pact.

All in all...

Story doesnt hold water.
IceLancerSR 님이 2015. 4. 9. 오전 3:18:17에 마지막으로 편집
I have some garbage rolled ripper (10as out of 15), some garbage jewellry etc, but i have around 37k dps with 5 power charges using howl, maligaros and pretty much mathil's build (46 with amethyst flask). I bet rat's nest with emp lvl 4 is better. With 15% as ripper it will be 29k+.
Also there is dps and one-shot damage. If you roll AS on quiver, mb rings and take AS passives, then tooltip value is greater. But it is not the case for almost every situation, where u shoot, dodge, run and shoot again. There you need highest crit possible with highest multiplier and highest +dmg from gear. 90% crit with ele weakness results in shocking from 1st shot and killing a mob with x5 dmg from the second shot. Not that great tooltip, but your clearing speed grows exponentially.
Also capped crit knockbacks chargers, slammers, incinerators etc, so they cant deal you any damage.
tntultra 님이 2015. 4. 9. 오후 12:30:44에 마지막으로 편집
OK I will do this step by step

IceLancerSR 님이 작성:
You seem stressed because i only "saw" acuity.
But you neglect to notice that "acuity" is build enabler.

Without acuity you need to "manufacture" 151 intelect out of thin air to use wrath and thunder.
Not to mention additional 10 or so intelect if you try to "empower" such gems.
At best that is 2x30 + 3+10 intelect nodes which forces your build in specific direction.
Also it also forces build into Vaal Pact side which is precisely if not more 15 nodes into wrong direction.That also forces you to either use Agate amulet or pure intelect, which will only bring you to 147 intelect.That means aditional 10 intelect or 20 if you plan "empower"

Acutiy are a build enabler but not because of the int roll, also the skipping of vaal pact is nice but the really imba thing is the instant mana leech.

The tree I posted with Vaalpact and using BM has 114 int and you need 151 to use lvl 21gems so you think it is impossible to get 37 int on an amu, 2 rings and boots (or more slots if you use rare items?)

IceLancerSR 님이 작성:

Not to mention additional 10 or so intelect if you try to "empower" such gems.
That means aditional 10 intelect or 20 if you plan "empower"

No idea what BS you are talking about but empowering gems does not increase the int need to use them.

IceLancerSR 님이 작성:

And yet once more you mention "mana is no problem".

My build uses high mana leech with phys dmg and Acuity, so no mana problem for my build.
Mathil's build uses BM gem.
So I assumed you thought my build has mana problems and I just explained that it doesn't I didn't realise you were crying about the hardship of not getting and imba build with no investment and no downsides.

IceLancerSR 님이 작성:

You your self used very specific gear to circumvent leech by adding specific items with physical dmg and mana leech nodes/gear stats in order to get enough physical to leech mana beck..Have u tried searching for such ammulet on poe trade ? Have you find anything like that ? And at what cost?
I know i did.And its not pleasant discovery.Berek's grip ring is barelly at market.Those who have it either are off for a year or two.And others ask ridiculous amount of money for it.

I found the amu myself and I didn't look for a similar one. But do you think it is impossible to get some phys dmg and some mana leech on rings and amu? Sure it is impossible if you want t1 wed, t1 life and high res on top unless you want to mirror stuff.

IceLancerSR 님이 작성:
Bereks Grip
And that ring is also situational,because it needs to shock the target if it plans to leech.
That being said we return to mana pool which needs to be high enough like 700 total (for left over of 150-200 mana after auras) in order to sustain 3 shoots at full cost

I was mentioning the ring as a nice item for ele builds and the kind of item I would like to see more, it is also a possible addition to this build and shocking enemys with 4000 lighting dmg per hit and 95% crit is def not the problem. But the problem is the cap in mana leech. So you estimated 700 mana fall short by a lot to fire with high attackspeed no blanks at ~40 mana cost per hit.

IceLancerSR 님이 작성:

And that in return bring us back to "acuity" because without it, we have NO mana pool because we used our nodes to take intelect and Vaal pact.

True this is why the gloves are imba, but again not because of some stupid int nodes or mana pool gain with them but because they skip the leech cap.

All in all learn mechanics and enjoy the game.
low_Unam 님이 2015. 4. 9. 오후 4:59:31에 마지막으로 편집
low_Unam 님이 작성:

No idea what BS you are talking about but empowering gems does not increase the int need to use them.

yup this part was wrong on my side.i didnt fully leveled gem to 20 so i was using wiki as source of info.Rest i wont be responding, everything there sticks despite your "analysis"

You are clearly so OP in your knowledge when you start putting down people without even understanding what they wrote.

I will put next sentence as simplest as possible.

Acuity Doesn't give mana pool.

Instead its massive intelect bonus is everything a ranger needs To spent nodes elsewhere aka "mana pool nodes"

Now i am out of here.Since you do not know the way to communicate normally without insulting people.

IceLancerSR 님이 2015. 4. 10. 오전 1:53:58에 마지막으로 편집

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