[3.0]Facebreaker Cycloner REDUX - Voyage to 1M dps
The beauty of POE and it's skill system lies on it's diversity; if you want tanky, then go tanky.
Be my guest tanky version Honestly I believe if you have more than 30k for 75+maps, maybe hitting 50~60k-ish for atziri is enough. You think AOE is enough to drop "Amplify" from the tree and save 2 points? Go ahead. You think dmg is enough? Drop some melee dmg and invest more on life. You love HP? Drop Carcass Jack and go Belly and go for 230% life You like healing with pots instead of life regen? Drop some life regen nodes, Go "Profane Chemistry", grab some block nodes(making 24% block from tree i believe) on the way and drop berserk. You love dmg? Go dechaoordo's build. =================================================================================+ With melee, end-game map defense is not about defense; it's about how you can recover your HP fast. 8k life? Bro you are melee. You get shotgunned and you die. In POE, melee is mechanically worse than ranged; it's just a fact. Ranged can avoid half of the dmg incoming since half of spells that enemies cast are projectiles; you see the mob targetting you, the mob will fire projectile to the location where you are standing, as a ranged you move and attack, you dodge the projectile, and you don't get dmg. As a melee, you get hit. No matter what you will get hit. Even though you know the mobs' pattern, desync will come, and you will get hit. Even tho you have max block, 25% of the time you will get hit. Because you are up-close, no where to dodge the projectiles. 1. It's then when high leech, high hp regen, high life pool (high enough not to get one shotted; the video however, was a lmp or gmp shotgun so he had no chance) shines. You get hit, you recover fast, and get to full hp quick enough within the time the second hit will come. 2. Or better, have high dps so you can melt down the mob before the second hit comes. Those are the reasons why decharordo and etherfire is claiming dps = tankyness, at least for this character. =================================================================================== Personally I've tried victordoom's 2h sword cyclone with 246% life + 8% life regen + LGoH at level 80 cycloner before. Made to 80~88 only played rare 74+ maps. Sure the dmg is not there, but I rarely died. 6.5k life goes down to 1000, within a second I'm back at 6.5k life again. Prevention(block, evade) and mitigation(armour, IR) is important yes, but recovery is just as important as well. greensunggwa#6763 님이 2015. 1. 21. 오후 8:36:31에 마지막으로 편집
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ok you guys convinced me ;p
any one wanna break the tree in level up section? or tell me what to get in priority? SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
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I'm interested in running this build (the original Scion start) for Bloodlines.
I was considering running Lightning Coil rather than Belly, would this be a good alternative for running it in Bloodlines? Thanks in advance! Very interested in running something like this build. |
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" Resolute technique gives you 100% chance to hit and zero crit chance. You can still evade. You are thinking about Unwavering stance and that isn't used. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/913599 <--- mirror Thread PaladinSMD#6827 님이 2015. 1. 22. 오전 4:41:05에 마지막으로 편집
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" If you can find a way to get your lightning resist closed I see no problem as why it wouldn't work. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/913599 <--- mirror Thread
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you can go cloack of flame if not enough light ressit for lightning coil!!
also would a reckoning-vengeance-riposte gem setup be good? SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434 xenochaos1#4153 님이 2015. 1. 22. 오후 12:24:32에 마지막으로 편집
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Hello guys, I've been trying to maximize the skill tree, so far I ended up going with a duelist start, this way I can drop the low 6% inc phys dmg at the start of sion.
with the same amount of node(114), the difference his: -25% phys dmg (sion entrance) -9%mov. speed -3% atk speed +5% buff on you +37% increased life +14 int so what do you guys think? is 37% more life worth the lost of 25% phys+9% mov.speed? and if you see any more optimization I can do let me know! http://poeurl.com/zch0n1E __________________________________________________________ Or if u wanna play with it, here is a tree without the low 6% inc phys node at start of sion, with some minor modification, I saved 9 nodes (WHICH IS A LOT!!!)(105 in total instead of 114), and we only lost 25%phys dmg, and gain 6% max life : (but we still have 9 more node to place!!!) http://poeurl.com/zchXoVs ____________________________________________________________ I am also wondering what are teh essential key node? should i rush all the aura node? or the block node first? or something else? SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434 xenochaos1#4153 님이 2015. 1. 22. 오후 3:27:13에 마지막으로 편집
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" Well as i said before i use vengeance for the LGOH and reckoning to curse, i consider them more like utility skill than DPS. Riposte did not work well for me because of the lack of AOE. Its nice to see this build becoming more popular. ---
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Very nice build I'm running 50k on virtually the same build so far. Considering changing my chest piece though:
Belly for the increased life% and also the increased flask recovery to spam quicksilvers or Bronn's Lithe, interesting as it would give you a level 23 cyclone. Unfortunatly wiki does not give the physical damage output of a level 23 but it would probably be around 84-86%. Also decent evasion on the chest as well as 10% attack speed. Maybe a decent use for the chest afterall? Which is better? Or stick with Carcass? IGN: Munkehboi
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" is cyclone really concidered like a movement gem?EDIT: yes it is ;p that armor might be really good than ;p , and its 100% dex item, getting the color will cost some chrome! also nice amount of evasion if we had an evasion shiel with high Eva we might be able to reach 50-55% evasion which is WAY better than armor SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434 xenochaos1#4153 님이 2015. 1. 22. 오후 6:17:49에 마지막으로 편집
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