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Battle of the Streamers Two (PL22369)

Battle of the Streamers Two (PL22369)

시작 시간:2022. 7. 29. 오후 3:00:00 (America/New_York)
남은 지속시간:0일 0시간 0분
종료 시간:2022. 8. 8. 오후 3:00:00 (America/New_York)
리그 형식:PoE1 PC - SSF Sentinel
플레이어:22 / 30


순위 계정 캐릭터 직업 레벨
1 ribgvo Elementalist 71
2 aaaaaaaaaabcnbzxmbcbnzn Elementalist 41
3 sdvdsvdsvsvd Deadeye 41
4 adadadadadadqdqdqd Occultist 41
5 xitus_____ Saboteur 41
6 Greek_Templar Inquisitor 41
7 AMU_Duelist Champion 41
8 fgdshtjasrtyjsrthaykaya Guardian 40
9 conconconconconconcon Pathfinder 40
10 wqreqwrerweq Elementalist 40