Reflections of the Fish (PL22442)
Reflections of the Fish (PL22442)
시작 시간:2022. 8. 19. 오후 9:00:00 (America/New_York)
남은 지속시간:0일 0시간 0분
종료 시간:2022. 10. 18. 오후 9:00:00 (America/New_York)
리그 형식:PoE1 PC - Kalandra
플레이어:64 / 70

순위 | 계정 | 캐릭터 | 직업 | 레벨 |
1 | cuttown20980#7132 | Maru_uraM | Champion | 100 |
2 | AriumWurm#1210 | TheVisionExperience | Champion | 100 |
3 | criminalking#4531 | FrickCracklance | Elementalist | 100 |
4 | NIKOvbn#3880 | NIKOvbn_Monarch | Champion | 100 |
5 | Kayowah#1512 | WhatAreYouDoingStepxile | Ascendant | 98 |
6 | Cuupie#4573 | ManaCuu | Ascendant | 98 |
7 | Cuupie#4573 | CuuShot | Deadeye | 97 |
8 | Cuupie#4573 | Cuu | Champion | 97 |
9 | Cuupie#4573 | Cuurse | Occultist | 97 |
10 | mazjin_mtg#4887 | BuffMeleeWTFGGG | Champion | 97 |