Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
assuming not much changes in 3.12 for this build, and assuming the meta remains unchanged in the following:
- spellslinger/archmage popularity - necro doesn't get nerfhammered into the ground but with the removal of harvestcrafting, how do you think it will affect this build? wondering if anyone is considering using this as a league starter. myself i personally play a max of 2 chars per league, sometimes just the league starter for the whole league (working old man, so not much time for gaming) with the power creep/spike from harvest crafting, and this char being the highest dps char i ever had, i will not consider this for my 2nd char again as i can't clear 100% delirious T16 map with beyond and +1 monster level. maybe it's just my skill, but the fact remains that there's a clear ceiling that i myself am unable to break through. it's quite a pity, because i love everything about this build: - MoM gives me more eHP than i ever had - mana pool serving as both offence and defence allows me to ignore life on so many fronts - arc is auto-target-seeking, so it's really a fire-and-forget - ease of applying curse - few buttons build (1 for curse, 1 for movement, 2x vaal skills, and 1 for main skill. arcane cloak on left mouse click) please share your thoughts for 3.12 Location: Singapore GMT+8
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" I've played poe for: 11 days 8 hours and 50minutes.(Yep this is my first time playing :D) I've played this arc build for: 7 days 7 hours and 21 minutes and 38 seconds. So basicly i've started my poe "career" with Harvest league. I've managed to get his char to an incredible 1.3m DPS in PoB. Even though i'm not able to kill A8 Sirus because i've somehow messed up my Atlas and i miss only one Watchstone for A8 to be unlocked it's incredible good build for a new starter in this game,not just for a new league. I'd recommend this build to whoever wants to start playing this game. It's very easy to play, the game is hard to understand XD. Isn't that expensive if you just want to do T16 and make currency. In fact as a new player that still has to learn about to this game isn't a bad idea to make this just for t16 and another build for very high end stuff. With this i could farm and invest in antoher character that can resist much smoother in delirium maps.The biggest problem is the next leageue i won't have that much free time so basicly i would have to choose one. The sad part is that without harvest crafting we'll have to hunt for uniques since this league will go back to old crafting stystem, which is expensive.Lmao. Since we don't know all the possibilites and i guess they won't show us all of them it's hard to say it will be better or worse for us. As you said at least we didn't get nerfed. The next league i will keep arc build as a backup in case something else just gets me boored, or i don't have time to learn another build. I'm already crafting a new build based on DoT (i suppose fire will be chosen,i'm still not decided; ED is very blunt). I will try to apply as much knowledge as i can from arc build to fire build. Beside the items which need more time to invest to understand what to do and where, the gem setup is almost complete. I wonder if anotherm elemental damage could go as good as arc or even more, using MP for defense(and maybe ES too), and DoT for damage. It's a weird combo between what i've learnt from Arc build and ED builds. I kinda enjoy the Witch Ascendacies. I hope that new gems will give us an unused opportunity to get this build even more in delirium juicy juicy maps. If that happens be sure i'll come back to this. Somehow i wish we could get a visible DoT for lightning. That would improve the overall DPS even if i'll have to put down some MP numbers to achieve that. |
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" I'd try getting a shield with both life on block and mana on block, the life on block is insane when there are as many monsters as there are in a 100% delirium map. I sometimes drop down to below 1 fps when running the full delirium maps (still using an FX6300 lol), but can still usually manage to clear them deathless because of the insane sustain and tankyness the build offers. Edit: Recorded a video of me clearing one, the audio bugged out and the fps drops make it painful to watch, but you can see that I don't have much trouble survivng. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_FrNCtQ2Ww&feature=youtu.be There are definitely better builds for delirium maps though Build will definitely be much weaker without harvest crafting, will probably need some significant investment to even do normal T16 maps quickly/reliably Yarbl#5359 님이 2020. 9. 5. 오후 11:22:08에 마지막으로 편집
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"Asenath's Gentle Touch are very interesting aswell. They come with the basic life and mana that we want, curse enemies with Temporal Chains and have situational Blind and corpse explosions to remove on-death effects, such as from porcupines. They can only drop from Maraketh Legions."
The on-death effect for porcupines still happen. Was this nerfed? |
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" Jesus Yarbl, that's not a gameplay video, it's a powerpoint presentation! I have no idea how you survive at those frame-rates. Amazing build though! |
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According to Yarbl message
Probably u have so spiky gameplay expirence because of 1) single channel ram 2) that ram is low freq, i would recommend overclock it to something like ~2000 mhz. Its not that hard but overall perfomance boost is like 30%. Fx processors is rly require good ram speed. GL Datel666#5284 님이 2020. 9. 6. 오전 11:38:24에 마지막으로 편집
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" Thanks for the help but I'm planning to get a new processor, mobo and ram before the next league, never really played anything as demanding as POE so never felt the need. I've got an RX580, might upgrade that as well if the need arises. Noticed a guy on poe.ninja running Inspiring presence in the gem slot near exposure tolerance, seems pretty nice - gives me about 6% more damage, 200 life and 10 dex at the cost of 5 passive points |
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Hi Enki/Anyone experienced with this build!
My first PoE season was Metamorph and I chose this build to be my first league starter ever. I really enjoyed the playstyle, and spent a fair amount of currency upgrading the build. I was itching to try Arc-witch again for the Heist season, so I came back to the guide to see what had changed. To my surprise, things are quite different! Gone are the staves, Heralds of Ice, and elemental ascendancy. We're now a Necromancer arc-witch O.o My question is simple: what prompted such a drastic change in the build's stat prioritization? Were you experimenting and simply found out the mana stacking and corpse eating was more effective? Or was there a patch note somewhere that either made OG arc-witch worse or this version better? |
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" yeah that makes alot of thanks. gonna work on that. " uff that means i have to run labs. dunno if i want to do that xD " i just bought this one jewel for it's mana and life. it was pretty cheap so i will look into one with faster casting " tbh i just copied the gems from on of the people here. i have actually no clue if this is better or not. it is a little bit clunky to play but besides that it works. " yeah awakened versions would be nice but i don't have any currency anymore " i think you mean my large cluster jewel right? gonna grab it " fixed it " my survivability is ass. i randomly get oneshot and i can never tell why. i can run half a map without any problems and suddenly something that is 3 screens away yeets at me and im dead. what flask would you use instead of the sulphur flask ? i just got the belt enchant when i did the eternal lab challenge. so it wasnt anything i wanted to have on the belt. " thanks :) |
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this is really a very SSF friendly build but i've started to encounter some difficulty in handling situations where "reflect elemental damage" instant kill me.
how is everyone handling these mobs? |
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