Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Thanks for the update :D
this is a sick thing from temple
Mazaw#6176 님이 2018. 6. 1. 오후 8:44:55에 마지막으로 편집
reincarn4tion#6777 님이 2018. 6. 1. 오후 9:51:54에 마지막으로 편집
Thoughts on using Lightning Spire trap as a single target boost? Maybe it's gonna be nice even though we are no trapper
Hi Enki,
I'm following your build at the moment. It's fantastic and very detailed. Thank you!
I just have one question: I've noticed that you don't recommend using Herald of Thunder in your Gem Setup section. HoT seems to fit very nicely with this build so i was wondering if there is a reason for not using it. Cheers
@Epheron: I've fixed the passives now, had to manually map out each on this website which took some time. I've also fixed the Path of Building link, it now links directly to the releases page where you can get the installer.

@pkm: Can be worth it, but it'll override Enfeeble and I would put higher priority on Shaper/Elder mods than the corruption.

@korzasa: Not for this build. The trap would be limited to a 4L and easily get destroyed by bosses since we don't have Clever Construction.

@KingAlistair: Simply because it reserves too much of our Mind over Matter-pool, without giving enough of a boost to be worth it.
Thanks for the great build!

Any thoughts about getting a few nodes of skill effect duration, this will boost the duration of vaal arcs lucky buff for more damage!
Surely is alredy been asked, but why not using Pladge of hands?
Aleoddio#2752 님이 2018. 6. 2. 오전 9:58:23에 마지막으로 편집
@Dele: I was considering them, but couldn't find anything i'm comfortable to drop for them.

@Aleoddio: Mostly for mobility reasons. Most of our defense comes from simply not getting hit, and that's the easiest when using the currently fastest movement skill aka. Shield Charge.

Removed yesterday's hurried video and uploaded four new ones. Really pleased with the Arc buff!
Sorry for being noob, but I recently got my hands on Vaal Arc (it's pretty much my first build ever) and I noticed it can hold only one charge. Will the amount of charges change with the level of gem? If not, then I guess you use normal arc and Vaal arc only for single target bosses to maximize dmg output?
HDVision#5650 님이 2018. 6. 2. 오후 2:48:08에 마지막으로 편집

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