Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
I guess you've made some changes by now, looks good so far. In addition to what the others wrote, your flasks need some work. You want to use an Eternal instead of Divine Life Flask, also replace the second one with a Basalt and the Quicksilver with a Sulphur, quality them all and then roll them properly.
I've also noticed that your Cold Snap is way too high leveled, keep it a Lv7 so that a Lv1 CwDt can trigger it. The change from Cerberus Limb to Doryani's Catalyst would give you a huge boost to Inpulsa explosions at the cost of some cast speed, but if you still stay at 5 casts per second with Arcane Surge up you've lost no actual damage.
That's a very nice helmet, congrats and good luck on enchanting it!
I'd still recommend using Ahn's, just for the huge damage increase Onslaught provides and the +3 maxres. If you need more res after that, replace your boots since chaos res isn't all too relevant this league. COuld also replace the amulet with a more DPS-oriented one.
You should also replace the flasks to Eternal Life - Basalt - Sulphur/Eternal Mana - Wise Oak - Atziri's Promise, and then quality and roll them all. Try to get Warding on one of the duration flasks rather than your life flask. And get the Alchemist cluster, it's one of the strongest 3 nodes on the entire tree. Starkonja's would be somewhat entry-level, but keep its high dex requirement in mind! I'd rather go with a pre-enchanted base and craft it myself, both Fossils and Essences make it really easy this league. A bigger improvement for now would be Lv21 Arc and a leech Watcher's Eye tho, that should be your priority in high-end upgrades.
Crit gives us no extra damage, and EO is already easy to keep up with Orb of Storms so the Annihilation nodes would do more or less nothing.
I currently took the lightning route instead of the single elemental node in the Celestial Wheel because there were no better choices, and I don't need the extra cast speed from Nimbleness. If you level further and really don't want to pick the Alchemist cluster, then i'd recommend this choice. However, you definitely should go for Alchemist for a very significant boost in both DPS and defense. I've tested Stormfire a couple of times and found that it makes no significant difference. We already blow up packs with a single cast and get ignites 40% of the time anyway through Shaper of Desolation, so i'd rather go with a ring with life on it. It's probably better if built around, but that's something I don't wanna do with this build.
Good luck, let me know how it went!
Think of it like this: with 5 casts/s, each Arcs cast time is 0.2s and will be doubled due to Spell Echo, so 0.4s per skill use. I find that in most relevant boss situations we have around 2s to damage until we need to move, that gives us time for 10 casts (5 skill uses) during this window and increasing the cast speed to anything between 5-6 casts/s wouldn't change that, so it would only artificially increase our tooltip. And reaching 6 casts/s takes perfect cast speed gear, or maybe the Lightning Golem Buff Effect enchant to lessen the cost a bit.
Looks like you got no source of cold damage to spells anywhere, get that on a jewel to make Hypothermia work more reliably. And your Atziri's Promise is missing quality, small but impactful detail. Can't really do much else, the other stuff would also cost too much atm.
I see that you've already switched away from Choir, which is good. It's just not too impactful for this build, can get much better amulets for the same price.
All example gear is in the PoB, read the Notes Tab to learn how to use it properly.
First step is remove Herald of Thunder, it doesn't add enough damage to justify the reservation cost, and this lower mana pool artificially lowers your DPS because you run out of mana faster.
Your Arcane Surge is also way too high leveled, keep it at Lv8 to proc it with each Orb of Storms use. And use the 20% quality on all gems listed in the respective section, they will level back to 18-19 rather quickly and you end up with much more damage. You're also missing Cold Damage to Spells on a jewel to make Hypothermia work reliably. Your flasks are mostly missing quality and can also be rolled better. And the Concentrated Effect in your helmet negatively affects Orb of Storms, makes it much harder to hit the boss an proc EO with it, so i'd recommend to either reroll or sell and buy a new helmet.
Stygian Vises are a bit hidden in PoB, you can find them (and all other bases) if you click on Craft Item. The rare templates included in PoB are very limited and outdated imo.
Click on Passives, Ascendancy & Pantheon.
Sick gear, with your Watcher's you could switch Mana Leech on OoS with Blind or Culling Strike.
It's an option, but too limiting for the overall purpose of this build. A very specific Ahns corruption would suddenly be mandatory to play the build, supply wouldn't be able to keep up with demand and SSF players would run into issues getting that let alone Cerberus Limb, which only drops from a Delve boss. It also eventually loses out in actual damage output compared to simply using a better sceptre and a higher-end, not even minmaxed setup, and survivability is lower due to reserving lots of mana for HoT while using Essence Worm.
Your ingame tooltip will always be way lower than the actual single target output, since damage increases from Penetration, Shock, Hypothermia and Arcs 15% more dmg per remaining chain aren't reflected in tooltip damage. To see your real damage, import your char to Path of Building, activate all relevant settings and flasks and check against Shaper/Guardian preset.
It replaces Added Lightning Damage, but only if you have a +1 to level of socketed gems Inpulsas, otherwise ALD is more damage.
Best you can do is getting more offense from your amulet and ring, shouldn't need that many resistances anyway. I'd also highly recommend getting a leech Watcher's Eye instead, and replace the Rumi's & mana flask with a Basalt and Sulphur. The jewel in belt is also not that good and you have Cold Damage to Spells on your weapon anyway, so could replace that too. The rest comes down to learning what mapmods reduce your damage and simply luck in lightning damage rolls, since the range is very high.
@everyone: Thanks! Looks like many people got some of the major endgame bosses down with this build recently, really glad to see that! twitch.tv/enkivt
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" zero spelldamage on the ring, belt and amulet. Quite low cast speed because you don't have this stat on your weapon. jewels are not great too. You should aim for abyss jewels with hp, cast speed and flat "# to # lightning damage to spells" Unallocate some 5% hp talents and add elemental focus and coldhearted calculation. 30 strength and 30 dexterity talents are not great too, try to get those from the gear. |
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One thing Enki didn't wrote in the guide is that highend build costs over 100 exalts.
Don't expect to do Uber Elder with less than 50ex at least. Inpulsa +1 socketed gem ~50ex Scepter ~15ex Watcher's eye with penetration ~40ex Empower 4 ~4ex... Nice build for farming and that's about it cause costs are over the roof. TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2018. 10. 7. 오전 9:34:48에 마지막으로 편집
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" You can get double wrath watcher's for 25ex. You can use a tip from TorsteinTheFallen on this page and get cerberus limb for 30c and corrupted anh's heritage for like 1 ex (wich i'm using right now too, gave me more than 100k dps) +1 lvl to gems Inpulsa's.. yea, it's crazy expensive and hard to find, but you can kill uber elder without it. Btw, lvl 21 Added lightning damage gives me more damage than lvl 4 empower and it costs less than 2ex instead of 4ex for empower. My uber elder setup, 8 successfull kills in a row with a couple death on each, i'm not good enough yet to do it deathless. https://pastebin.com/fGB9DNTY |
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A couple of questions:
1) With "Extended Duration" boots, we don't need the Extended Duration gem in the links, right? If so, then what should we put there for the CWDT setup? 2) After dropping the Skullhead for a good rare, I notice it's a bit more difficult to keep Golems up and running. Is there anything we can do aside from a Minion healing affix on a potion? (Not sure if it treats Golems as "Minions" since I've never used one of those.) Overleveled Golem gems? (21+/20%) +2 Minion Level helm and juggle the 4-link into something else? Surprisingly, I've gotten lucky on XBox and have been able to get most of the gear for this. (Double Wrath Watcher's Eye just isn't available, but I least I have a Leech one and that's as good as I could expect.) In regards to the "costs" post above, as it relates only to the unwashed masses of XBox players, it's not too terribly difficult in this League, with the currency flowing like water in Delve. Also, because Uniques fall from the sky with every Delve loot explosion, their cost has gone down. (That's not to say that some still aren't much more expensive on XBox than PC, due to smaller playerbase.) The only problems I've had are min/maxing dps, main stats, and resists. But, that's because hunting for gear on XBox is terribly difficult and, often, the only way to get what you need is to craft it, which can be expensive and isn't as easy to plan around. Edit: Note on Golems - It is possible to get a Ghastly Abyss Jewel with +pts "Minions Regenerate" and "Lightning/Elemental Penetration." So, that "might" help a bit. According to the Wiki, Golems are considered Minions, but I know that's not always the case with every "minion" thing. (At least, AFAIK, there are some exceptions.) Anyone had experience with "Minions Regenerate" and Golems?) Morkonan#5844 님이 2018. 10. 7. 오후 12:30:27에 마지막으로 편집
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You don't need nearly any of that to do Uber Elder. I've been farming him since first week of Delve with much worse gear than my char currently has, and also did 13 kills in SSF last league with an overall weaker version. Sure, more damage will help but it's not needed at all.
A 6L Inpulsa, Lv21 Arc, Leech Watcher's Eye and overall decent gear is more than enough, don't even need the helmet enchant.
Yeah, wouldn't need the gem if you have elder boots with that mod. Could either replace it with something like Vaal Arc (just for the lucky buff, affected by increased duration) or any other vaal aura, or put the curse in there at a low enough level and gain 2 sockets for whatever.
The minion life regeneration mod on jewels should work, another thing that works is dragging them onto your Consecrated Ground. I haven't had many issues with keeping them alive tho, only the more chaos damage-heavy delves or stuff like double beyond or desecrated ground maps kill them quickly. twitch.tv/enkivt Enki91#7725 님이 2018. 10. 7. 오후 1:33:58에 마지막으로 편집
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I read a tip about using the Consecrated Ground for that. It'd save a recast/port for healing them up before a fight. Switching a + Minion Regen gem in/out would work too. I'll probably just focus on getting 20+ level Minion Gems and see how it goes. It's not really an issue, even in Delve, unless you hit a particularly rough spot. Porting back to the Mine Entrance appears to heal them just like a Town/Hideout port would.
I'll experiment with the boot skill gem chain and see what I get. Something stupid and loud, methinks... :) Thanks again for the great build! You've significantly improved the entertainment value of my gameplay experience this League! |
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Hey Guys, second league for me in PoE, came from being a long time Diablo 3 player. Really love PoE and have learned lots of new things about the game, still learning though (haven't got into crafting). Really enjoy this build, but can you guys take a look at my build and let me know what's next? At this point, I do a T13 Map and the end bosses one shot me. Still get through the map but just barely. Map trash mobs are no problem, just bosses. Really appreciate:
https://pastebin.com/pxuircVg Some notes and questions: - First, I'm lvl 89, have done almost all the maps up to T14, but a couple T13 ones i keep dying on bosses (like Core Map for instance). And I've now Delved to lvl 202. I'd term myself a casual player, like 1-2 hours a night after work, few hours a day on weekends. I do maps to get Sulphite, do Delves till run out, then back to maps. I have saved up and currently have 1 Exalt and 260 Chaos. I basically just sell everything I get with the 2 Chaos orb recipe, so I never actually 'identify' my items, figure more cost effective to just save and buy direct. Also, don't Craft at all, from everything I've heard it's too expensive to craft yourself.......... Q: How can you guys be talking about buying a 25Ex item??? haha, like where do you make money like that? This far into league I have like 3.5Ex to my name lol. I'm also trying to level some gems in offhands to sell to make extra money, but never gonna have enough to get great gear me thinks. Like to get better gear than I have now in the 4 link type item slots, it costs like 80C minimum for a good piece. And getting a 6L Inpulsa, how is that possible? Like I've heard, "buy a crappy one, use Jeweller Orbs and then Fusings till you get a 6L", but that seems like it would get very costly. And still left buying a junk one, I mean can get a 10% Explode, but then nowhere close to the 50% added damage if shocked recently (or do i only need to care about the 10% Explode), so even buying a base cheap one seems wayyy too expensive. And does getting the 6th Link to get Hypothermia even make that big a difference? - I know in the build it shows I'm using a Lvl 20 Arc with 0 Quality, but I'm lvling some gems in off hand, and have a lvl 18 Arc 20 Quality ready to go. Only recently got to point where all the gems were level 20 so I could Prism them and start over with Quality 20 gems, almost back to full. (same with Orb of Storms and Herald of Thunder, just getting back to full), so you can ignore that part I think. - I have an Essence Worm ring with Wrath, but if I replace it for one of the other rings, then my resists drop to 78%, 75% and 80%, and now all of a sudden I'm getting one shot by the bosses in maps, and am just super squishy overall. If I re-equip the Two-Stone ring you see in build, then I'm fine again......... Q: So does that mean we really need resists to be more like 100% each? So I need to get that on other pieces of gear? - I haven't completed the last Lab yet. First run through, boss had like 2% life left and I died, and Lab is just so boring and annoying going though the traps, so I haven't gone back yet to complete it yet. So realize if I put in the 2nd Golem, like Flame Golem I'd get anther 20% damage. - Goal is to finish maps and kill Shaper, and get to Delve 300 or as high as I can. But definitely starting to stall at this point, at least as far as the mapping goes. When I map, I literally just Alch/Chaos it if needed, but I don't use chisels or sextants or anything. Don't really know how they work even, but my goal is just to get through them all, nevermind starting to farm them. Q: But maybe when doing the higher level ones, you're supposed to do that to make them easier? I assumed the bosses aren't affected by that stuff anyways. - Oh and just got PasteBin, and I notice you guys mentioning your DPS. How do I see what my DPs would be? Guess that's about it for now. thanks for reading through it all hahaha and appreciate the help and insight! cjave68#0861 님이 2018. 10. 7. 오후 5:55:26에 마지막으로 편집
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" Hi, Torstein here. :) I'm rly glad that someone liked the idea and that you are successfully farming Uber Elder. Corrupted Ahn's Heritage is also in trade league viable to make yourself, cause they are so cheap. It's worth to buy 20 of them and try. Also good corruptions are +1/2 socketed gems that you can sell easy and compensate if you fail to make the right one. I bought like 5 and corrupted, got one +2 gems and rest with white sockets or unchanged. Sold all... Also, using Herald of Thunder with altered ascendance points gives 10% less mana than with Clarity aura up. I know my mod is not SSF viable and it can't do elemental reflect mods but should be added to the build as an option. Looked at your pob. With Pendulum on elemental damage, you have 516K Shaper dps flask-less. That's great! 21lvl Lightning pen gives to you about +13k dps. Not much though... Now, i'm really getting frustrated cause im trying for 2 strait days to figure out what is the problem with my char. I'm in love with the Inpulsa and how everything works but i lack dps even with my mod. https://pastebin.com/YTJz7s7Q If you could be an friendly fellow exile and take a look at my pob and play with it to see what am I doing wrong, I would be very grateful. Cause i'm looking at it 2 days now and can't find the problem. My dps is much lower than yours. :( TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2018. 10. 7. 오후 6:11:37에 마지막으로 편집
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" Maybe i just suck at the game... :( TorsteinTheFallen#1295 님이 2018. 10. 7. 오후 6:04:01에 마지막으로 편집
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