[2.2] A Storm of Ice and Fire - Avatar of Fire CI Whispering Ice - Uber Viable!

How are you getting stat requirements for gems with all those str/dex->int jewels? If you're getting str/dex from gear, wouldn't it be better to keep the str/dex on your tree, get some int on those jewels, and int rolls on gear instead?

edit: Oh that's right, you're using Astramentis. In that case if you weren't using it, which would be better? Str/dex->int gems with stat rolls on gear for gem requirements, or str/dex on tree with int jewels?
SafariDiscoLion 님이 2016. 1. 27. 오후 6:41:22에 마지막으로 편집
How are you getting stat requirements for gems with all those str/dex->int jewels? If you're getting str/dex from gear, wouldn't it be better to keep the str/dex on your tree, get some int on those jewels, and int rolls on gear instead?

edit: Oh that's right, you're using Astramentis. In that case if you weren't using it, which would be better? Str/dex->int gems with stat rolls on gear for gem requirements, or str/dex on tree with int jewels?

The only Dex gem I use is Arctic Armor (98 Dex at lv 20). Str is used by more gems, you definitely need at least 111 Str. If you don't have Astramentis, use a rare amulet with +All Attr and +Int. You can find a lot of stats on rare amulets.

Definitely get the stats on gear, don't waste any tree nodes on Str/Dex.
Kelvynn 님이 2016. 1. 30. 오후 6:33:22에 마지막으로 편집
I just hit 70 on THC and loving the build. 7800 es, 2.8k icestorm dps, 1100 int, still got plenty of gem levels and whatnot to go. Decent gear so far.


Trying to level an enlighten now, and not using AA while doing lower maps, but I was wondering about dropping AA and taking Mind Over Matter. It worked pretty well on my dual curse Firestorm character. The only map mods I couldn't do was the usual ele reflect/minus max, blood magic, and curse immune. It'll make mapping a bit harder and use more currency rerolling maps, but it's a lot more mitigation, and you're always leech back mana with Warlord's Mark.

Debating also swapping out Life Leech for Faster Casting, I just prefer to cast faster so I can stay mobile and kite stuff, especially since we're not slowing them.
IGN- Vyvanne | Voxxvi (Tempest League)
Vyvanne's Odds and Bods Boutique - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1311497
Vyvanne 님이 2016. 2. 1. 오전 4:21:44에 마지막으로 편집
Vyvanne 님이 작성:

Trying to level an enlighten now, and not using AA while doing lower maps, but I was wondering about dropping AA and taking Mind Over Matter. It worked pretty well on my dual curse Firestorm character. The only map mods I couldn't do was the usual ele reflect/minus max, blood magic, and curse immune. It'll make mapping a bit harder and use more currency rerolling maps, but it's a lot more mitigation, and you're always leech back mana with Warlord's Mark.

Debating also swapping out Life Leech for Faster Casting, I just prefer to cast faster so I can stay mobile and kite stuff, especially since we're not slowing them.

I am sure, Kelvynn will answer your post and tell you something about your gear, so I dont take that away from him, but.......

I personaly thought about some of the things you mentioned, too. I didn´t do it and went with the guide - now at nearly lvl 90 I am a happy custumer. I do only have arround 10,5k Shield with 5,3k DPS, but it feels a little bit like the MAXBLOCK INCINERATOR I played on warbands.

I dont need Faster Casting to be mobile anymore !

Up to T13 Maps with all ridiculous hard rolls you want on them, there is no need to "kite" anymore. Even on curse immun maps without the extra leech from WM there is not really a situation where I have to move away fast. Especialy with a Taste of Hate and a Rumi !

The only thing I am missing a little bit is more move speed,
but off course - two quicksilvers help a lot in that regard. ;-)


Still thinking about taking the "Nimbleness-Cluster" later on.(lvl 93+)
When my ES gear is good enough for 12k+ and I dont need anything else,
that still is an option IMHO (12% cast speed and 4% movespeed).
And maybe even switching one DPS jewel to the one with move and cast speed.
Nágash 님이 2016. 2. 1. 오전 5:56:10에 마지막으로 편집
I was running my own version of whipsering ice (100% cold) and decided to give this build a try since I only had to respec about 16 points.

Im currently testing: life leech, echo, fire pen., cold to fire, controlled destruction and hypothermia. However it feels so weird without faster casting, don't know what you guys think about it...

Currently lv 85, it can finally face tank the trio, i still get death on Atziri but i need to practice more, now that the dps have gone past the 4K mark, the fight is faster. I think quality on gem will help a bit

Current lv 85 tree

Im considering respecting some bandit, but atm im waiting a wait to get frenzy charges, and having 4 is very useful in conduit parties. next level it will get past the 1400 INT milestones.

Es is very low, arround 9.5k with discipline level 19 i think with the
current gears

it will go a little past 10.5k ES at level 96

I plan to deviate a bit more and go
That WAY Lv 96

And see how it goes, basically i skip the templar AoE node, trade 1 INT node for a STR node and take the jewel est of the shadow, and use 3 points to get Balistic Mastery.

I hope the DPS will be up to 5k and enough for engames maps.

Have 2 Izaro and some average Jewels
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
reliable and always available
Hey Bro!

Great build, with great explanation.

Dont know if anybody asked before, but did you consider going frostbite (for the more dam, and freez chance) and not temp chains?

Thx for the gr8 content
Kordor92 님이 작성:
Hey Bro!

Great build, with great explanation.

Dont know if anybody asked before, but did you consider going frostbite (for the more dam, and freez chance) and not temp chains?

Thx for the gr8 content

Don't think that Frostbite makes any sense, given the fact that we do not deal any cold damage (all cold damage is converted to fire damage)

Damage is fine already, so I prefer running some more defensive curses. Blasphemy + WM, as suggested by Kelvynn, works really well for. There is a noticeable difference between 2% and 4% of life leech for me and the Mana leech is helpful too.
Blud2481 님이 작성:
I was running my own version of whipsering ice (100% cold) and decided to give this build a try since I only had to respec about 16 points.

Im currently testing: life leech, echo, fire pen., cold to fire, controlled destruction and hypothermia. However it feels so weird without faster casting, don't know what you guys think about it...

Hypothermia? It doesn't work on mobs that cannot be chilled, and even against those that can be chilled it's inferior to Conc Effect. With the right AoE nodes you can use it all the time and negate the radius penalty. You can find my variation of this build a couple pages up.

You are right, it's a little weird without Faster Casting. I ended up using Faster Casting more than not using it, especially on map clearing and bosses where mobility is more important than raw dps. But unlike the OP I swap Controlled Destruction (45% MORE) for it instead of Conc Effect (60% MORE). That way I keep 15% MORE dps plus the crit chance (Icestorm has 7.5% base crit rate).
Kelvynn 님이 2016. 2. 9. 오후 6:21:03에 마지막으로 편집

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