[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

empower is a pain in the ass. in std i have many at 4 and 3 but in league is veruy difficult. i'll change for Less duration ; Slower proj ; Chance to ignite ( or i'll buy it)
elementalist is pretty bad now without proper conflux, you dont get burns all the time meaning that prolif is also meh.

Id rather go champion over elementalist for survivability.

Thats also assuming were talking about new league without 20q explosive arrows ready.
artojas 님이 2016. 9. 2. 오후 12:26:12에 마지막으로 편집
artojas 님이 작성:
elementalist is pretty bad now without proper conflux, you dont get burns all the time meaning that prolif is also meh.

Id rather go champion over elementalist for survivability.

Thats also assuming were talking about new league without 20q explosive arrows ready.

If you wanted survivability, then you would always go Champion, as it simply offers the highest survivability by default.

It might not be that bad. You dont have to kill for it to be active, so it might be better for drawn out bossfights (--> Gurdians and shaper?). Either Ignite or Shock is going to boost your clear speed and damage overall, so out of 14 seconds only 4 are "wasted" on chilling enemies. Since this is an impact style of Ea, the overlapping explosions is all you really need for clearing. An ignite setup for single target is easy enough and should work fine with chance to ignite and some ignite chance from gear/tree.

The maker of this build also goes with Elementalist and he seems to know what he is doing.

Overall i dont think the nerf is too bad for Ea and lets be honest Elemental Conflux was just too strong before.
I don't really know what class pick . Berserk or elementalist, and I'm a bit worried. Probably I'll flip a coin . I can pick a class and restart with another if it's not performing
IamPeyter 님이 작성:

One thing I just noticed when going through the build with greater care is that you didn't pick Heart of the Warrior for 10% life, 10 str and 20 flat life. Moving two points from any of the other life wheels (or the 8-point life rectangle by scion) to here will yield quite a few hp.
Gell 님이 2016. 9. 3. 오후 7:37:08에 마지막으로 편집
Why does the berserker tree get max endurance charge? How are you getting the endurance charge in the first place?
essencevox 님이 작성:
Why does the berserker tree get max endurance charge? How are you getting the endurance charge in the first place?

Using enduring cry manually. Often, you have a half second of downtime when you can throw in a curse or enduring cry inbetween shots. With the aoe nodes, you get max charges even off of a mob pack at the edge of the screen.
what would be the most viable build in 2.4? Berserker/Raider or Berserker?

It is the first time I'll play this guide, and I'm still not decided.
is playing without resolute technique clunky? feels like its a must
Ign ExiledAkuma
why using elemental overload if the build seem to not use crit chance at all?

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