[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

I played this build in 2.2 and looking to get it going again.

2 questions:

1) how is single target now? Specially uber atzir/izaro?

2) is scion still best class? What ascendency nodes do i now take?

Thanks :)
what would be the elementaliste ascendancy priority?like, what should i get for normal, cruel, merciless?

dominants 님이 작성:
is playing without resolute technique clunky? feels like its a must

It's fine, some flat accuracy helps. You splash off walls and other targets, the only time you notice is on bosses, but you fire so fast it hardly matters. Just put in six arrows instead of five.

zakariusqc 님이 작성:
why using elemental overload if the build seem to not use crit chance at all?

Even with no crit chance at all, with the amount of hits landing/fuses exploding, you have the buff up most of the time when aoe-speed-clearing.

brunowa 님이 작성:
1) how is single target now? Specially uber atzir/izaro?

Haven't gotten around to doing atziri yet, but izaro in uber lab is fine, using singletarget 4L setup with ignite. As usual, your concerns are movement/survival, not dps. Dps is enough.

I made a few changes to the berserker variant presented here, all in all it is very solid, clears like crazy, survives well enough, I think it's on par with CA scion I played in 2.2.
Up to lvl90 and T12 maps now (and on a 5link only and with 6.5k hp), so far the hardest thing I encountered was twinned underground river (devil bear with tons of falling bears) with dmg mods, but it was beatable. Reef boss with exploding barrels and +projectile mod was ugly, too. Everything else was pretty easy, stuff like 6-boss cemetery or twinned overgrown shrine or bazaar sculptor along with the statue and her water elementals..
Curse, fire a couple EA arrows, move, get frenzy up, move, fire five EA.. if it ignites, it's pretty much dead.

One idea I keep toying with is grabbing the warcry ascendancy nodes (instead of Cloaked in Savagery) and using rallying cry. The aoe on 20q warcries with our aoe increases is huuuuge, like a screen and a half. With duration support, you could pop rallying cry twice a minute when near a big pack and get like what, 100% increased damage? It would essentially be like having another "+more dmg" support gem slotted. Possibly very useful for fast clearing.
Gell 님이 2016. 9. 10. 오전 6:22:13에 마지막으로 편집
is it normal at lvl 54 (elementalist) that i cant use less duration? i seem to lack atk speed and my fuse explod way to fast to be able to triger EE with my curse on hit RoA setup.....elementalis have next to zero +atk speed nods and there no atk speed in their ascendancy so....i guess i wont be ablet to use it before 6-7 frenzy charge?even then, im not sure il be able....

did you just give yourself a 10/10 for the survivability of this build?........

based on what? a bit of life? do you have massive armor? do you have something else besides life, cuz life by itself means nothing in PoE.

also, what's you dps?

no good movement skills, meaning just blink arrow, are another problem. mobility is essential to survivability. blink arrow is great just for reaching hard to reach areas, but not good at all as an overall movement skill.
monkeyonyourtonsils 님이 작성:
did you just give yourself a 10/10 for the survivability of this build?........

based on what? a bit of life? do you have massive armor? do you have something else besides life, cuz life by itself means nothing in PoE.

also, what's you dps?

no good movement skills, meaning just blink arrow, are another problem. mobility is essential to survivability. blink arrow is great just for reaching hard to reach areas, but not good at all as an overall movement skill.

hight mouvement speed with the blood dance boot+ if you use the healm +blink+quicksilver flask, survavibility you have hight life pool + block/spell block from the quiver and rumi flask+ some evasion+armor + hight life leech. the dmg is hard to say with EA. there no tooltips dmg but yes, the dmg is pretty damn hight. if he can do uber atziri= dmg is good for everything. with good gear and good gems setup, you melt everything.

im leveling a elementalist EA using is build atm and its going really good. the survavibility is (ok) so far but yes, its lacking a bit since im missing LOT of life and im not using koam armor yet but with the leech and since its ranged and melt everything, its still pretty good.

zakariusqc 님이 2016. 9. 10. 오후 3:18:30에 마지막으로 편집
zakariusqc 님이 작성:
is it normal at lvl 54 (elementalist) that i cant use less duration? i seem to lack atk speed and my fuse explod way to fast to be able to triger EE with my curse on hit RoA setup.....elementalis have next to zero +atk speed nods and there no atk speed in their ascendancy so....i guess i wont be ablet to use it before 6-7 frenzy charge?even then, im not sure il be able....

Dont use lesser duration. The dmg got nerfed and there is plenty to do in the 1 sec timewindow it takes to explode. (Like using curse on hit, enduring cry, frenzy if you can be bothered or just reposition/dodge to be safer or clear faster.) It was nice before, since you didnt sacrifice any dmg at all. Only pick lesser duration up, if you feel that it improves your quality of life.
My 4 link for AoE atm: EA + GMP + Inc area + Fire pen. Plenty of dmg so far (T11 was the highste map i died so far), 5th link would prob. be Life Leech. You dont need attack speed on the tree, Quill rain + devotos + jewels give plenty/enough.

what would be the elementaliste ascendancy priority?like, what should i get for normal, cruel, merciless?

Either golems or Shaper of Desolation for normal, to improve clear speed. Cruel i like to get Paragon, just to be able to farm/map safely and not feel the pressure to get merciless lab. Merc lab pick up what you didnt get in normal.

monkeyonyourtonsils 님이 작성:
based on what? a bit of life? do you have massive armor? do you have something else besides life, cuz life by itself means nothing in PoE.

also, what's you dps?

no good movement skills, meaning just blink arrow, are another problem. mobility is essential to survivability. blink arrow is great just for reaching hard to reach areas, but not good at all as an overall movement skill.

EA's main has always been a huge life pool. 9k life is alot of survivabilty and really the only defense for ranged is alot of life anyway, since the biggest threat is a oneshot with evasion/dodge. So as long as we have enough life to not get one shot its fine. We also get some defense from: Endurance charges + (high level!) immortal call, flasks (2-3x life and utility), block from Rearguard (+ Rumi's if you can afford it), stone golem taunt and the fact that we are ranged.

Dps wise: Clear is amazing, while single target with an ignite setup is good enough.

You are fast enough with 20% boots, Devoto's and a Quicksilver/Silver Flask. Blink Arrow is an escape skill, you should not have to use it more than once every few seconds anyway.

All in all, while there are tankier builds out there, this build is hard to kill if you are playing with a hardcore mindset.

XtremTogi 님이 2016. 9. 10. 오후 3:20:59에 마지막으로 편집
ok in normal i took shaper of desolation, now im doing my cruel trial and following your recommandation il take paragon, for meciless would you recommande the golem or the beacon of ruin (mini elemental proliferation) ? beacon must be pretty good for clearing since you spread your shock+burning but the double golem with the 40% fire dmg is also interesting....wich one should i take last with the uber lab?

edit: ho shit :) nice enchant i just got from that cruel trial lol

zakariusqc 님이 2016. 9. 10. 오후 3:51:23에 마지막으로 편집
I really like having too golems up, they tank/aggro alot for you. The fire golem is about 80% increased dmg and i dont see how the prolif helps, since ignite is the the main way to clear, but rather overlapping high dmg explosions. (If you generally follow this guide) So i do strongly recommend the golems. Put them i your (hihg level) CWDT and your good to go.

For uber lab i really dont know. Options:
1) Get Beacon for some more clear speed
2) Get Pendulum for some clear speed and dmg for bosses
3) Respec over to Mastermind with a lightning arrow curse on hit setup (while i like this idea i also like the idea of getting a double curse with temp chains + flamability/enfeeble [enfeeble when you are up against dangerous bosses]. Plus LA would eat another link. Plus, if we dont need the extra socket a Ice shot curse on hit might be better.)

Gz, I got a decent one myself. ;P

Although a +1 frenzy is probably the best for Blood dance. (Which makes me wonder: Is Blood dance worth it? Wouldnt frenzy for bosses + normal good boots + curse amy be better in the long run?)
XtremTogi 님이 2016. 9. 10. 오후 4:07:30에 마지막으로 편집
XtremTogi 님이 작성:
I really like having too golems up, they tank/aggro alot for you. The fire golem is about 80% increased dmg and i dont see how the prolif helps, since ignite is the the main way to clear, but rather overlapping high dmg explosions. (If you generally follow this guide) So i do strongly recommend the golems. Put them i your (hihg level) CWDT and your good to go.

For uber lab i really dont know. Options:
1) Get Beacon for some more clear speed
2) Get Pendulum for some clear speed and dmg for bosses
3) Respec over to Mastermind with a lightning arrow curse on hit setup (while i like this idea i also like the idea of getting a double curse with temp chains + flamability/enfeeble [enfeeble when you are up against dangerous bosses]. Plus LA would eat another link. Plus, if we dont need the extra socket a Ice shot curse on hit might be better.)

Gz, I got a decent one myself. ;P

Although a +1 frenzy is probably the best for Blood dance. (Which makes me wonder: Is Blood dance worth it? Wouldnt frenzy for bosses + normal good boots + curse amy be better in the long run?)

ok thx a lot for those information. il go golem for merciless and pendulum for uber lab wich seem pretty damn strong but you will need to time your attack....

between for your neck, is it better a +1 frenzy or this one?

zakariusqc 님이 2016. 9. 10. 오후 4:29:42에 마지막으로 편집

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