2.2 HC & SC 50-70K DPS Bladefall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR

Small updates done.
davc1234567890 님이 2016. 1. 31. 오전 6:33:47에 마지막으로 편집
davc1234567890 님이 작성:

Curse + Freeze + Bleed remove flasks wud be nice to have before starting maps. Other than that just doing low lvl maps untill 80-82 u shud be fine with the current gear. Aftar that u shud start looking for jewels & upgrade some gear to hit +5k HP which shouldnt be hard.
tnx for answer but i riped at 76lvl by Thorns :/ Artic Breath / Ball Lighting killed me
davc1234567890 님이 작성:
tnx for answer but i riped at 76lvl by Thorns :/ Artic Breath / Ball Lighting killed me

How can you die to thorns??? AB + BL dont even do any real damage for it to be reflected to you + cybil's would just heal you :D
Vilpertti 님이 2016. 1. 31. 오전 10:03:35에 마지막으로 편집
Vilpertti 님이 작성:
davc1234567890 님이 작성:
tnx for answer but i riped at 76lvl by Thorns :/ Artic Breath / Ball Lighting killed me

How can you die to thorns??? AB + BL dont even do any real damage for it to be reflected to you + cybil's would just heal you :D

thorn boss in Promenade Map i got up tempest shield + fortify

thorns is per hit reflect i played agein same map with same toon at sc and riped agein i cant thorns
davc1234567890 님이 2016. 1. 31. 오후 1:08:39에 마지막으로 편집
davc1234567890 님이 작성:
Vilpertti 님이 작성:
davc1234567890 님이 작성:
tnx for answer but i riped at 76lvl by Thorns :/ Artic Breath / Ball Lighting killed me

How can you die to thorns??? AB + BL dont even do any real damage for it to be reflected to you + cybil's would just heal you :D

thorn boss in Promenade Map i got up tempest shield + fortify

thorns is per hit reflect i played agein same map with same toon at sc and riped agein i cant thorns

Weird gotta test n see it for myself
updated a bit again
Could you use Rumi's Concoction Granite flask?
YuHou 님이 작성:
Could you use Rumi's Concoction Granite flask?

Yes I was using it on my HC char until I got enough block nodes to make the flask kinda useless since you cant go over 75/75 block with the flask.

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