2.2 HC & SC 50-70K DPS Bladefall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR

VoidMoon 님이 작성:
Passives need to be reset -_-

1300 chroms is not that bad like 2ex. You can always replace it with another red or green gem of your choosing if u dont want to spend that $$ for late game optimizign gear.
Vilpertti 님이 작성:
1300 chroms is not that bad like 2ex. You can always replace it with another red or green gem of your choosing if u dont want to spend that $$ for late game optimizign gear.

skill tree is right that the fella earlier posted a site ago?
curious why u wouldnt edit it at least in ur first page
poeurl.com/yM2 Added on the front page & made some adjustments. Was really busy so had no time to update it imidietly after the tree stopped working. Sorry guys.
Vilpertti 님이 2016. 3. 5. 오전 6:43:45에 마지막으로 편집
One thing I'm confused about, is the only way that you gain life back with this build via potions?
VoidMoon 님이 작성:
One thing I'm confused about, is the only way that you gain life back with this build via potions?

Life gain on hit for spells, were using spells on cwdt - tanky as shit

Also you need only 4 blue sockets for faster casting, spell echo, controlled destruction and conc effect
Zentralexekutive 님이 2016. 3. 5. 오전 8:13:19에 마지막으로 편집
no problem, thanks for update appreciate it
maybe lil more infos for the lvling part when begin using bladefall would be nice
but yeea most likely only me who's clueless on what to use :D
Vilpertti 님이 작성:
poeurl.com/yM2 Added on the front page & made some adjustments. Was really busy so had no time to update it imidietly after the tree stopped working. Sorry guys.

Great job, thanks!
Ok I'm confused by the ascendant recommendations. You only get 6 points (2 from each difficulty) and it takes 3 points for each class node. So there isn't enough points to get the 3 you recommend.
bridgeburner 님이 작성:
Ok I'm confused by the ascendant recommendations. You only get 6 points (2 from each difficulty) and it takes 3 points for each class node. So there isn't enough points to get the 3 you recommend.

You use Berserker + Raider for mapping and switch raider to slayer if you want to do atziri.

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