2.2 HC & SC 50-70K DPS Bladefall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR

I have good idea for maping variant.
My tree:

Core of the my variant:


22% Change to get Frenzy, 12% Power and Endurance

Subclases: Raider + Berseker

Auras: Grace + AA + Herald of Ash (need 3 lvl enlight and i swap HoA to Discipline)
x12345 님이 2016. 3. 5. 오후 2:08:44에 마지막으로 편집
Vilpertti 님이 작성:
bridgeburner 님이 작성:
Ok I'm confused by the ascendant recommendations. You only get 6 points (2 from each difficulty) and it takes 3 points for each class node. So there isn't enough points to get the 3 you recommend.

You use Berserker + Raider for mapping and switch raider to slayer if you want to do atziri.

How though? From my understanding you can't respec these whenever you want, and anyway you don't have enough points to have all 3 of those nodes.
bridgeburner 님이 작성:
Vilpertti 님이 작성:
bridgeburner 님이 작성:
Ok I'm confused by the ascendant recommendations. You only get 6 points (2 from each difficulty) and it takes 3 points for each class node. So there isn't enough points to get the 3 you recommend.

You use Berserker + Raider for mapping and switch raider to slayer if you want to do atziri.

How though? From my understanding you can't respec these whenever you want, and anyway you don't have enough points to have all 3 of those nodes.

u can respecc cost 5 respecc points, and u gotta do it again the labyrinth

anyways u use berserk and raider for all

if u do atziri u respecc raider to slayer

anyways its pretty good explained above, just thought ill do it again to help u out :)
How can i get more DPS on this build? i tried uber today and it feels like i dont have enough dps so far. im lvl 93 44k tooltip dps, my def is okay i just need more hp i guess. i really like this build and i want 2 continue it. atm i use empower lvl 3 instead of faster casting on 6L.

Rufnet 님이 작성:

u can respecc cost 5 respecc points, and u gotta do it again the labyrinth

anyways u use berserk and raider for all

if u do atziri u respecc raider to slayer

anyways its pretty good explained above, just thought ill do it again to help u out :)

It just doesn't seem cost effective to spend 5 regrets every time you want to do Atziri.
bridgeburner 님이 2016. 3. 5. 오후 5:51:41에 마지막으로 편집
bridgeburner 님이 작성:
Rufnet 님이 작성:

u can respecc cost 5 respecc points, and u gotta do it again the labyrinth

anyways u use berserk and raider for all

if u do atziri u respecc raider to slayer

anyways its pretty good explained above, just thought ill do it again to help u out :)

It just doesn't seem cost effective to spend 5 regrets every time you want to do Atziri.

well i doubt its a big deal for normal atziri with good gear w/o swapping anyways thats just a guess´

and in the end u would always stockpile / farm a bunch of sets and do atziri as mutch as u can
than swap asc points when ur done with atziri and plan on mapping

if u just want a run maybe start with it in the end all of those listed are viable for mapping/atziri
just a question bout min/maxing and at that point 5 regrets is nothing
serpico1986 님이 작성:
How can i get more DPS on this build? i tried uber today and it feels like i dont have enough dps so far. im lvl 93 44k tooltip dps, my def is okay i just need more hp i guess. i really like this build and i want 2 continue it. atm i use empower lvl 3 instead of faster casting on 6L.

Faster casting > lvl 3 empower. If you get lvl 4 empower then its little bit more dps than faster casting but I'd still go with faster casting because it feels bladefall so much smoother with spell echo on.
Is raider even worth it anymore?
Onslaught is nice but you get 15% inc attack and cast speed while leeching ( all the time) with slayer, overkill damage extra leech and you dont even have to change for atziri
Zentralexekutive 님이 작성:
Is raider even worth it anymore?
Onslaught is nice but you get 15% inc attack and cast speed while leeching ( all the time) with slayer, overkill damage extra leech and you dont even have to change for atziri

If it was jsut for onslaught but its for 3 frenzy charges aswell which is 12% More damage + 12% cast speed + MS which is just too big to pass on maps
Could any one give some pointers on the tree progression from level 1?
Go for MoB and EB first or go south and take life nodes?
Any help would be appreciated.

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