2.2 HC & SC 50-70K DPS Bladefall - Max Block + EB + MoM + AA + GR

Updated and polished guide more, will update it more l8r.
Cool updates (nice picture WutFace) but unsure why you say is not "noob friendly", is literally one of the most noob friendly builds there are, there is a reason it was one of the most played builds in 2.0, all you really need to start playing it is level ~70, some gear with ES and a cybil's paw.

Even easier now that Rathpith is dirt cheap, my 2c
Lowest level Hardcore Atziri Kill ~ Level 65 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyDB6Haa6U8
Level 100 Tempest HC with self-made and most played build of POE 2.0 ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlTUOhqEZ9s
yotmato 님이 2016. 1. 19. 오후 7:09:10에 마지막으로 편집
yotmato 님이 작성:
Cool updates (nice picture WutFace) but unsure why you say is not "noob friendly", is literally one of the most noob friendly builds there are, there is a reason it was one of the most played builds in 2.0, all you really need to start playing it is level ~70, some gear with ES and a cybil's paw.

Even easier now that Rathpith is dirt cheap, my 2c

True my bad was thinking of the endgame gear prices but realized they aren't even required if you want to go budget.
You should add the order of the block nodes while leveling again, maybe in the leveling section :D was so helpful.
Would you use Nights Hold as a levelling item for Bladefall?
sergio_thor92 님이 작성:
You should add the order of the block nodes while leveling again, maybe in the leveling section :D was so helpful.

ah sorry deleted that by accident, added. Order: Testudo > Defiance > Scion block nodes > Solidity > Command of steel
Vilpertti 님이 2016. 1. 20. 오전 8:14:09에 마지막으로 편집
gramu 님이 작성:
Would you use Nights Hold as a levelling item for Bladefall?

Yeah it seems really good with flame totem, you should check LNB's video about it
Vilpertti 님이 2016. 1. 20. 오전 8:17:07에 마지막으로 편집
Bump xD
NaGoyahII 님이 2016. 1. 21. 오전 8:17:45에 마지막으로 편집
How come you want culling strike on your wep ? does it affect all your skills?
Chodexd 님이 작성:
How come you want culling strike on your wep ? does it affect all your skills?

Yes it does. But you want to get culling cybil's when your getting your best in slot gear so just normal one will do just fine.

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