[2.2 Video Guide] Tanky, High DPS, Crit Blade Vortex Build [HC/SC & Atziri Viable]

I don't understand why do you take the phisycal dmg nodes on the shadow three?
As far as the passives I just followed the build except for some, but those I remember being on the build so I would guess physical damage is part of our damage or the spells. As for the jewels I don't know how to post them except like this
Based upon the stats he mentions to look out for I thought these jewels are pretty good.
Im thinking of heading south and grabbing the +fire/cold/lightning/all res nodes and the 24%evasion and taking all the increased duration nodes but I will need to level a lot or take points else where but I feel getting all those resistances would allow me to run more damage pieces of gear and the inc duration would help a lot when I swap inc dur and added crit for iir/iiq gems. Any thoughts on this? I'm also trying to get mana leech on my mana flask as it lets me really abuse mind over matter and tank a lot more hits. Just starting to find a lot more red maps so we will see how it goes. Awesome build bro :^)
Kahnloc 님이 2016. 4. 7. 오후 9:56:07에 마지막으로 편집
Just wanted to share my thoughts and modifications on the build so far.

First off, this is probably the cheapest build I've run that yielded insane results. After having failed to 6 link my coil and blowing through 6 exalts worth of fusings (lol). I decided to go back to good ol' tabula rasa and see what I can do with it.

https://youtu.be/6REI18V-H9Q This is a sample atziri run where I am wearing a tabula rasa throughout the run.

Somethings you'll notice are:
I) I run hatred and still have a lot of unreserved mana. I am using essence worm.
II) I opted to utilize increased area of effect for QoL and switching it out to conc. effect during boss fights.
III) Vaal clarity and haste are broken with our duration nodes.
IV) I am not dual wielding divinarius. In fact I am using a golden kris + shield combo for that extra safety measure from a shield. A good golden kris is almost as good as the divinarius if not better in terms of DPS.

The lack of a coil is by no means equivalent to having poor defence. After testing out the flask nodes in the witch section. I've come to see that I am able to maintain about 75% physical damage reduction with the flasks always being up. This does not include the reduction that comes with taste of hate as well.

Another thing is that this double dips on the effects of our dps flasks. I am sitting on 20k DPS unbuffed, 30k with flasks and about 40k with my power charges up. I am currently using the assassin spec along with berserker.

I'm still tweaking a few things but ideally for those of you who even already have a 6 link, it could be ideal to either go for a carcass jack or even the coil for more safety measures. I do think uber atziri may be viable with further min-maxing and tweaking.
Hakizo 님이 2016. 4. 7. 오후 10:44:49에 마지막으로 편집
I am around the point of purchasing better gear going into merc and really enjoying the build so far.
You chose armour for your 4th defensive stat priority and I was trying to see the value of armour in the build when using the IC gem granting immunity to physical and also the 30% physical damage converting into lightning with Lightning Coil equipped.
I also noticed you do have some evasion and even some +energy shield on your gear and was wondering if there is any amour and evasion caps you are trying to hit in this build for it to be most efficient? If not could you please explain in a little more detail your reason for choosing armour as your main stat and also why its important to still have some evasion and energy shield on your gear?

Thanks for the build idea.
Hakizo 님이 작성:
Just wanted to share my thoughts and modifications on the build so far.

First off, this is probably the cheapest build I've run that yielded insane results. After having failed to 6 link my coil and blowing through 6 exalts worth of fusings (lol). I decided to go back to good ol' tabula rasa and see what I can do with it.

https://youtu.be/6REI18V-H9Q This is a sample atziri run where I am wearing a tabula rasa throughout the run.

Somethings you'll notice are:
I) I run hatred and still have a lot of unreserved mana. I am using essence worm.
II) I opted to utilize increased area of effect for QoL and switching it out to conc. effect during boss fights.
III) Vaal clarity and haste are broken with our duration nodes.
IV) I am not dual wielding divinarius. In fact I am using a golden kris + shield combo for that extra safety measure from a shield. A good golden kris is almost as good as the divinarius if not better in terms of DPS.

The lack of a coil is by no means equivalent to having poor defence. After testing out the flask nodes in the witch section. I've come to see that I am able to maintain about 75% physical damage reduction with the flasks always being up. This does not include the reduction that comes with taste of hate as well.

Another thing is that this double dips on the effects of our dps flasks. I am sitting on 20k DPS unbuffed, 30k with flasks and about 40k with my power charges up. I am currently using the assassin spec along with berserker.

I'm still tweaking a few things but ideally for those of you who even already have a 6 link, it could be ideal to either go for a carcass jack or even the coil for more safety measures. I do think uber atziri may be viable with further min-maxing and tweaking.

I made similar changes to yours, and I am going to steal your Essence Worm Idea :D

I think it will be nice to put Hatred in Essence Worm and have unreserved mana with Clear Mind.

That will maximise Mind over Matter effectiveness.

Warlords on CWDT is just as good as Blasphemy at maintaining Endurance Charges, and the leech is a great 'instant defence after being hit hard' mechanic.

The slight problem with the build as it is currently is that you have 700-1000 unreserved mana after Blasephemy+AA, which is basically just 700hp, when as with Essence Worm set-up, you can get up to 2k easily.. You basically add more than 1k effective lifepool (which is arguably better than other set-ups, and with Hatred and Clear Mind, the better will be better than HoA). My only worry is no place for Normal Clarity.

P.S. Ideally, you want your HP POOL X 0.4285 = MANA POOL.
Violander 님이 2016. 4. 9. 오전 5:10:07에 마지막으로 편집
I definitely like the Essence Worm ring idea as well. It is a great alternative and probably something I will try out next time I do a BV build =)
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Hakizo, could you please upload your passive tree and current gear?
Hi all, just wanted to share my build. Today i finaly tried Atziri and had no problem with it. I can tank her, Vaal duo and trio.

I switched from pathfinder to assasin for constant power charges.

DPS in HO with golem

DPS, golem + 5 power charges + Taste of Hate + Atziri's flask

My gear

All my res are over 170. I can change gloves for Facebreakers and get + 4k dps but i don't need more DPS.

I have 5,5k life and 800 mana left.

memberx 님이 2016. 4. 10. 오전 10:43:29에 마지막으로 편집

The gems are socketed into a tabula but I was leveling another char so its not here atm. I'm planning to get a +1 tabula and 21 vortex.
Back from my previous post, I was only running one essence worm, I decided to run two now and run determination/anger depending on the map.
Determination pushes me to 90% physical damage reduction for about 6 seconds from a granite/and that phys damage reduction flask.
As you can see I alternate between inc. aoe and conc effect when taking on hard bosses.
Conc. effect dps is around 80k I believe, I'll try to upload a pic or a video when I get the time. DPS should technically be higher if you decide to use a 6l carcass or 6l coil for defence. I don't really see the need for inc. duration when I can keep up 40 blades with no vaal haste and 50 with it.
Hello sorry for spamming the thread lol, wanted to share what I've been messing with today.
https://youtu.be/iDNQh_D8PFQ This is me testing single dps of poison vortex on Hephaestus.
https://youtu.be/BNCKR-wLKgo This is another atziri run, using poison vortex.
https://youtu.be/LF8U9QTTpjA This one's an unid malformation map, again using poison.

Note that I switch out ICD for Conc. effect during significant fights. The damage difference is not crazy but its a boost nonetheless.

Somethings to note. I'm now running two essence worms, utilizing the second worm for determination to push phys damage reduction to 90% during flask time.

Now to answer the question, why poison?
As from the previous patch, vortex synergizes extremely well with poison given how fast it hits. While damage per hit may be on the low end, vortex applies stacks at a ridiculous rate. In order to fully capitalize on this, I linked vortex to a bunch of double dipping gems.

As you can see, in this set up I run: BV>Spell Echo>Faster Casting>Controlled Destruction>Increased Critical Damage> and poison.
If you're wondering why I dropped added fire in favor of increased critical damage, its because poison bases its DoT damage off physical and chaos damage done, boosting raw spell damage and crit multiplier or area damage for example would therefor boost poison damage, unlike added fire.

now obviously my tooltip had gone down by like 2-3k or so, but I personally experienced significantly higher single dps versus bosses. The one downside I can think of is lesser leech damage from the dps loss from added fire, but we still do enough damage regardless.

I also specced into the poison nodes in the shadow starting point.
Hakizo 님이 2016. 4. 10. 오후 6:42:02에 마지막으로 편집

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