THOR'S RAINBOWNUKE: off to the Marauder forum

RicoKGB 님이 작성:

EDIT: So is it worth it?

I think the consensus is that lightning strike is way better than cyclone.
Yes. Played a bit with both and LS is overall better for clearing packs as long as you have high lvl (18+) Arc with quality (10+) and enough punch in dmg for Arc alone from tree. But thats a minor problem a few gem rearrangement and violla.

So my question still remains: is it worth to go Iron Reflexes and few armour nodes for a total of 8 points to gain 10k armor (with Grace) unflasked (~18k flasked), 20% dmg reduction from critical strikes loosing at the same time about 37% of overall dmg output and 3 jevel sockets?

From my point of view this ammount of armor should provide enough defence vs blues and rares that deals large ammount of physical dmg in smaller bursts like Titty Bitches, Porcupine Goliaths, Maws, Evangelists, which are really dungerous to pure ES builds especially on higher lvl maps with dmg modes. Volls Devo helps a ton with this via CWDT-IC setup but still there are some issues that might be adressed.

I'm currently @lvl 80 with this build (leveled Scion from the scratch) I have not yet taken Heart of Thunder and Celestial Judgement clusters, I have like 4.41 aps Molten, 4.08 aps LS, no spell dmg on shield, and dmg output is really good with Volls Devo 4/4 charges, Repentance gloves, LPen gem and Clear Mind jevel with all that "more" multipliers. So even without that all additional elemental dmg increase mambo jumbo dmg output is better than on any Mjolner build I've run in the past. Leech is quite decent aswell, giving around 3k es/s I can tank Crematorium Megaera with just Atziri's flask and with @87% max fire res flasked.

So, what you guys think? Armor or even more dmg?

Currently I vote for armor.

Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge:
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner:
RicoKGB 님이 2016. 5. 16. 오전 11:42:20에 마지막으로 편집
RicoKGB 님이 작성:

So, what you guys think? Armor or even more dmg?

Currently I vote for armor.

More armor is always nice when it doesn't come with a high cost. Currently I'm going from 98-99 and I don't feel that high phys damage is that much of a problem. But it might be different when having lower ES and damage to tank the bursts and kill everything instantly.
Also having instant leech with Vessel of Vinktars is more than enough to handle anything that doesn't one shot you.

If you were filthy rich you could get 3 lvl 4 enlighten and not loose any auras.

Currently I'm going from 98-99 and I don't feel that high phys damage is that much of a problem. But it might be different when having lower ES and damage to tank the bursts and kill everything instantly.

I see what you mean. Its the same mechanics as with Zivko's CI incinerate build or even my CI CoC discharge build. High ES pool, high dmg, high leech. I've bough Shavs recently and with 6,7k ES (still not taken Influence) I can see that blue Porcupine Goliaths are less of a problem than they where with Solaris Lorica @5k ES. I can outleech them quite easilly with no worries that ES will drop to far.

So you've encountered no real danger from phys dmg from any blue packs? How much ES pool you have and what's your Arc dmg? Thx for reply.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge:
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner:
RicoKGB 님이 작성:
Currently I'm going from 98-99 and I don't feel that high phys damage is that much of a problem. But it might be different when having lower ES and damage to tank the bursts and kill everything instantly.

I see what you mean. Its the same mechanics as with Zivko's CI incinerate build or even my CI CoC discharge build. High ES pool, high dmg, high leech. I've bough Shavs recently and with 6,7k ES (still not taken Influence) I can see that blue Porcupine Goliaths are less of a problem than they where with Solaris Lorica @5k ES. I can outleech them quite easilly with no worries that ES will drop to far.

So you've encountered no real danger from phys dmg from any blue packs? How much ES pool you have and what's your Arc dmg? Thx for reply.

I have 10.3k ES and I don't really have any fear of blue packs. They die before causing any problems. Be advised that my experience is from someone who switched to the build at lvl 92 so there might be some differences compared to lvl 70-90. I also went with a max block approach as that should be a much better damage mitigation compared to going higher armor. With a legacy Rumi's Concoction and the gladiator ascendancy from scoin I can reach 75/56 block. Arc + discharge dmg are 9k and 25k.
I see. So block is your way to go.

I've run some numbers. I have currently 1k armor from gear alone, 28% armor inc from tree. This is about the ammount that every one should be able to reach with this build without any additional "walk arounds".

So this current setup gives 1280 armor rating and provides with Fortify up:

29% reduction vs 1k phys dmg hit
21% reduction vs 6,7k phys dmg hit

Now going Iron Reflexes and grace and 3 additional armor nodes (for 8 points total) provides 10710 armor rating giving with Fortify unflasked:

61% reduction vs 1k phys dmg hit
31% reduction vs 6,7k phys dmg hit

Not going Iron Reflexes and armor nodes but just adding Arctic Armor gives with Fortify:

38% reduction vs 1k phys dmg hit
32% reduction vs 6,7k phys dmg hit

Going Iron Reflexes alone (for a total of 5 points) no grace, no AA, with fortify provides:

34% reduction vs 1k phys dmg hit
22% reduction vs 6,7k phys dmg hit

Going Iron Reflexes (for a total of 5 points) no grace, but with AA, with fortify provides:

43% reduction vs 1k phys dmg hit
33% reduction vs 6,7k phys dmg hit

After looking at this best defence to cost ratio is provided by running Arctic Armor alone. Having 10k armor is about the same as having just AA vs bigger hits, and the bigger it gets the better AA is.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge:
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner:
RicoKGB 님이 2016. 5. 17. 오전 3:31:08에 마지막으로 편집
so, that second option aka more tanky duelist, is it worth it? Whats the dps compared to the scion one?
Anyone tried the duelist build?
shiremux 님이 작성:
so, that second option aka more tanky duelist, is it worth it? Whats the dps compared to the scion one?
Anyone tried the duelist build?

I'm designing one right now for my friend. Will be pretty much the same as Tanakeah version, but with more ES. Should be up and running today at evening. I personally am using Scion version so I will have opportunity to compare them and give a feedback.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge:
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner:
RicoKGB 님이 2016. 5. 17. 오전 4:51:00에 마지막으로 편집
RicoKGB 님이 작성:
shiremux 님이 작성:
so, that second option aka more tanky duelist, is it worth it? Whats the dps compared to the scion one?
Anyone tried the duelist build?

I'm designing one right now for my friend. Will be pretty much the same as Tanakeah version, but with more ES. Should be up and running today at evening. I personally am using Scion version so I will have opportunity to compare them and give a feedback.

You would loose life leech which is pretty huge.
You would loose life leech which is pretty huge.

Well actually you dont (Vitality Void cluster). Here's my tree version for Low Life Duelist:

It requires some strength from gear but can be done without much of an issue.

It will run Grace, Wrath, Discipline, PoF, PoL, PoI, Warlords Mark via Blasphemy with just 2x lvl 2 Enlightens. Should end up @ 17,5k armor unflasked, 86/80/87 max res flasked and 24% Fortify, 6,1k ES, 4,5 aps molten, 16k per discharge with mid budget. Going few points more and lvl 21 puritys empowered with lvl 3 Enlightens will rise the bar to 88/80/89 max res flasked.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge:
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner:
RicoKGB 님이 2016. 5. 17. 오전 8:20:08에 마지막으로 편집

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