THOR'S RAINBOWNUKE: off to the Marauder forum
" Keep the wording in mind. The cluster refers to "attack damage" not "All damage". This could mean that it doesn't leech from spell damage which is the biggest part of our damage. EDIT: I checked the wiki and it confirms that it only applies to attack damage |
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God damn it, you're right.
EDIT: So here's final duelist tree: Using life leech gem and Blasphemy Warlords Mark, running Wrath, Grace, PoL, PoF, PoI, Discipline. Working quite well, some dmg lost, non leech lost, 18k armor, perma 24% fortify gained. Can run also Haste insteed Grace and still have 8k armor. Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: RicoKGB#5871 님이 2016. 5. 17. 오후 3:06:06에 마지막으로 편집
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Good to see some of you guys having some good luck with this build! After a decent break, I may level another Scion and test out some of the block variants you all are posting... I've heard enough about it that I'm thinking that I may perhaps be in error for dismissing it so many times
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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New Updates again woot, time to return to this game and this build.
The most relevant change is probably going to be the upcoming modifications to Ascendancy Classes and the 2 additional 2 Ascendancy Passives. For Scion, this mostly likely means you can pick up an extra passive and more stats. Other Ascedencies will require extensive testing again. Also if there are any upgrades to existing "best in slot uniques" through the new league, it might be worth checking out. Cant wait for June 3rd. iSo1iD#4681 님이 2016. 5. 20. 오전 6:21:09에 마지막으로 편집
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From the recent testing I've done Duelist with Champion is "okish". Simply because it requires leech gem in Mjolner and that is some dmg lost. I've also tested Duelist/Champion 18k armor without Arctic Armor vs Arctic Armor with 2-5k armor of Scion/Ascendent. As far as there's 6k+ ehp buffor for damage sucking it deosnt matter much vs blues and rares. 18k armor is a bit better though. BUT as far as hard hitters goes (Dominus slam, Malachai slam, Necropolis with dmg modes, Village Ruine, Chateau Argus, Excavation) these are pretty much comparable and I would even say that AA is better (bigger the hit - better the AA). So with less than 6k EHP it is worth to run armor version, with more tham 6k I would say best cost to gain ratio is going just with AA.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: |
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" You will feel immortal with 75/56 block on top of the already crazy damage and leech. |
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Nice to see all of the changes that are coming. I know I've been really out of the loop due to my new job, but I might have to make some time for the new Ascendancy changes and what not and maybe try out a block version of this build, especially since I had a lot of success with the Champion and liked the amount of defense he provided with armour. Depending on how things shape up - and assuming the Ascendancy trees aren't changed too much with the update - there might be some really nice possibilities for this build. I know some have been mentioned, but just doing some thinking here:
1. Duelist (Champion) - Another two points can allow this spec to pick up the 'Inspirational' node, which gives you an extra 35% damage and 10% movement speed, and that's on top of the permanent Fortify and a little extra armour boost, too. Nothing crazy, but every little bit helps. 2. Scion - Too many ideas in my head to list, but now you can grab another passive point and get a starting area along with the two 'Sub-Ascendancies' you already get. I can definitely see Duelist, Witch, and Mara being popular starting area choices. 3. Witch (Occultist) - It is now possible to reach Malediction and Vile Bastion so you can have an additional curse as well as the nice Energy Shield recharge/regen that the Ascendancy tree offers. Given the Witch's proximity to the 'Whispers of Doom' notable, this could potentially open up the possibility for triple-curse builds where you can run two curses on Blasphemy and one CoH setup for your main attack. Some example combos: -> WLM + Enfeeble + EW -> WLM + Poacher's + EW -> Enfeeble + TC + EW You'll also end up getting about 12% extra Chaos Damage for a decent amount of time for the combined curses you'll have on enemies. Granted, it's not much, but it's a little something extra and I don't think the potential power of a triple-curse build can go without some scrutiny and seeing if it has some potential. |
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Lets wait and see where nerf hammer gonna hit.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: |
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" I think nerfs to this build are pretty unlikely at this point. I could see them dropping the leech from the Scion Berserker node from 1.5% to 1% though. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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For those who are wondering either Controlled Destruction or Lightning Pen is better to use in your Mjolner I've made a graph:
CD vs Lpen graph: This is basically middle ground for fire / light dmg because of 4/4 charges and equal dmg increases (Heart of Thunder cluster not taken) bur not equal "more" multipliers because of Wrath included. Also 20/20 Arc included. As you can see with this dmg increase distribution Controlled Destruction is better up to 43% monster elemental resistance. If you will have more fire dmg (i.e. 4/5 charges or more fire dmg increases) this will move on further away on the resistance scale. If you will have more lightning dmg (5/4 charges or more light dmg increases or Herald of Thunder) this will move on closer to the beginning of the resistance scale. NOTE: Dmg is average of: one Discharge blast @ 4/4 charges + one Arc shot. Latest guides: 3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke: 3.7 CI CoC Discharge: 3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: RicoKGB#5871 님이 2016. 5. 22. 오후 3:23:08에 마지막으로 편집
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