[2.5] Grocery's Caustic Arrow Scion! HC Viable!

Wolverine67 님이 작성:
Hey got a question! If I can't afford CA 21/20, is it enough only CA lvl 21? Because, quality only increase AOE, not damage. And, is it much better to have Lightning coil instead of any evasion armor? Also, want to try Uber, so I'm looking what I need to have. Thanks!

Yea, you don't need the 20 qual since weget an extra arrow, it is just nice.

Lightning Coil is better than any evasion armor by a long shot and pretty cheap in Perandus.

For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Sorry, this is too fucking ironic, you were telling me earlier to get a taste
and lo and behold, what dropped?
A taste of hate lmao, well thanks for the RNG boost Grocery, much appreciated ^^
Chridian 님이 작성:
Sorry, this is too fucking ironic, you were telling me earlier to get a taste
and lo and behold, what dropped?
A taste of hate lmao, well thanks for the RNG boost Grocery, much appreciated ^^

:) Enjoy it! Now you can save up for something else!
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
thikning about doing uber atziri soon. can i get a gearcheck. also having mana regen issues with this skill tree. anything i can change and tweak?

IGN: Arcmaimed
Statusblue 님이 작성:
thikning about doing uber atziri soon. can i get a gearcheck. also having mana regen issues with this skill tree. anything i can change and tweak?

Remove empower and put in slower proj. Won't be the biggest issue.

I don't level clarity as much as you. I find the extra mana not reserved gives me a bigger buffer.

Also, get a curse immune flask for Atziri.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Grocery 님이 2016. 4. 4. 오후 1:28:01에 마지막으로 편집
Wait, why should he remove empower, is that only for atziri?
Because I was considdering getting empower level 3 :S
Chridian 님이 작성:
Wait, why should he remove empower, is that only for atziri?
Because I was considdering getting empower level 3 :S

If he is having serious mana issues, empower 3 will be the biggest issue outside of playing smarter. CA doesn't stack so you should not have mana issues unless you are shooting more than necessary (quite a bit more).

My recommendation for removing it is because it increases mana quite a bit and it is only a moderate decrease in damage. Empower level 4 is different though. It is too good.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Chridian 님이 작성:
Wait, why should he remove empower, is that only for atziri?
Because I was considdering getting empower level 3 :S

He adviced him to remove empower and put in slower proj. just because he had mana issues.
If you dont have mana issues you should 100% use ur empower.
oooooh right I didn't catch that comment about mana issues, gotcha.
Thank you ^^
Hey it's me again. I'm planning to try Uber, and want to ask you something.Is it enough to have 5.7k hp? Or, maybe to respec some hp points, and get full acrobatics (with phase acro), or one more jewel slot? I have around 31k dps when full buffed. Do you think that's enough for Uber? I have 53% chance to evade and 30% chance to dodge.. Thx again!
Wolverine67 님이 2016. 4. 6. 오전 7:19:05에 마지막으로 편집

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