[2.5] Grocery's Caustic Arrow Scion! HC Viable!

anone 님이 작성:
g00fy_goober 님이 작성:
Sharkuuu 님이 작성:
does the increased dmg from deadeye apply to casutic arrrow? from my testing, caustic arow gets no bonus from the dmg increase. it does the same dmg if i cast it in front of me or at the edge of the screen. maybe its because my dmg is to low to see a difference, but maybe some of you tested it already?

As far as I know, the cloud does not benefit from the damage, only the damage from the actual projectile.

It does work with frenzy though, and caustic is for the 50% pierce chance and additional arrow.

I've been checking different guides and Serleth has a point here:

There's a difference between the way Ranger's Far Shot, and Scion's Far Shot (which is part of the Deadeye Scion) is worded:

Ranger: Projectile attacks (aka, "projectile attack damage", which does NOT scale CA ground damage)
Scion: Projectiles (any projectile, aka "projectile damage," which scales CA ground damage).

This means that Ranger is inefficient because to get to Endless Munitions, you need to go through Far Shot, which does not scale the CA cloud damage in the Ranger version of Deadeye.

Hence, Scion. -15% chaos res to cursed enemies = multiplicative damage boost, AoE from +arrow, 30% increased damage, etc.

Ranger only gives you +arrow and 30% increased damage.



That would be an added boost! It would honestly be still the top tier choice if it did not work as Scion. 50% pierce and Added arrow are the most important. Damage would be nice :)
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Grocery 님이 2016. 3. 7. 오후 12:18:26에 마지막으로 편집
Died in HC Perandus to an FPS spike from perandus cache. A lot of people, Nugi, Raiz, etc dying in similar ways.

i7, 980TI, 32GB ram :( It looks like it doesn't matter how good your setup is. Just not that well optomized. Not much you can do.

Releveling on Perandus now. Switching to CA soon.

For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
11,5k dps now, but the damage from deadeye is still unnoticeable. but maybe im just blind, curse+vlt+wither totem also dont seem to do much :D

amt at 4.5k life, capped resi, and 9k tooltip dps, 11.5k with frenzy. lacking 1 frenzy and some life nodes + the last lab. rocking the hidden potential route with a +2 gems bow and a lvl 18 poison arrow. it feels like this is even more powerfull then it was a few months back when everyone was running it :D
Sharkuuu 님이 작성:
11,5k dps now, but the damage from deadeye is still unnoticeable. but maybe im just blind, curse+vlt+wither totem also dont seem to do much :D

amt at 4.5k life, capped resi, and 9k tooltip dps, 11.5k with frenzy. lacking 1 frenzy and some life nodes + the last lab. rocking the hidden potential route with a +2 gems bow and a lvl 18 poison arrow. it feels like this is even more powerfull then it was a few months back when everyone was running it :D

Vuln is a very noticeable difference for me and either is noticeable on bosses but thats it really. That's all I use it for.

Glad you are enjoying it. I am about to switch over myself :)
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.

Bought a Drillneck for 7c. Bow for 1 alch. Everything else is self found. I know I need to put the gems in the bow to get the effect, but the tabula is pretty darn good right now given it is only a 4L.

Switched to CA and its going very well!
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
Grocery 님이 2016. 3. 9. 오후 2:58:06에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for your great guides. I currently play the Deadeye/Trickster version.

The passive tree links don't work anymore, could you update them, please?
Hitomi_Sin 님이 작성:
Thanks for your great guides. I currently play the Deadeye/Trickster version.

The passive tree links don't work anymore, could you update them, please?

Check the main link and just go trickster instead of Occultist!

I will update them tonight after work.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
From a min-max perspective would you say that Occultist would be the optimal choice after getting Deadeye?
That -15 chaos resist to cursed enemies + 20% dmg boost from recent kills seems epic.
HercExile 님이 2016. 3. 10. 오전 1:04:46에 마지막으로 편집
From a min-max perspective would you say that Occultist would be the optimal choice after getting Deadeye?
That -15 chaos resist to cursed enemies + 20% dmg boost from recent kills seems epic.

I would agree yes. -15 Chaos and 20% damage is pretty huge.
For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
please let us know when you update the skill links none working still for me =x

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