[2.2] Self Cast Crit Spark | Super fast Clear Speed | Easy to Gear

Hello, do you guys think it would be worth it to use double void bettery for this build? Or are double daggers better?
i probably have missed this, but why dual wield instead of sword n board? wouldn't you be able to raise you ehp that way easier plus res's if its a problem? also and what uniques would you recommend to use before you get good daggers and rare gear?

You can go shield if you like, I had 8.2k EHP which is alot. had no problem with res. The main benefit for dual wielding is 10% more attack speed for whirling blades and about 20%Damage from stats. I've just started Leveling this build now in Hardcore I might look at going shield.

niemand12 님이 작성:
Hello, do you guys think it would be worth it to use double void battery for this build? Or are double daggers better?

Not worth losing whirling blades for.
keydordene 님이 2016. 3. 11. 오후 6:01:22에 마지막으로 편집
I see, thanks, is call of the brotherhood worth getting and would you somehow change the build/gems if you were using one?
niemand12 님이 2016. 3. 11. 오후 7:00:29에 마지막으로 편집
What Uniques are good for this Build? Or is for all slots rares better?

niemand12 님이 작성:
I see, thanks, is call of the brotherhood worth getting and would you somehow change the build/gems if you were using one?

Some people seem to think its decent, I'm probably going pick one up on HC.
Just drop pen, I'd use crit damage instead
Would it be valuable to pick up Constituion in the skill tree near the scion start and go up to Potency of Will? This would total your skill effect duration to 90% -- or do you think that's overkill?

juntar 님이 2016. 3. 12. 오전 10:31:11에 마지막으로 편집
Thanks for the guide. I'm having a lot of fun with spark.

Current gear LVL82 SC


I have %life on all my jewels and I think i'll take all scion life nods (4300hp, 2500es)
Got this build up to lvl 61 in a day and then died to a reflect rare. How do you deal with this?
pernero 님이 2016. 3. 12. 오후 11:18:20에 마지막으로 편집
Thoughts on Voltaxic Rift w/ Drillneck?
First 90 in POE in Essence League using a build that was definitely not Meta BV Pathfinder :V
Is there any reason you taking critical chance nodes (they are nor spell critical or global)?

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