[2.2] The Queen of Blades is Dead

I am trying this build in the 2 week race league self found, probably gonna play with high acc until i get a vagan dagger.

Can i run this without a Shavs? What would the setup be then? Like aura-wise?

Never played an ES char, I should use CI if I dont have a Shavs or otherwise I will constantly RIP?
ressiv 님이 2016. 5. 9. 오전 10:35:28에 마지막으로 편집
rank 5 in 2wk phc is using my build
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
How do u deal with atziri's reflect phase? My bladefall always hit her even when i swap inc crit damage with conc effect !
Would shadow assassin also work?
You could drop inc crit for a life leech gem.

Elreon jewellery seems also nice on CoC but you would have to change inc crit dmg to controlled destruction for lower mana cost on cyclone
Ergolic 님이 작성:
How do u deal with atziri's reflect phase? My bladefall always hit her even when i swap inc crit damage with conc effect !

are you going to the atziri directly opposite of the mirror form? you shouldn't have an issue
+1 Shavs Project -----> /1075009
+1 Acuity Project ----> /990159
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I tried again. My bladefall/ek still hits her (yes, the directly opposite of the mirror form).
I think the problem is the EK, rather than bladefall. Those projectiles can get pretty far and they go in random directions with CoC.

I think we should be trying without EK... let's say blade vortex instead of EK? just to have the same colour gem. And I think Blade Vortex is the only other green+physical+spell
Ill try that and swapping inc crit dmg with conc effect maybe
Please let us know if it worked fine! :)

I just tried Core Malachai... and I left him at 1% :( I suck, I know... That bloody degen red circle is... arg. :(
So maybe someone from here can help me out. I'm currently contemplating trying to 6link my Shavs. At what level of maps would say a 6L becomes a necessity?

Been saving up fusings and am currently sitting at ~400 so I probably won't be getting it with my reserves, and since the rest of my gear is still pretty suboptimal and I don't have a ton of currency I really don't know if I should try (would probably stop as soon as I hit a 5L again anyways).


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