[3.4] The Mistress of Agony - Lowlife BlightDrain Ascendant / Occultist - ALL content viable!

I have problem to use clarity and haste with blood magic :/ not enough life. Haste need 96% of life with BM or iam doing something wrong (i dont play long time). Two days ago change I build to low life version with CWC. How to fix it ? (build is extreamly fun to play, TY)
Balcerr 님이 작성:
I have problem to use clarity and haste with blood magic :/ not enough life. Haste need 96% of life with BM or iam doing something wrong (i dont play long time). Two days ago change I build to low life version with CWC. How to fix it ? (build is extreamly fun to play, TY)

Have you taken all the mana reservation reduction nodes from the passive tree?

The lowlife iteration of this build uses a total of 20% reduction from passives!

Then you have to adjust Clarity level accordingly. After you have taken all the mana reservation reduction nodes from the tree, Put Haste and Clarity on Blood Magic, and start with Clarity level 1.

Then, when your blood magic support gem gains levels, and you gain more levels and gear, you can level up Clarity too. Keep in mind that Clarity is the only aura whose mana reservation grows up with the gem level. Mikelat's Poe Aura calculator can be very handy when evaluating your current char's state.
Ty for quick answer. One more importened question. I fixed clarity/hast/BM problem thanks to Your advice, but now there is another problem(just like in real life;)i dont have orbs for Presence of Chayula(people wants +/-5 ex), on lvl 62/mercesiles its a horror with chaos dmg done to me, sometimes i dont know why my Scion die... any tips?
Balcerr 님이 작성:
Ty for quick answer. One more importened question. I fixed clarity/hast/BM problem thanks to Your advice, but now there is another problem(just like in real life;)i dont have orbs for Presence of Chayula(people wants +/-5 ex), on lvl 62/mercesiles its a horror with chaos dmg done to me, sometimes i dont know why my Scion die... any tips?

Chaos damage is usually avoidable. The 60% resistance on Chayula's upgraded neck is a quality of life feature to face the content more confortably and to have more room for some mistakes. The best thing about that necklace is the extra ES it provides.

Try to farm currencies to obtain it as fast as you can. It's a very good item, you won't regret it.
Currently level 90 in LSC and damage feels pretty lackluster. Besides a 6 link and 21/20 Gem what else should I improve on? Here's my gear.
Dreamvveaver 님이 작성:
Currently level 90 in LSC and damage feels pretty lackluster. Besides a 6 link and 21/20 Gem what else should I improve on? Here's my gear.

6L and lvl 21 ED make a pretty huge difference. It's like 40% MORE damage on ED, which is multiplied by wither stacks. Decay also scales with all the support gems linked to ED, and poison would be higher too (about 2x your current value), because the 6th link (slower proj) is another double-dipping gem.

Then it comes the head enchant. It's another noticeable boost.

Your gear is pretty good btw. Jewels are also pretty important too! Do you have good ones?

What's your ED tooltip atm? I have cleared all content comfortably with 28k dot tooltip (with my current gear it's about 36k while under flasks effect), because the wither spamming takes the effective DPS to insane levels.

A 5L should be enough, btw, to do maps until T15. 6L is very useful for guardians / Shaper / Uber Atziri.

With my gear I effectively one-shot monster packs in all map tiers (including T16-T17) with the classic ED combo (Contagion + Wither on the area until CWC triggers the first ED bullet) and bosses are a matter of a few seconds, exception made for poison immune guardians which can last about 100-120 seconds. That should be your goal.
djnat 님이 2017. 3. 18. 오전 3:00:11에 마지막으로 편집
any vids?
YJEN 님이 작성:
any vids?

Will do when I get some time. Currently "working" on finishing Legacy challenges, then I will record some runs with my standard Ascendant.

How could I improve my gear at this point ?
ieatnoobsforbreakfast 님이 작성:

How could I improve my gear at this point ?

You have very little room for improvements at this point. With your current gear you should be able to face any content in the game quite comfortably (exception made for Halls of the Grandmasters, which is not doable with this build, and for Hydra boss, which is the hardest fight for all ED builds).

Corrupted 21/20 support gems on ED, Fingerless silk gloves with 16% spell damage implicit and still good ES, better spell damage roll on Consuming dark, Leo craft (15-30% damage over time) on the decay dagger. These are your possible upgrades at the moment.

I highly recommend using Wither instead of Blight in the body armour setup, since your damage without wither is worse than a classic ED setup; the CWC iteration of ED shines only when you manage to stack wither 10+ times on bosses / toughest rares. ED + contagion combo does more than enough damage on packs, when in a lowlife environment, even in a 4L setup. That's why I went CWC: packs melt with one combo, while single target is a lot better with Wither spamming (and has less mana management requirements).

Blight is melee, Wither is ranged too. The gameplay with Wither is safer.
djnat 님이 2017. 3. 20. 오후 10:25:40에 마지막으로 편집

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