[3.4] The Mistress of Agony - Lowlife BlightDrain Ascendant / Occultist - ALL content viable!

djnat 님이 작성:

You have very little room for improvements at this point. With your current gear you should be able to face any content in the game quite comfortably (exception made for Halls of the Grandmasters, which is not doable with this build, and for Hydra boss, which is the hardest fight for all ED builds).

Corrupted 21/20 support gems on ED, Fingerless silk gloves with 16% spell damage implicit and still good ES, better spell damage roll on Consuming dark, Leo craft (15-30% damage over time) on the decay dagger. These are your possible upgrades at the moment.

I highly recommend using Wither instead of Blight in the body armour setup, since your damage without wither is worse than a classic ED setup; the CWC iteration of ED shines only when you manage to stack wither 10+ times on bosses / toughest rares. ED + contagion combo does more than enough damage on packs, when in a lowlife environment, even in a 4L setup. That's why I went CWC: packs melt with one combo, while single target is a lot better with Wither spamming (and has less mana management requirements).

Blight is melee, Wither is ranged too. The gameplay with Wither is safer.

Yeah I was just trying Blight out for fun, wither is miles better for sure. I was wondering if using a wither totem along with cwc wither could be good since I don't really use wirhling blade.
ieatnoobsforbreakfast 님이 작성:
djnat 님이 작성:

You have very little room for improvements at this point. With your current gear you should be able to face any content in the game quite comfortably (exception made for Halls of the Grandmasters, which is not doable with this build, and for Hydra boss, which is the hardest fight for all ED builds).

Corrupted 21/20 support gems on ED, Fingerless silk gloves with 16% spell damage implicit and still good ES, better spell damage roll on Consuming dark, Leo craft (15-30% damage over time) on the decay dagger. These are your possible upgrades at the moment.

I highly recommend using Wither instead of Blight in the body armour setup, since your damage without wither is worse than a classic ED setup; the CWC iteration of ED shines only when you manage to stack wither 10+ times on bosses / toughest rares. ED + contagion combo does more than enough damage on packs, when in a lowlife environment, even in a 4L setup. That's why I went CWC: packs melt with one combo, while single target is a lot better with Wither spamming (and has less mana management requirements).

Blight is melee, Wither is ranged too. The gameplay with Wither is safer.

Yeah I was just trying Blight out for fun, wither is miles better for sure. I was wondering if using a wither totem along with cwc wither could be good since I don't really use wirhling blade.

Wither totem would be good, but never as good as Wither spamming. The 0.18 cast time (or even 0.16-0.17 with very good jewels) you can achieve pretty easily in this CWC build makes it possible to cap stacks (20) in 3.6 seconds. You have a lot of situations where you can just spam on a boss for a similar amount of time. Think about Phoenix, Shaper beam, Uber Vaal(s), Minotaur. Even uber Trio and Atziri have room for that often. In those circumnstances, casting very fast while under the two damage flasks' effect is very rewarding.

Whirling blades is used for fortify application during map content, to have even greater tankiness. If you feel it's not necessary for your playstyle, you can try a Wither totem for sure, or even a flame dash + lightning golem setup. I feel that Wither totem setup is good only if you can have a free 4L on it (Wither / Faster Casting / Spell totem / Inc duration), but I also feel that Wither totem dies A LOT in endgame content, and that's another reason why I went CWC.
djnat 님이 2017. 3. 21. 오전 5:03:02에 마지막으로 편집
Lifebased build in the first post needs some work.....

1) You're getting Charisma in the Ranger tree but you're not using Blasphemy. Why? You're better off getting potency of will so your Essence Drain and Contagion lasts longer.
2) Getting to ranger ascendancy meant that i had to wait for 25 or so points until i could kill izaro merciless.
Waswat 님이 작성:
Lifebased build in the first post needs some work.....

1) You're getting Charisma in the Ranger tree but you're not using Blasphemy. Why? You're better off getting potency of will so your Essence Drain and Contagion lasts longer.
2) Getting to ranger ascendancy meant that i had to wait for 25 or so points until i could kill izaro merciless.

1) Blasphemy is included in Heretic's veil (the helmet). If you don't use it because you are planning to go for Witchfire Brew (free vulnerability), then Blasphemy replaces Vulnerability in the setup (they have the same gem colour too).

2) You can connect, while leveling, from the Scion right start to the ranger area spending 5 extra points which you can respec later using the free refund points. :)
Oh dang! Thanks, i missed the part from heretic's veil!
For the low life build how do you replenish es? Im no expert to poe but typically you want some way to replenish ES outside of its natural regeneration. I leveled this build to endgame with the intent to have it as a sort of do everything build (on chaos immune bosses i was going to have a fireball set up. Im beginning to have doubts though, have you ever considered going for more area of effect for better contagion spreading?
dkeen 님이 작성:
For the low life build how do you replenish es? Im no expert to poe but typically you want some way to replenish ES outside of its natural regeneration. I leveled this build to endgame with the intent to have it as a sort of do everything build (on chaos immune bosses i was going to have a fireball set up. Im beginning to have doubts though, have you ever considered going for more area of effect for better contagion spreading?

This flask gives free Zealot's Oath, and works with the ED + passive tree + consecrated ground regeneration. It's quite a must to have. It lasts 7.36 seconds with 20 quality, perfect roll and the Alchemist node and it has 3 charges. 22 seconds of potential no-recharge uptime are more than enough for nearly all boss fights, since apart from Hydra (which is the toughest fight for this character) you'll either kill the boss in a lot less, or recharge the flask with some add phases (Atziri, Shaper for example).

Area of effect stacking has been severely nerfed in 2.6 (and that impacted ALL the builds in the game which relied on area of effect mechanics), so I think that having more than the one we can take in the Witch area would probably be not so efficient.
djnat 님이 2017. 3. 22. 오전 1:41:23에 마지막으로 편집
removed post, dumb question
dkeen 님이 2017. 3. 22. 오후 5:53:17에 마지막으로 편집
I recorded a quick Enfeeble + Ele Weakness Minotaur kill video to showcase the build's damage potential.

I perfectly know the fight's mechanics. In this video I rolled Enfeeble on the map on purpose, because I wanted you to see:

1. The pretty high single target DPS even with Enfeeble (which double dips with poison in the bad way)
2. The damage difference WITH and WITHOUT Vaal Lightning Trap on the target (that's why I only used one trap charge at the start, and none later)
3. The real power of Wither stacking and the totally comfortable mana regen
4. The tankiness of the build WITH and WITHOUT the defensive flasks up
5. The power of Vaal Discipline even in its current "nerfed" state and the nice regen coming from the SotD flask via ZO + Consecrated Ground + passive tree regen + ED damage over time regen mechanics
6. The power of Shaper boots when dealing with adds (I don't even have to contagion here, since ED pierces through the stone golems and melts them while still stacking poison on the boss)

This kill lasted about 25 seconds. Usually when I play in the average "correct" way (all trap charges used, no Enfeeble roll) it lasts less than 10.
djnat 님이 2017. 3. 24. 오전 9:10:35에 마지막으로 편집
Cool video. What did your tree look at lvl 90 for the lowlife build? I feel like mine isn't optimal. My gear is slowly coming along. What should I focus on upgrading asap? My guess would be helm enchant, upgraded gems, better decay sai and better rings. Char is PickedWrongClass in LSC.

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