☆ [Outdated] Sarang's TS/LA/Barrage Archer | Pathfinder | Crit Bow | Videos | Budget Version ☆

Tenembre 님이 작성:
Quick question: Is the accuracy on the tree good enuff or should we be looking for it on gear too? I understand (at least from reading) that crits check accuracy, but i dont know what kind of accuracy range i should be looking for.
About 3k accuracy rating should be enough to reach the hitcap against the highest mobs currently in game (mlvl 84).
SunL4D2 님이 작성:
Saranghaeyo_, did you tested how increased attack speed will work in reality? Maybe it will double clear speed or something? Killing bosses and packs faster via higher crit rate per second sounds pretty good.

So you just kill few mobs in pack and they curse everything around them? Apparently Herald + Curses seems to be great combo - you don't have to push button for curse, because Herald is always active and it's really convinient. Even though my Split Arrow CoH setup covers entire screen with one shot, I need to push two buttons in order to curse and shot the mobs down with main skill. And bosses don't really need curses as they lower

Golem's survavability bothers me a lot too. He is dead pretty much all the time anyway. But do you miss another aura (like Arctic Armour - totally love this skill) and support gems for Blink Arrow? How fast is Blink Arrow without support btw? How Blink Arrow with supports fairs versus high movement speed + quicksilver flask anyway? Is there even reason to use BA not only to cross gaps and get to higher ground but to move through map quicker?

So Poacher's charges are especially for Vinktar that eats a lot of them? I support idea of tri-curse archer with both hands. :3


What would be best 6L curse setup? What is best 6th gem without Deadeye ascendancy? SA - CoH - Curse 1 - Curse 2 - Blind - Chain ? Or there is more useful stuff than Blind?

People have tested the shit out of scaling high attack speed. Once again, it is not going to double your clear speed or something silly like that. You want to be able to kill a pack in one hit. Scaling aps is counterintuitive. You don't need more criticals per second if almost every hit is going to crit.

For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Is Fertile Mind jewel easiest way to get extra Int for archer?

And from where you get 191 STR for Kaom's Heart? :O
SunL4D2 님이 2016. 8. 16. 오전 11:24:07에 마지막으로 편집
Nice to see you're doing this again :)
IRL stuff
Hi, can I please get opinions on this skill tree?

-Level 92
-Bandits were Oak, Kraityn, Kraityn
-112 skill points (will change Bandits accordingly if need be)

Want to convert this to an ice shot build with Reach of the Council but I don't know how to go about doing that. My main questions/concerns are:

1. Is it a mistake to forgo Frenzy Charges on the tree if I am doing Ice shot?

2. If I want to go full physical with Tornado shot, is it a mistake to not take the top half of the Bow circle by Ranger (Heavy Draw/Deadly Draw)?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
andrew8448 님이 2016. 8. 16. 오후 7:06:17에 마지막으로 편집
andrew8448 님이 작성:
Hi, can I please get opinions on this skill tree?

-Level 92
-Bandits were Oak, Kraityn, Kraityn
-112 skill points (will change Bandits accordingly if need be)

Want to convert this to an ice shot build with Reach of the Council but I don't know how to go about doing that. My main questions/concerns are:

1. Is it a mistake to forgo Frenzy Charges on the tree if I am doing Ice shot?

2. If I want to go full physical with Tornado shot, is it a mistake to not take the top half of the Bow circle by Ranger (Heavy Draw/Deadly Draw)?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Hi andrew, very cool to see you interested in the build. Some comments on your concerns,

Frenzy Charges are in my opinion left open for the player, something I dislike personally is sometimes in bad map layouts the charges can be hard to sustain, but otherwise more charges are still very valuable. I decided to go with 5 in my current build (Kraityn Merciless, Ranger Frenzy Charge), but up to 7 can still be quite comfortable in my opinion.

Tree looks strong if you're going that route, I will say first of all from a glance that Spirit Void Node is not really needed, in general I've found it to be just fine by getting the one hybrid Life/Mana Leech node in the cluster and skipping any additional sources of mana leech. I generally do also do not go past the bottom half of the Ranger Bow wheel as 1) I don't think really think that the raw damage of the Heavy Draw side is that necessary, mainly since the damages should already be quite good, and pushing for another 4 points of damage is generally going to be somewhat overkill, 2) at Reach levels of damage survivability should make its way into a higher priority, and 3) additional Jewel sockets are likely better value when you get to the last parts of the tree.

Also the Cruel bandit choice is mainly dictated by where you think your level soft cap is. If you think you can push for 1 more Jewel Socket, depending on how far you have to travel, it may be better than Cruel Kraityn.

I have played Ice Shot with Reach, I've found it fairly effective to use Increased Area of Effect gem in a GGGBBR setup:

With decent attack speed, the AOE overlap is pretty good. If you go 0% Pierce, then your Frost Wall placement is right behind the enemy (so that when Ice Shot hits the AOE will quickly overlap), or if you go any amount of Pierce, it seems to be strong to put at least 1 wall in front, and 1 wall in the back of the target. This is also theorycraft, but I feel like with a more AOE based attack, you are correct with not taking Arrow Dancing here.

For TS, I think that a simple gem swap to TS-Pierce-ICS + (PTL + WED) OR (Added Fire + ICM) + (PPAD or Faster Attack) are the decisions that you have to make, again I think the top of the Ranger Bow wheel can be used for other skill points.

SunL4D2 님이 작성:
Is Fertile Mind jewel easiest way to get extra Int for archer?

And from where you get 191 STR for Kaom's Heart? :O

Sry for responding late. Extractor + this Tree will grant you enough for Kaom's. Other choices are Strength on Belt/Ring/Boot rolls. For INT I just used Fertile because it was early in the league. Acuity can provide up to 75 for late game. You really only need 109 INT for the build, but if you wanna push to Level 20 Frost Wall or use an Elemental Bow, 155 is needed.

Ayvi 님이 작성:
Nice to see you're doing this again :)

Hi Avyi :3
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Sarang is my favorite asian ever.
Crit Shockwave Totem 650k +: #1657327 / Crit VMS (1 mil DPS): #1511368 / Crit self-cast spark: #1565708
1.3 crit firestorm: #1280086 / 1.3 crit Ice Nova: #1219809 / Flame Nova (sire of shards incinerate): #1359847
Simplesim45 님이 작성:
Sarang is my favorite asian ever.

Wtf you know other asians?!
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
So, I was theorycrafting a bit on this, as my first build in essence(if i play it). How about an endgame(lvl 90+) tree that looks like this:

Scion life wheel because I have too many bad memories of having to abandon bow chars in new leagues because they only had 3k life.

Btw, you an asian too Sarang? Never knew.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Sarang, which tree you mean? Linked under Gear Pathfinder Tree in first spoiler gives you 110 STR + 40 from Extractor = 150. Kaom requires 191 - where from you get remaining 40 STR? You mean you actually traveled to some STR nodes like +30 STR one? Gear doesn't have any STR either. You must use some jewels or you linked wrong gear. That's weird and confuses me a lot, I had to use special jewel to get enough STR.


You didn't answered on my questions above though. Feelssadman :( Did you by yourself test how this build will work with more Attack Speed?


Also how about Shadows and Dust? Crit chance, crit multy, Rampage - isn't it just too good to skip? Even slow-poke like me can easily sustain 500 stacks and more getting this sweet Movement speed and damage bonus along with some awesome special effects. Why you don't use them? I am sure getting this resistances somewhere else is not that hard.


Adjusted my existing build with yours hints and here is some thoughts.

What kind of content this build is capable of doing? Yellow maps? Because already on Dark Forest - random goat mob with Vulnerablity mod on map punches for half of my 5k hp...should I always spam Frost Wall in order to survive?

I have almoust all crit nodes except ones near Harrier - mobs always take more than one shot or even two shots to kill. Rares and even blues can even require "some time" to kill. Forgetting about spamming Diamond Flask becomes an issue.

How you play without Vaal Pact? Two shots on reflect mob and char is in danger. Vinktar and this ring is build enabling items in case of this Template? Because otherwise reflect mobs can be big issue and reflect maps = certain death.

This curse method is awesome versus packs but versus one rare or even some magic mobs, it's harder to handle them.


You don't even have extra 10% attack dodge and 30% spell dodge nor Vaal Pact, I wonder how you play this character in general? Try to spam everything three screens away with Frost Wall / flask spam in order to stay safe? Maybe I am just rambo'ing too much and get too close to enemies. Should I shoot everything from far way being on opposite side of screen keeping maximum distance, constantly spamming FW and crit Flask? Without Vinktar / Vaal Pact it's really hard to play man.
SunL4D2 님이 2016. 8. 19. 오전 8:07:49에 마지막으로 편집

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