☆ [Outdated] Sarang's TS/LA/Barrage Archer | Pathfinder | Crit Bow | Videos | Budget Version ☆

This Template helped me a lot. Thank you Saranghaeyo_!

Edited Tree and get rid of all Phys damage / attack speed nodes. I got Vaal Pact and it helps so much. Without it I felt just too squishy as I hate to spam flasks every second in order to survive. Only downside is that Blood Rage now eats life too fast and I decided to substitute it with Vaal Haste.

Also colored my Shadows and Dust right and get Jewel to keep resistances at maximum level, so fun has just begun :3

Build is now insanely strong, though still pretty squishy and better don't allow anyone get close to character to stay safe.
InVeritas 님이 작성:
So with Reach most likely getting nerfed for 2.4 what do you think will be the ideal bow in general to shoot for or aim to get? Pretty much what I'm asking is if reach didn't exist what bow would you use

I've played with pretty much every available bow on the market since 1.3, so you can really use any of the popular Unique bows (or a Rare Harbinger) and still have great success. For example, I played in the Perandus Two-Week Flashback thing and my end game bow in that very short league was a 6L Lioneye's Glare.

Still waiting to see any 2.4 Patch Note reveals or learn more about Atlas of Worlds so I can draw more conclusions, but I don't think any of the earlier mapping is going to change a whole lot. So this means that as entry-level type of gear you can use Tabula + any of the strong Unique bows, which will be cheap, and start off farming or climbing maps that way.

SunL4D2 님이 작성:
This Template helped me a lot. Thank you Saranghaeyo_!

Edited Tree and get rid of all Phys damage / attack speed nodes. I got Vaal Pact and it helps so much. Without it I felt just too squishy as I hate to spam flasks every second in order to survive. Only downside is that Blood Rage now eats life too fast and I decided to substitute it with Vaal Haste.

Also colored my Shadows and Dust right and get Jewel to keep resistances at maximum level, so fun has just begun :3

Build is now insanely strong, though still pretty squishy and better don't allow anyone get close to character to stay safe.

Haha, glad you are enjoying it man. I definitely think if you are comfortable with VP then by all means use it, always an option for you just in case.

I did finally build a new rig, so I'm looking at this plays.tv thing in hopes of recording some gameplay. Once I figure that out I'll try to upload some stuff here. The one upside/downside is that now I have to adjust to the highest graphic settings, playing with real texture and shadows is weird o_______o;;
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 2016. 8. 22. 오전 11:29:33에 마지막으로 편집
Sarang, thanks for the amazing write up, as usual.
Thegateisdown 님이 작성:
Sarang, thanks for the amazing write up, as usual.

Thanks sir :)

Uploaded a video of a Normal Atziri Run, ~4:00 minutes or so.

Just got the new rig up and running so I'm still getting used to the new graphics and gameplay feel. Plays.tv took a few tries to cooperate but it is finally recording, so that's good.

Still getting a tiny amount of frame lag (and my ping jumps a little), but all is good for 2.4 and on.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 2016. 8. 24. 오후 7:10:22에 마지막으로 편집
Uploaded Pale Court Run: http://plays.tv/s/Kw2ZO0E7IBCN

This is an example of where I value TS over LA, as there are basically 16 phases you have to slug through in a confined space, and using LA/FW is not really that feasible to cast on every single one. I farmed 27 sets in about a minute each, which is all I had built up for the league. Got some nice monies from that.

Suggest gem setup:

Swap out LA > TS
Swap out PPAD > FA
Swap out PTL > Crit Multi
Optional swap out WED > Added Fire

No need to go so heavy in elemental damage versus these bosses. I also made gear changes, but shouldn't affect much:

Replacing Sybil's (no need to worry about Reflect @ Pale Court), Belt, and Extractor.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Hi there! Amazing guide!I'm newbie and I leveled up a lvl 88 ranger LA build (i'm sure that my tree and my gear sucks) but i wanted to ask you a couple of things, is your build only for farming maps? or can you kill uber bosses as well and uber lab too? Also, i'm looking forward to play Atlas of Worlds with your build and i'm thinking if i'll be able to kill these 4 last bosses with this build. Does your Pathfinder and tree nodes for flasks help you on bosses at all?
Hi there! Amazing guide!I'm newbie and I leveled up a lvl 88 ranger LA build (i'm sure that my tree and my gear sucks) but i wanted to ask you a couple of things, is your build only for farming maps? or can you kill uber bosses as well and uber lab too? Also, i'm looking forward to play Atlas of Worlds with your build and i'm thinking if i'll be able to kill these 4 last bosses with this build. Does your Pathfinder and tree nodes for flasks help you on bosses at all?

Hey Glad,

I generally try to make it so my characters can do as much content as they can. It is definitely possible to do Uber Lab with this build. I did today's layout just now, and uploaded 4 short clips of Argus + each Phase Izaro.

http://plays.tv/s/Kw5ymX8m-uxC >>> Argus

http://plays.tv/s/Kw5zd72TnfZC >>> Phase 1 Izaro, Gargoyles

http://plays.tv/s/Kw6-hwvouuyv >>> Phase 2 Izaro, Essences

http://plays.tv/s/Kw60ImzpfqaU >>> Phase 3 Izaro

I do skip days with the Font (curses, Temp Chain will ruin you against Izaro) and the Phase 3 with the Burning Ground ring + Spinning Blades, as I think they can be too dangerous or provide too many issues with positioning. I will also caution that maximum charges on the Charge Capacitors is a judgment call you have to make depending on the other mods.

I don't think it's as "foolproof" as something like an EQ Juggernaut though.

For other higher level encounters, I will see if I can upload an Uber Video after the league is over, as I am out of Hopes in PSC.

Not 100% on the Atlas of Worlds bosses, mainly because we haven't gotten much details about them outside of some short video clips, and two still haven't been spoiled (along with Shaper himself). My initial impression that I can offer you is that these fights will be very much positioning based, since these bosses seem to be more mobile and have better AI than a lot of the bosses we are currently used to.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
_Saranghaeyo_ 님이 2016. 8. 27. 오후 12:52:15에 마지막으로 편집
Oh! Thank you very much for your answer. 1 last thing why ppl don't choose physical dmg nodes for pure dmg? Isn't better if you have some physical damage and you convert it to lightning (Lightning Arrow) i t hink it will help you kill things faster and it will maximize your damage output as well, no?
Oh! Thank you very much for your answer. 1 last thing why ppl don't choose physical dmg nodes for pure dmg? Isn't better if you have some physical damage and you convert it to lightning (Lightning Arrow) i t hink it will help you kill things faster and it will maximize your damage output as well, no?

Well, base damages are fairly good already tbh. I think both pathways can be successful (raw damage nodes vs investing in pure crit), I just find the Crit route to be stronger because of things like status ailments/knockback/more consistent cursing (with Curse on Hit). It's also better consistency for me, because I'm not rubber banding so much between a non-crit and a crit.

I added a couple of videos of maps for example gameplays, just cut off at the bosses. A little low on Chaos in the league, so I couldn't make them super-duper fun >:D
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
I'm looking forward to your changes at this build when they will release the patch notes. :)

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