[2.6] The Roadrunner -- Lab Speedrunner and BossKiller [w/ Videos]

NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso 님이 작성:
Cruel Preperation is an efficient node to take, I believe. From the current skilltree,
it takes 3 points to reach and we get 15% hp and 5% to all res.

Yes. Don't forget the 10 int during travel. This gives you a little mana too. Mind Over Matter is what makes this build so tanky.

NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso 님이 작성:

Overall there are a couple of skillnodes in the finalized tree , that I probably won´t take.
I specced out of Nullification as the energy shield does nothing for us and it´s 5% life for 2 nodes. All resi and eva is good, but i rather sacrifice the evasion rating and get more life.

Evasion provides ms and defense. An acceptable sacrifice though. With my gear the all res helps me res cap btw.

NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso 님이 작성:

Also , I am thinking about grabbing Acro and Phase Acro. That would be a hefty 7 Point investment though. Don´t know if that´s worth it.

It's not. If your worry is getting one-shot by Izaro, this is a waste of 7 points.

NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso 님이 작성:

The branch into the duelist area to grab Bravery
is also in question right now, from a life point of view. For 5 Points we get 13% life.
That´s 2,6% life per node. I don´t think that´s worth it. Art of the Gladiator gives us
6% movementspeed technically, because without that node, we would get the penalty from shield
and Body ARmour which is 6% each. So for 5 points we get 13% and 6% movement speed.
I think I don´t give a shit about losing these 6% MS and I rather invest in more efficient life or damage nodes.

There's more than 6ms there (evasion, which is also defense, as is ms for dodging stuff). Still, you could get more life elsewhere. You don't want to swap these nodes for damage, however. The build does way too much damage. THAT would be a waste of points.

Hope these responses as well as everyone else's input on the matter helps you make some decisions. I know HC mindset is very different from SC.
Guys you are being really helpful. I think for now I will try to get some leech going
with CWDT warlords mark atziris Promise and Vaal Pact.
Other than that I will follow the guide as is, and prepare myself for Uber Izaro.
I did merciless today it was easy, but Uber is different.
Level 76 now, and I think I´ll attempt Uber at 85-86.


Just specced into VP and it makes a huge difference. CWDT warlords mark seems reliable.
Right now I lost quite a bit of runspeed though, because i had to fit Atziris Promise in.
It took the place of my Stibnite. I could ditch my Basalt Flask, but I´m not sure if I dare to do that.
Not even for mapping and in Lab, well it makes running through traps a whole lot easier.
Kinda conflicted right now. Other than that. It´s going great.

But before I turn this thread to my fucking personaly diary, I will stop posting my progress now.
I will keep levelling this build till 85 if I make it this far, and then I will attempt Uber like I said before. And the outcome of that I will post here. Until then guys.
NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso 님이 2017. 4. 5. 오전 11:25:17에 마지막으로 편집
How are you guys getting enough int to use Obliterations immediately at lvl 56 when leveling? There are hardly any int nodes in the leveling trees.
TheFrequency 님이 2017. 4. 5. 오후 8:02:48에 마지막으로 편집
Carnage Heart can help fill out stats while leveling as can a temporary +30 int passive (near Acro).
Myrales 님이 작성:
Carnage Heart can help fill out stats while leveling as can a temporary +30 int passive (near Acro).

You can also get some rings with lots of int. It's worth it for the 'Pops'.
TheFrequency 님이 작성:
How are you guys getting enough int to use Obliterations immediately at lvl 56 when leveling? There are hardly any int nodes in the leveling trees.

Currently using temporary ring & amulet with around 40 int each. Also took a +30 int node in the tree so I could get enough int to use the Obliterations. I'm starting to reach the Witch area in the tree right now so once I pick up the int nodes that are long that path, I'll respect out of the +30 int node and change my ring/amulet.
have you tried using abberath's hooves?

that much move speed means extreme number of pops from walking so fast, seems like it would pair well with dying sun (which also improves your blade vortex)
Man I feel like shit now. I ripped to Cells Boss, I tried to outleech her firestorm.
I feel so dumb. Vaal Pact is so good guys, it made me greedy. It´s an investment for 2 more skillpoints
in routing compared to the original skilltree. CWDT warlords mark is very reliable.
Together with Atziri´s Promise you are getting a hefty hefty amount of leech.
I was just dumb and greedy and i didn´t even attempt Uber. That is the part that makes me angry the most. Bro I´m actually mad now. But even more sad bc like I said i didn´t even attempt Uber.
Why was i so stupid I probably could´ve taken on Izaro..

fourtytwodna 님이 작성:
have you tried using abberath's hooves?

that much move speed means extreme number of pops from walking so fast, seems like it would pair well with dying sun (which also improves your blade vortex)

A friend of mine tried that with this build, and there's not really enough elemental scaling to make the hooves do much damage.
Been playing this build in my off time and so far been having fun with it.

While lvling up what mods should I be avoiding?
No Regen?

Does physical/elemental reflect affect us as well?

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