[2.6] The Roadrunner -- Lab Speedrunner and BossKiller [w/ Videos]

popup2533 님이 작성:
Hi whats your opinion about getting Acrobatics? since we are eva base it only 3 points away

To help prevent getting 1-shot by bosses, I think those three points are better spent into getting more life.
weihong 님이 작성:
How much is the damage difference from The Scourge and just using obliteration with a shield like what you suggested to another person earlier?

Looking for a lab farmer and chance upon this build and am interested to give it a go, just not sure if i should spend some currency on the claw since my goal is to earn steady currency from farming lab at a fast pace that this build provides!

If you're playing softcore, dual obliteration is about the same damage as scourge plus shield, with less defense. For hardcore, the shield is pretty required to make sure you don't die, in which case the damage will be less (obliteration plus shield). That being said, damage is not an issue when dealing with uber Izaro. His health pool is so low that obliteration plus shield is still plenty of damage.
I am looking to invest about 10-15ex in a lab farmer/shaper melter and this is a pretty high candidate in my list. I'm also looking at https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1833087/page/1 as a candidate since it seems to have an incredibly high tankiness against even things like shaper beam. Am I correct in saying that due to QOTF this build is most likely better suited towards speedfarming uber lab than it is for face tanking end game bosses? If the build is going to be much FASTER at uberlab and still viable for bosses like shaper/chayula domain, then I think that this approach is my preferred approach to the one that is slower but can face tank all content.
rejechted 님이 작성:
I am looking to invest about 10-15ex in a lab farmer/shaper melter and this is a pretty high candidate in my list. I'm also looking at https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1833087/page/1 as a candidate since it seems to have an incredibly high tankiness against even things like shaper beam. Am I correct in saying that due to QOTF this build is most likely better suited towards speedfarming uber lab than it is for face tanking end game bosses? If the build is going to be much FASTER at uberlab and still viable for bosses like shaper/chayula domain, then I think that this approach is my preferred approach to the one that is slower but can face tank all content.

I have done all content with this build minus the two poison immune guardians. You cannot face tank shaper beam, as the build does not pick up vaal pact, but you can face tank the other bosses.
itsMartini 님이 작성:
rejechted 님이 작성:
I am looking to invest about 10-15ex in a lab farmer/shaper melter and this is a pretty high candidate in my list. I'm also looking at https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1833087/page/1 as a candidate since it seems to have an incredibly high tankiness against even things like shaper beam. Am I correct in saying that due to QOTF this build is most likely better suited towards speedfarming uber lab than it is for face tanking end game bosses? If the build is going to be much FASTER at uberlab and still viable for bosses like shaper/chayula domain, then I think that this approach is my preferred approach to the one that is slower but can face tank all content.

I have done all content with this build minus the two poison immune guardians. You cannot face tank shaper beam, as the build does not pick up vaal pact, but you can face tank the other bosses.

I played KOTF last league and I couldn't face tank it either (no vaal pact) but I am used to dodging stuff, so I don't mind not being able to stand in shaper beam. I think my 4th character this league will definitely be a "face tank all bosses for the lulz" character, but I want the next one to be a true speed demon. Gotta go fast! Seems like this is the one for me. Plus I just found a 379% evasion QOTF.

thanks for the build idea, it's fun :P
itsMartini 님이 작성:
weihong 님이 작성:
How much is the damage difference from The Scourge and just using obliteration with a shield like what you suggested to another person earlier?

Looking for a lab farmer and chance upon this build and am interested to give it a go, just not sure if i should spend some currency on the claw since my goal is to earn steady currency from farming lab at a fast pace that this build provides!

If you're playing softcore, dual obliteration is about the same damage as scourge plus shield, with less defense. For hardcore, the shield is pretty required to make sure you don't die, in which case the damage will be less (obliteration plus shield). That being said, damage is not an issue when dealing with uber Izaro. His health pool is so low that obliteration plus shield is still plenty of damage.

Thanks for the reply! I am indeed playing LSC, how would you suggest to path at the witch area if i decide against using the scourge? It feels like going through the minion nodes are still the most efficient way.

Also, what do you feel about poison EK nova for leveling instead of using BV and abyssal cry?
weihong 님이 작성:
itsMartini 님이 작성:
weihong 님이 작성:
How much is the damage difference from The Scourge and just using obliteration with a shield like what you suggested to another person earlier?

Looking for a lab farmer and chance upon this build and am interested to give it a go, just not sure if i should spend some currency on the claw since my goal is to earn steady currency from farming lab at a fast pace that this build provides!

If you're playing softcore, dual obliteration is about the same damage as scourge plus shield, with less defense. For hardcore, the shield is pretty required to make sure you don't die, in which case the damage will be less (obliteration plus shield). That being said, damage is not an issue when dealing with uber Izaro. His health pool is so low that obliteration plus shield is still plenty of damage.

Thanks for the reply! I am indeed playing LSC, how would you suggest to path at the witch area if i decide against using the scourge? It feels like going through the minion nodes are still the most efficient way.

Also, what do you feel about poison EK nova for leveling instead of using BV and abyssal cry?

I haven't played EK, so I can't speak to the skill's strength. As far as witch pathing goes, I think going through the minion nodes is still a good option. The only other choice would be to go around by Elemental Overlaod, which saves one point, but misses out on Occultist's Dominion, which is a pretty strong node in its own right.
husti 님이 작성:

thanks for the build idea, it's fun :P

Nice! You got first on hardcore with it?
I make one too on hc, with small differences.

put everything into life noted instead of dmg so i need use atziri's instead of quicksilver, in 3-4 lvl's it will be replaced, also i use eclipse solari while running, its like stibnite's always uptime. I enjoy this build a lot and thanks for the guide
IGN Dareiosh

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