[2.6] The Roadrunner -- Lab Speedrunner and BossKiller [w/ Videos]

well u dont need scourge to do dmg, i'he made my first 10 runs with 2x obligeration wands and it works as well as scourge, u just missed 20% block from shield, dmg is similar
IGN Dareiosh
I am lvl 79 right now with your build and have all the major nodes (Need 4 more levels for Heart and Soul). I am wondering since our main damage comes from using Scourge on bosses, would gravepact be viable for my next 4 points? (35% Minion Damage, 12% Minion Atk Speed, and Cast Speed)

Minion attack and cast speed doesn't do anything. Also 35% damage is weak for 4 points. And lastly, as another comment said, scourge is nowhere near necessary for damage (against Izaro). A two link with dual obliteration is plenty.
trying to follow this guide but im having trouble getting enough str or int for gear, howd you get the stats?
PUNSHET2 님이 작성:
trying to follow this guide but im having trouble getting enough str or int for gear, howd you get the stats?

Int comes from the witch area of the tree. You can pick up the 30 int node by Revenge of the Hunted while leveling to help out. The only gem that requires much strength in my setup is abyssal cry, which I leave at a very low level to avoid needing any extra strength.
damn i just got to level 55, and my int is at 99... i need 179 int for the obliteration wands.
thats wayy too much for me even with gear

Just a question about jewels. Why not using Clear Mind ?

PUNSHET2 님이 작성:
damn i just got to level 55, and my int is at 99... i need 179 int for the obliteration wands.
thats wayy too much for me even with gear

You can take the +30int node Thief's Craft, and use Carnage Heart amu, which can give up to 56 stats. The rest can be found on a leveling belt or/and rare ring.
An actual 0-link full budget gear, full buffed uber kill ( gargoyles + idols, argus incuded)

that was absolutely braindead faceroll through every traps/phases. i wont lie if i say i was actually watching a movie on my second monitor
Video is pretty laggy so you may skip to 6:00

Gear i used

About video: 85lvl, no claw/shield or movespeed setup. i've changed tree for myself using blasting_cap's runner's tree as well so i had 70+k evasion under all flasks.
Gear cost: <40c (18c 5l qotf, 3c devoto, 3c for worm and both obliterations, the rest is jewellery; everything else is self-found or self-maded)

Till this moment i've played for 2 days from 0 budget and currency. game time (/played 1d 5h 55m)
On this run i didn't use smoke mines because i was not speedrunning but just farming to get some decent gear for more comfortable play (and i didnt have any offerings to be honest). Good layout with this gear and proper playstyle would be done easily under 4m

P.S. i didnt even have any quality on some of my items, no jewels in tree slots and no quality on my hybrid flask. Ridiculous
Fitfirar 님이 2017. 3. 26. 오전 6:42:12에 마지막으로 편집
Any idea what to use to level up to the scepters? I'm having a hard time picking a skill to grind...
Phenom65 님이 작성:
Any idea what to use to level up to the scepters? I'm having a hard time picking a skill to grind...

A shield charge / ancestral warchief setup should carry you till level 60.

Just a question about jewels. Why not using Clear Mind ?

PUNSHET2 님이 작성:
damn i just got to level 55, and my int is at 99... i need 179 int for the obliteration wands.
thats wayy too much for me even with gear

You can take the +30int node Thief's Craft, and use Carnage Heart amu, which can give up to 56 stats. The rest can be found on a leveling belt or/and rare ring.

thanks ill do that, really having trouble with str and int for equips.
this will help at least somewhat

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