[2.6] The Roadrunner -- Lab Speedrunner and BossKiller [w/ Videos]

Heli0nix 님이 작성:
Great build actualy benchmarked it a bit here is what i've been able to do ( started 3.5 days ago ):

Level 92
Atziri => OK
Uber Lab => OK
T15 bosses => OK
Breach domain: Tul / Esh / Xoph => OK
Beyond bosses => OK
Perandus => OK
Map mods => Took an hour to test with the most ridiculous map mods possible + sextants + random leaguestones i havn't died once.
Warbands: Depends, some of them with map mods can be really dangerous here.
Uniques maps bosses: Almost all ( missing vinktar i don't have a spare one ).


Single target damage: Fine, as soon you have flask it become comfortable - Before it can be a bit slow. By chance they are cheap comparing to before.

Clearspeed: Not a clearspeed build but not a turtle one either. As long you are using abyssal cry it will be fine.

Items: Nothing hard to get - I tried uber izaro first time with two obliteration and no flask it required some dodge but it went good. Once i had a setup with scourge + shield and flask it became a lot more easier.

You may have some troubles to find a good vanguard belt they arn't going really cheap, again you can give it a try and craft it yourself you need some life, two resists are ok to get started and eventualy one spot for move speed.

Same for the rare ring with required stats except that it's a breeze to gear this character.

Jewels: This is expansive. At level 91 i decided to keep going with 3 jewels 7% life and few area damage, no evasion, and it's ok for farming uber lab and maps. Also already have around 365% move speed fully buffed ( without vaal haste ). Probably won't stick long enough to this build to buy them to be fair :)

Going for guardians and then shaper today will see how it goes :)

Additional note: Running on a 5L, 6L is clearly not mandatory for this build and it's purpose.

Thank you itsMartini for the great build, i enjoyed a lot to test it :)

Note: Any personal toughts on improving clearspeed when mapping ? Maybe another option than dual obliteration ? What would you use instead ?

Glad you like the build, and nice thorough testing and explanation of results. As to your final question, dual obliteration is by far the best for mapping. To make it map really smoothly, investing in a 6L to slot in increased duration is amazing. After that, getting a devoto's with blade vortex AoE, as well as a Dying Sun ruby flask will make map clearing even easier than it already is. Blade vortex will be huge and the purple pops from abyssal cry and obliteration will be massive.

Good luck with some of the remaining end game content. While it's not the smoothest shaper killer, it is definitely doable.
Phenom65 님이 작성:

I have a question though, will minion damage effect the damage the poison does with the claw?

Minion damage does scale the poison damage when using the claw (as well as the hit damage -- double dipperino). Unfortunately, when clearing content without the claw, minion damage does nothing, so I would not recommend investing into any extra minion damage other than the pathing through the witch area.
what about shaper?
Hi bro good build hou you kil bandits quest ? normal cruel and merciles plss
orxan555 님이 작성:
Hi bro good build hou you kil bandits quest ? normal cruel and merciles plss

oak (life), kill all (skill point), kill all (skill point)
whiteselect 님이 작성:
what about shaper?

I did shaper at level 91 with 19/0 gems. I haven't tried it since, but since I am now 93 with 21/20 bv and 20/20 everything else, should be pretty easy.
Really enjoying the build, definitely the fastest lab runner I've played.

The worst part of this build is just leveling it. Spellcaster Ranger leveling is just painful. To anyone else trying it, Bladefall is definitely better for leveling imo and Zerphi's is a lifesaver. Once you hit lvl 56 it's super smooth though. My record uber lab time is definitely getting shorter and shorter.

@OP Just for fun I've trying out builds without (or minimal) double dipping in anticipation of 3.0. Uber lab runs are still super smooth without the Scourge. Am I correct in assuming the only other double-dipping is the gems themselves (such as Void Manipulation and Conc Effect)?

Based on my runs (works on a 4L smoothly), I think uber lab farming would still be fast if GGG straight up removed double-dipping's functionality (i.e. does not effect poison damage). What are your thoughts, anything you would change (specifically for uber lab farming)?
Myrales 님이 2017. 4. 2. 오전 10:58:14에 마지막으로 편집
What is better controlled destruction + increased duration enchant or increased duration + bv damage enchant?
whiteselect 님이 2017. 4. 2. 오후 2:59:38에 마지막으로 편집
- Achievement get -

Carry 4 players in Uber lab ( I'm still on a 5L )
Trying full party later today.
Hf :)
Myrales 님이 작성:
Really enjoying the build, definitely the fastest lab runner I've played.

The worst part of this build is just leveling it. Spellcaster Ranger leveling is just painful. To anyone else trying it, Bladefall is definitely better for leveling imo and Zerphi's is a lifesaver. Once you hit lvl 56 it's super smooth though. My record uber lab time is definitely getting shorter and shorter.

@OP Just for fun I've trying out builds without (or minimal) double dipping in anticipation of 3.0. Uber lab runs are still super smooth without the Scourge. Am I correct in assuming the only other double-dipping is the gems themselves (such as Void Manipulation and Conc Effect)?

Based on my runs (works on a 4L smoothly), I think uber lab farming would still be fast if GGG straight up removed double-dipping's functionality (i.e. does not effect poison damage). What are your thoughts, anything you would change (specifically for uber lab farming)?

Lab kills are easy, even on a two link (bv, conc). As far as double dipping, area damage and chaos damage from the tree also dip. If I make a similar character in 3.0 and huge dipping nerfs are put in place, I would have to rethink the build. Since this character is not meant strictly for lab, I would like it to be strong in other scenarios as well.

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