[2.6] - Nova Ethereal Knives Pathfinder - Budget As Possible!

Hello there!
I noticed you are using hatred, herald of ice and Discipline.
How did you managed to to use all of that together? Or you constantly swap aura?
I cant cast all even with lvl 3 enlighten.
Would be cool if you show passive tree how to level CI build. 99% builds is CI now and for noob players have no idea how to level CI without life... Can you add passive tree from life to CI transition ?
shoichi91 님이 작성:
Hello there!
I noticed you are using hatred, herald of ice and Discipline.
How did you managed to to use all of that together? Or you constantly swap aura?
I cant cast all even with lvl 3 enlighten.

With the mana reservation nodes from the tree and enlighten 3 you should end up with 13% mana unreserved.

GOSARN 님이 작성:
Would be cool if you show passive tree how to level CI build. 99% builds is CI now and for noob players have no idea how to level CI without life... Can you add passive tree from life to CI transition ?

He explicitly added leveling trees before CI. Just follow those. You don't level CI without life, you grab the life that's in reach and then spec out of them when you switch to CI.
Anaphyis 님이 2017. 5. 3. 오전 10:47:17에 마지막으로 편집
How are you managing to apply both Assassin's Mark and Warlords Mark without any +1 curse gear?
Hey guys fun build, fastest i've played so far, only problem i'm having is bosses seem to take ages to die compared to howa

another question is there any gem link setup i could use thats 2g1r3b?

also is taste of hate worth picking up? have 1ex for it but not sure if i should get something else first
haaiii 님이 2017. 5. 4. 오후 7:02:20에 마지막으로 편집
thanks for the guide. the leveling portion was helpful for me. this build is wicked fun for mapping. shattering every pack is oddly satisfying and the clear speed is a huge difference compared to my main ED character.

I'm just curious how hard is uber lab with EK? the mana issues will for sure be relevant but i can bring a mana pot and drop HoI during the izaro fight. its probably worth buying a lab carry but i have no idea where to find a reliable one in the first place. especially this late into the league. I should've tried this build sooner but I wasnt even considering a new character until i recently found/crafted some nice gear for a crit build.

Abek 님이 작성:

I'm just curious how hard is uber lab with EK? the mana issues will for sure be relevant but i can bring a mana pot and drop HoI during the izaro fight. its probably worth buying a lab carry but i have no idea where to find a reliable one in the first place. especially this late into the league. I should've tried this build sooner but I wasnt even considering a new character until i recently found/crafted some nice gear for a crit build.

Uber Lab can be completed on easy days. You can make use of the Warlords Mark/PCoC setup, Poison and a Mana flask to keep sustained damage.
Just feeding my soul to the Path life.

Youtube: Engineering Eternity
yeshy 님이 작성:
How are you managing to apply both Assassin's Mark and Warlords Mark without any +1 curse gear?

You don't. Warlord's mark overrides Assassin's, which is fine since PCoC is taking care of charges anyway.
Anaphyis 님이 작성:
yeshy 님이 작성:
How are you managing to apply both Assassin's Mark and Warlords Mark without any +1 curse gear?

You don't. Warlord's mark overrides Assassin's, which is fine since PCoC is taking care of charges anyway.

What am i missing there?

Why do we waste 2 gem slots when we just use 1 curse? Why using 2 curse on hit gems?

i am feeling really dumb right now because i dont get it.
Mojacks 님이 2017. 5. 7. 오후 5:19:30에 마지막으로 편집
Mojacks 님이 작성:
Anaphyis 님이 작성:
yeshy 님이 작성:
How are you managing to apply both Assassin's Mark and Warlords Mark without any +1 curse gear?

You don't. Warlord's mark overrides Assassin's, which is fine since PCoC is taking care of charges anyway.

What am i missing there?

Why do we waste 2 gem slots when we just use 1 curse? Why using 2 curse on hit gems?

i am feeling really dumb right now because i dont get it.

You use assassin's when mapping to get power charge generations.

Then either at map boss or other boss fights, you put down the orb of storm+pcoc+warlord's to get the single target power charge generation and leech for sustained fights.

It would slow you down a lot if you try to use orb of storm+pcoc to get power charge generations while mapping

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