[2.6] - Nova Ethereal Knives Pathfinder - Budget As Possible!

Anaphyis 님이 작성:
ninjaxus 님이 작성:

Speaking of which, I have a 5L shav's being gifted to me. Is this an option for Lowlife version? or am I going to miss the 6L too much.. I can afford a 6L regalia and still have around 3x to spend on shield / jewelry but a 6L shav's is out of my budget to allow for anything else but the armor

I tested that about a month ago, iirc a 5L Shav's on LL and a 6L Regalia are more or less the same, damage-wise. What you do lose is a huge chunk of ES, so a Presence of Chayula is pretty much mandatory if you go that route. On the plus side, you won't have to struggle with mana as much, which is a huge pain in this build until the late 80s. You can even run Clarity on top of it and maybe skimp out on the leech boot enchant.

Thanks, I have nice boots with the enchant already so no problem there and will get a presence, then spend my remaining ex on a shield/jewelry.

Appreciate the tips looking forward to piling a few more levels on and getting into some higher tier maps
Just reviewing the gems in the video, bit confused as you have curse on hit in 2 slots for warlords mark (helm) and assassins mark (weapon) but we're taking any nodes to allow us to apply more than 1 curse?

What did i miss?
ninjaxus 님이 2017. 5. 15. 오전 9:28:15에 마지막으로 편집
ninjaxus 님이 작성:
Just reviewing the gems in the video, bit confused as you have curse on hit in 2 slots for warlords mark (helm) and assassins mark (weapon) but we're taking any nodes to allow us to apply more than 1 curse?

What did i miss?

The Orb of Storms setup with Warlord's is there to give you power charges and leech during sustained fights, like bosses. Assassin's is for general clear. You use either one or the other, so you only need one active curse.
Anaphyis 님이 2017. 5. 15. 오전 10:32:32에 마지막으로 편집
Sorry more questions :D

What gem changes are there for low life? Just swap enlighten?
If someone got a char to link that'd be sweet

Why two movement abilities? I have not played shield charge before
Just go to OP's profile, he has a fully top gear kitted out LL version of this build.
Basically, either run Haste on Blood Magic or Discipline and Clarity on Blood magic while running Arctic Armor in addition to HoI and Hatred normally. The former gives more clear speed, the latter more sustain and tankiness. The other damage auras won't do a lot for you since they don't scale well with this setup.

As for Flame Dash, it's convenient because it can zoom over gaps and cliffs, which Shield Charge can't, and there's space for it in the CI build. You'll have to cut it to make space for your new aura, together with CWDT.
Anaphyis 님이 2017. 5. 16. 오후 2:15:03에 마지막으로 편집
I'm running the LL version of this build and liking it so far. Overall, my damage feels great except for bosses.

Is swapping Pierce for Slower Projectiles still the solution for single target problems? I could swap the Biscos for a Karui Ward and get some more damage, but I would ideally like to keep using it.

Thanks! Great Build!

tjohn86 님이 작성:
I'm running the LL version of this build and liking it so far. Overall, my damage feels great except for bosses.

Is swapping Pierce for Slower Projectiles still the solution for single target problems? I could swap the Biscos for a Karui Ward and get some more damage, but I would ideally like to keep using it.

Thanks! Great Build!

Me too - I'm just about to hit 81 and blitz everything apart from boss on shaped shores.

Running 5L shav's with presence as need the ES so can't go Kauri without swapping out a bunch of other stuff.

Also what do people do for str for gem req's? Or am i levelling my red gems up too much?
I have a lot of +int on gear as my other ES char required it.. but could buy +str if it's worthwhile.
I spotted on reddit somewhere that you need +21 bloodmagic to run the 3 aura's at once?

At the moment I use bloodmagic on haste, then other auras are discipline & clarity boosted with lvl 3 empower + herald of ice. Not entirely sure what the best setup is.
tjohn86 님이 작성:
Is swapping Pierce for Slower Projectiles still the solution for single target problems?

Pretty much. EK Nova, at least the ele version, isn't a great boss killer. I found it sufficient and if you pop a vaal clarity it's usually over before you run into mana sustain problems, but it doesn't feel very smooth. Maybe if you remove the nova jewel at bosses, but who has the time for that.

ninjaxus 님이 작성:

Also what do people do for str for gem req's? Or am i levelling my red gems up too much?

You are leveling them too much. As in, at all. You can leave all but Blood Magic on 1; both Shield Charge and Fortify only gain damage when leveled, which you don't need, and Warlord's gains Endurance Charge chance, which you again don't need. The leech is the same whether on 1 or 20.

As for Blood Magic, Level 5 is enough to run Haste. I run that with Discipline, HoI and Hatred. Mana sustain wasn't a problem for clearing except for occasional hickups and no recover map mods. During boss fights, I just popped a Vaal Clarity.

If you want to cut something to make space for Clarity, cut the HoI curse on hit setup and get a Blue Dream (or the Intuitive Leap budget version) to generate your power charges that way. Hatred adds significant damage, HoI almost none since this build scales phys. HoI just looks pretty with the MTX and spreads curses, that's all it's there for in this build.
Anaphyis 님이 2017. 5. 25. 오전 8:39:55에 마지막으로 편집
about the gloves, is there any difference between insanity gloves and normal gloves with atk speed mods? it should do pretty much the same thing right? boosting our mobility.

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