[3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM #

Hello. I started on this build and a have question - what do you think about using - tremor rod? I buy for lvl-ing and I wonder if it makes sense in it, as in the main weapon (5-6l). Big thx
Hey, thanks for your build.

I don't like the ES version too much. You can easily reach 5.5-6k life and with MOM thats like 8-8.5k effective life and you have your life pots.

I am also currently debating where to go with build. Mapping up to T13 goes really well, sometimes there are some tricky bosses or when I run through maps too fast and miss the timing on detonating.

How can I improve my build to run (higher) maps even smoother or eventually to even kill guardians (probably not good to farm guardians with this build?)?

Mainly I am debating what chest I should use instead of tabula (was thinking about Belly, but its like 1600 chroms to color) or if I should go Tremor Rod + Kaoms Heart.

With Tremor Rod you are laying mines so fast (and they can be detonated twice), so you probably placing new mines before the 2nd detonation if you spam it? So what is actually the effective DPS?

Big downside of Tremor+Kaoms is obviously no Shield Charge, but I am not using it that much while mapping so it might be worth.

My gear: (most items bought for 1-2c, and can obviously improved with higher total life, but I wanna know where my build is going first)

You can also have a look at my tree. I got more life nodes and prefer the cluster on the left with life+powercharge+elementalist+lightofdivinity (next getting purity of flesh cluster). You don't need that much critchance on the tree especially if you have a lot on your dagger and chest, it has diminishing returns.
VisorX 님이 2017. 8. 11. 오전 10:21:14에 마지막으로 편집
uez 님이 작성:
RadamelFalcão 님이 작성:
How come iam lvl 83 and I just changed my build to CI and my energy shield is only 3.3k?

Gloves 159 ES, shield 183 ES, helm 209 ES, only my chest doesnt give me ES, but still how is it so low?

I'll link you my gear to give a base. Dude you need ES on your chest, that's the most ES you're going to get from gear!! That's the whole point of going CI, to get as much Energy Shield as possible so you can take hits in addition to being 100% chaos res. Every single Energy Shield point matters. To put it into perspective, if I take off my 510 ES chest, my ES goes DOWN from 8k to 5.7k!! The energy shield nodes increase the amount of ES you get from items so really try to get as much as you can. Even upgrading your shield from 183 to a higher number around 240 will give you a significant boost in your ES. Look at my tree if you want to. I bought an Energy From Within jewel to boost ES as well. Also try finding rings and amulet with ES too. I get at least 400 ES from rings alone. Amulet gives even more because it can roll 20%+ increased ES.

Thanks for replying, how much did u pay for that body if you dont mind me asking?
RadamelFalcão 님이 작성:

Thanks for replying, how much did u pay for that body if you dont mind me asking?

I actually just crafted it myself. I bought a 6 socket ilvl 84 Vaal Regalia for like 10 chaos. I decided to just chaos spam (not recommended if you don't have a lot), and got that roll in like 25 chaos I think. Master crafted the %ES and got max roll lol then I 6 linked it myself in around 70ish fuses.
IGN: uez
uez 님이 2017. 8. 11. 오후 9:42:42에 마지막으로 편집
Crafted this today. Pretty good damage boost, definitely helps killing bosses. I've been running tier 13-15 maps. I'm scared to try guardians still though haha.
IGN: uez
hey can you look at my profile and tell me why I only make half of your dmg? tried to buy after you:(
FallenWars 님이 작성:
hey can you look at my profile and tell me why I only make half of your dmg? tried to buy after you:(

your profile is set to private ;)
Would you recommend Herald of Ice? Not using frostbite curse at the moment. During the 2-week race, I played without HoI and with Blasp + Frostbite which allowed me to freeze T10 + T11 bosses.
Can this build do any and all content in 3.0?

How much would me spend on her? I'm looking for a cheap build.
Ah im very sorry, should work now

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