[3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM #

hi i found this very helpful i am finding some good miner build for 3.0 but ES will have a nerf right?
Dejan_killer 님이 작성:
I did just like you say:

With NUM5* trick u can detonate mines like pro!

*NUM5 Trick:
1. Go to Options "O" ---> INPUT
2. Find "Attack in place" (default is SHIFT), click and change it on NUM5 (5 from Numpad ;) )
3. Save!

4. NOW Press NUM5, hold it
5. Turn off NUM LOCK OFF

Steps 4 & 5 reapeat every time u launch game"

But nothing is happening,i can active mines only if i press detonates mines on right click on mouse.

I really do not understand what the point is with NUMPAD 5

Hi! I can record video for You
The point of NUM5 Trick is: U can place mine under your foots, excatly where are u standing even if your cursor is on right corner of the screen.
If u dont use NUM5 trick u place mines where is your cursor so if u point it on mobs u place mines in mobs so that = dead?
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
cg_ardi 님이 작성:
hi i found this very helpful i am finding some good miner build for 3.0 but ES will have a nerf right?

Hi! Here's version for 3.0 and iam not sure how big is that nerf. Path of Building shows me that i have more ES that in 2.6 (~200ES)

Anyway! Wait for 3.0 and try it! If u dont like CI (ES build) just go for Life/Mom :)
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
Thanks my friend for explaining about NUM 5.
Dejan_killer 님이 2017. 8. 3. 오후 2:21:17에 마지막으로 편집
Dejan_killer 님이 작성:
Thanks my friend for explaining about NUM 5.

Hi, if u still have some problems with NUM5 Trick i just created a Tutorial for it!

Num5 Trick - Tutorial
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ### pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1903979
Hi yeah I'm looking to go with a similar build switching to Low Life later on, and I'm torn between going Saboteur or Occultist. Occultist simply for the survivability that Wicked Ward/Vile Bastion give. I have never played a miner, how annoying is the playstyle without the Saboteur utility?
ign DivineRapierMedusa
You barely have 130% life in your life mom build, is that correct?
What's your tooltip numbers in town/fully buffed?
Damiano_POL 님이 작성:
Dejan_killer 님이 작성:
Thanks my friend for explaining about NUM 5.

Hi, if u still have some problems with NUM5 Trick i just created a Tutorial for it!

Num5 Trick - Tutorial

Ty,ty,ty,you are the best
Please add POB code to the main post. Thanks!

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