[3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM #

Is there any unique remind for leveling?
uez 님이 작성:
Decided to run this build for the new league. It gets really fun once you get the first jewel! Do you run 2 frozen trails or 3?

You can only use 2 frozen trails at the same time.
I'm finally at maps. This build is so damn fun. Went Life-MOM. 3.4k HP / 3k ES at the moment. Ok gear considering league just started.

I still need the pots and going to upgrade my weapon tomorrow but so far so good!
IGN: uez
uez 님이 2017. 8. 6. 오전 4:38:10에 마지막으로 편집
Anyone have a small amount of leveling advice ?

What skills to level up with easily till what point ? When do I go and use main skill ?

Thanks a lot !
What's your take on Tremor rod, why not use it? Also for the life MoM version, what do you suggest I do regarding mana reservation? Should I be using Clarity? Should I be using AA? Blasphemy, maybe 2 curses with a Deodre's Damning? Maybe use the chest that gives you free AA? Use Essence Worm so I can use Clear Mind jewel? Like there are so many different options I have no clue what to do. I was playing FNM (Still am, but I might decide to switch to this. The switch is really easy so np, but for both FNM and this build I don't know what to do with my mana lol.)
KillerKookie 님이 작성:
What's your take on Tremor rod, why not use it? Also for the life MoM version, what do you suggest I do regarding mana reservation? Should I be using Clarity? Should I be using AA? Blasphemy, maybe 2 curses with a Deodre's Damning? Maybe use the chest that gives you free AA? Use Essence Worm so I can use Clear Mind jewel? Like there are so many different options I have no clue what to do. I was playing FNM (Still am, but I might decide to switch to this. The switch is really easy so np, but for both FNM and this build I don't know what to do with my mana lol.)

mom/life/es hybrid works for me with just discipline.
There's a limit of 2 Frozen Trail jewels.
promiscuousx 님이 작성:
Anyone have a small amount of leveling advice ?

What skills to level up with easily till what point ? When do I go and use main skill ?

Thanks a lot !

I used Fire Nova Mine and Lightning Trap as main skills before I get 2 core jewels.
KillerKookie 님이 작성:
What's your take on Tremor rod, why not use it? Also for the life MoM version, what do you suggest I do regarding mana reservation? Should I be using Clarity? Should I be using AA? Blasphemy, maybe 2 curses with a Deodre's Damning? Maybe use the chest that gives you free AA? Use Essence Worm so I can use Clear Mind jewel? Like there are so many different options I have no clue what to do. I was playing FNM (Still am, but I might decide to switch to this. The switch is really easy so np, but for both FNM and this build I don't know what to do with my mana lol.)

I got a tremor rod version going on atm, easy to fast clear maps untill t14 with 5 link tremor, doing low tiers atm with 4 link. Im heading for those life nodes on the left side of my tree, then maybe those stave modes for crit and multi between mom and spell crits. If i wanna go end game with this i think i wanna try out +2 to cold staffs, had some nice ecperience with those in turmoil.

Soul of the brine king is nice to not get stun locked in place.
DeGyrst 님이 2017. 8. 6. 오전 11:26:21에 마지막으로 편집
Damiano_POL 님이 작성:

❄❄❄ TIPS & TRICKS ❄❄❄

Num5 Trick - Tutorial
With NUM5* trick u can detonate mines like pro!

*NUM5 Trick:
1. Go to Options "O" ---> INPUT
2. Find "Attack in place" (default is SHIFT), click and change it on NUM5 (5 from Numpad ;) )
3. Save!

4. NOW Press NUM5, hold it
5. Turn off NUM LOCK OFF

Steps 4 & 5 reapeat every time u launch game

In 3.0 have a problem with no generation of power charges with this trick, they are simply don't generate(with node for 15% ofc)

UPD: what have happened with generation of power charges?(they are too rare now...)
Not a native speaker, so...
BananaShot 님이 2017. 8. 6. 오전 11:46:56에 마지막으로 편집

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