[3.0] Miracle CoC Discharge, so broken you down all content on 60c and 5l

Pro and Cons

It doesn't really have cons besides being melee, the clear speed is rly high, it has top tier mov speed and utility.

How does it work:

It's really complex and fucked up, you use a double cast on crit Discharge while generating charges with your chest and with boots, the amulet removes the downside of using those boots, the Pathfinder grants you flask chages on crit and you have a stupid amount of crits output. You use righteous fire as a multiplier of your dmg and various forms of defense to being able to facetank.

Video guide


Buying Gear for 60c


Path of Building link:https://pastebin.com/3XXWzejm

bandits: Oak, Kraityn, Allira. in 3.0 Allira

Gear Sample:

Upgrades that make the build do more damage:

with FireStorm in it

If you can afford the rings with reduced mana cost of skills you can use MoM in combination with Vinktar and have a 30% dmg reduction with no downside

Gems links


Weapon: Discharge, ele focus, life leech or controlled destruction if you have Vinktar
Chest 5l, Cyclone, cast on crit, discharge, inc crit chance, fortify + fire storm on 6l
3l: Righteous Fire, conc, ele focus
3l: cwdt level 1, firestorm level 7, blade vortex level 7
3l: Level 20 cwdt, ice golem, blood rage
3l: cwdt level 1, warlord mark level 1, immortal call level 1

Herald of thunder, purity of fire, arctic armour and decoy totem if you want.

Level up tree:


How to level up in a new league:

We only need to respect 7 points, and those are less than the respec points you get for free leveling.

1)You level up with bow, in act1 pick sharpenl shot as reward to kill the big zombie, buy fire trap from vendor, get quick silver flask as reward from the quest ''mercy mission'' (it's a side quest you get right away), make a new level 1, get another quicksilver flask and put it in the stash so you can use it on your real character.

2) When you get into the prison take the waypoint and go to town, get cold dmg from the girl, and siege balista from the man.

3) When you kill the mermaid boss go back to town and buy lesser multiple projectile and lightning arrow from the girl, and blink arrow as a reward from the man, use blink arrow when you are out of quick silver flask charges. Lightning arrow+Lesser Multiple Projectile + whatever, will be your aoe setup, remove multiple projectiles when u need single target.

4)Now you are in act 2, go to chamber of sin's first, when you kill the scorpion go to town and one of the men will have herald of ice as quest reward, buy herald of thunder from one of the girls.
After you kill the big spider you'll have new gems for level 18+ from the girl, get elemental damage as quest reward and buy faster attack. You can use faster attack instead of multiple projectile for bosses.

5) You are now in act 3, when you complete your first quest in act3, go back to town and get poacher's mark as a reward, use it on big packs to get more flasks charges.
After you get to level 28, go to town, switch herald of thunder for Wrath and get Blast rain as your quest reward, and use that linked with Weapon Elemental damage, faster attacks and if u have a 4l cold damage aswell.
You can use that for both single target and aoe. Before you go to act 4 make sure you go to the library and do the side quest.

6)You are now in act 4, after you complete your first quest, you get Ice golem from the girl.

7)Go to library, complete the quest and buy all gems you need for endgame, you can level them up in the secondary weapon set. Keep playing with bow till you can buy your chest and 5l it.

tl:dr Use bow, get Rain Blast at level 28, Rain Blast + WED + Faster Attacks + X, switch to discharge when you can buy the chest and Cospri

AceofSpadesqt 님이 2017. 6. 25. 오후 4:56:30에 마지막으로 편집
마지막 추천 2018. 2. 21. 오후 4:23:17
i love you building

you just make some low budget build

it's very nice and good job

thx for everybuild

i will try it in Act 8 patch (wipe)

阿克蒙德 님이 작성:
i love you building

you just make some low budget build

it's very nice and good job

thx for everybuild

i will try it in Act 8 patch (wipe)


Tnx i love your comments on my guides, you are by far my favorite supporter XD
I am looking for Cyclone+Discharge COC for a long time

but i just find 2.6 build

you are my first find it

i want to find like that build , becasue 3 years ago , 2014 version i just play COC ! it's cool !

can you add this build how to leveing ? just simep guide

Expect this build to become better

and i love you [3.0] WanderFinder Under 1ex too

Hope to see more of your build

sorry , my english is bad
阿克蒙德 님이 2017. 6. 22. 오후 3:32:52에 마지막으로 편집
It's going to be a while before anyone is able to farm Uul Netol breaches to get the boots, what boots should be used in the meantime?
阿克蒙德 님이 작성:
I am looking for Cyclone+Discharge COC for a long time

but i just find 2.6 build

you are my first find it

i want to find like that build , becasue 3 years ago , 2014 version i just play COC ! it's cool !

can you add this build how to leveing ? just simep guide

Expect this build to become better

and i love you [3.0] WanderFinder Under 1ex too

Hope to see more of your build

sorry , my english is bad

i will add a leveling guide
agates911 님이 작성:
It's going to be a while before anyone is able to farm Uul Netol breaches to get the boots, what boots should be used in the meantime?

You can use rare boots, you don't need frenzy charges till you reach Guardians, if you get to Guardians before people drop boots, you are rly good and can afford voll's devotion or choir of the storm for a similar dps boost.
Which ascendancy points do you get first?
CellsOfExile 님이 작성:
Which ascendancy points do you get first?

Master surgeon last, rest is up to personal preference
Hi there!

Sorry but you forgot something...

Your build is rely on The Red Trail boots cause of ms bonuses for cyclone and the most important thing; the frenzy charge generation what makes possible to consume charges with Rotgut flask and double Discharge too.

- Breach league is not available in 3.0
- Breach league specific items are also not available in 3.0
- Cospri's Malice is a really hard to get item at early league/or after wipe (really expensive too) cause you need a level 8 master to get it.
- 5-linked Voll's is also expensive like all the 5 links at the first week.

Resault: You mightly fail when you start with that build after wipe.

I maded a CoC Discharge Witch Occultist for 3.0 and it works fine but I failed on maps.
The problem is ENERGY SHIELD s*cks now.
You can try it too maybe Assassin a better choice, but I like the Occultist ascendancy.

I prefer Pathfinder if you got the GGGGG+ gear...~

Good luck, have fun!

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