[3.0] Miracle CoC Discharge, so broken you down all content on 60c and 5l

Don´t expect OP to answer. He sadly had to quit POE due to some problems with his wrists...
ugh so I finished my scion discharger so now I'm onto trying pf and it feels questionable, though I want it to work as I find it a bit more refreshing and definitely "faster" that's if consistently proc that is lol.

with scion, i've cleared all guardians and shaper and can do so with relative ease, with this character though I need a few more levels before I can really make any comments. dying to refl feelsbad and my damage output feels kinda sketch, very shaky.
Uhm any chance u can do a step by step leveling guide first time trying discharge would be awesome if u could
VolticSaurus 님이 2017. 9. 27. 오후 10:18:05에 마지막으로 편집
So ur telling me i wasted nearly half 95% of my money on a build that doesnt even work in 3.0? due the tree being 2.6... please someone help.... im just passed the leveling build but the heart and soul nodes moved and so did other stuff help please :$ welp i just got to 68... and this build is utter shit i cant even do Tier 1 maps without dying to one shots ........ fecking bullshit build does no dmg righteos fire cant be maintained due to vaal pact it literally drains u in 2 seconds to 0 hp charges arent generated fast enuf to maintain explosions and u cant even kill yellows due to no single target dmg... Please do ur self a favor dont follow this build its garbage
VolticSaurus 님이 2017. 9. 28. 오후 12:39:01에 마지막으로 편집
Kevin, if you don't have path of building get it.

Here is the Op's build transfered 1:1 to 3.0.

import that into PoB and you'll see its exactly the same. You lose out on 1 power charge thanks to 3.0 removing the bandit rewards, but have 1 more passive than you would otherwise have.
Is this still viable? I just hit lvl 65 hoping that would help sustain RF, but the drain is still crazy fast without being able to keep flask charges up. Is it even worth continuing?
DancesWithDaleks 님이 작성:
Is this still viable? I just hit lvl 65 hoping that would help sustain RF, but the drain is still crazy fast without being able to keep flask charges up. Is it even worth continuing?

the build isn't trying to sustain RF. You only turn it on for bosses to get the damage multiplier from it for discharge(/firestorm). It's a risky mechanic but you should be able to tank most stuff with a high enough life pool and vaal pact.
nice build

But i do not get the benefit of arcitc armor cuz you are moving while cyclone and do not get the dmg reduction only the chilled ground

Explain Pls
did this build work in 3.1 ?

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