is it hardcore viable? also which bosses can it do ? or is it only good for farming?
Tsuum 님이 작성:
is it hardcore viable? also which bosses can it do ? or is it only good for farming?

Not HC viable. And all Bosses are possible. If you want to play a HC viable CoC Discharge build, look for the Berserker variant that uses Mjolner. It is also all bosses viable.
Mecielle 님이 2017. 8. 30. 오전 9:41:45에 마지막으로 편집
double post
Mecielle 님이 2017. 8. 30. 오전 9:41:27에 마지막으로 편집
The clearspeed on this build is incredible, but I am really really squishy atm.

Does anyone know what I have done wrong?

Character: CANTOSpro
The clearspeed on this build is incredible, but I am really really squishy atm.

Does anyone know what I have done wrong?

Character: CANTOSpro

Well apart from the obvious, you missing a ton of life nodes, nothing obvious I see. What Tier of maps are you running?
Mecielle 님이 2017. 8. 30. 오후 7:08:14에 마지막으로 편집
Hi, can this build do shaper on a 5l or 6l? I've heard these builds had no dps but it just looks amazing and I really want to give it a go, but if it's only for clear then I already have my build
Hi guys
I was curious if it would be possible to somehow make this HC viable by using Kaoms Heart along with saffells? My biggest worry in that case would be the amount of procs from cospris being sufficient and obviously having high enough melee crit chance because we can't afford to miss procs in HC. I just really want to play a crit version of the mjolner HC one and it only seems possible with ascendant. The trouble is that the life is so damn low for HC.
Hi, could The Tempest's Binding be a good Helmet for this build, with discharge Ennchantment ofc?
You would lose some life and crit oppossed to Starkonjas but gain some Res and a 5th Link for your Herald Whatever that could be.
Hi, could The Tempest's Binding be a good Helmet for this build, with discharge Ennchantment ofc?
You would lose some life and crit oppossed to Starkonjas but gain some Res and a 5th Link for your Herald Whatever that could be.

I mean i couldnt see why not. You'd lose some life yes. You could set up another discharge in it and see if you could sustain. It'd be another why of getting frenzy charges from the ice bite
Hi, could The Tempest's Binding be a good Helmet for this build, with discharge Ennchantment ofc?
You would lose some life and crit oppossed to Starkonjas but gain some Res and a 5th Link for your Herald Whatever that could be.

I mean i couldnt see why not. You'd lose some life yes. You could set up another discharge in it and see if you could sustain. It'd be another why of getting frenzy charges from the ice bite

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